Cheatcode To Creativity


I used to think Twitter was the worst social media app out there.

Especially in 2012.

During that time, I was serving as the External Vice President for my fraternity.

My main job was to throw events & make sure our fraternity was relevant in Greek life.

The media of choice for me was Facebook.

What a beauty Facebook was.

You could create events.

You could post on walls.

You could post pictures.


The first few events that I designed on Facebook was a hit.

Basically create the events. Write a lit description. And post pictures.

And once 10 people clicked attending, it would build momentum.

Why the hell would I ever leave Facebook for anything else?

Especially Twitter.

Seems like a bunch of Facebook statuses....pass.

Fast forward 7 years.

I don't even check Facebook anymore.

And when i do, its typically by accidentally clicking on the notification popup message on my phone.

But with Twitter?

I actively make it an effort to post daily.


Because it makes me more creative.


Because I can do more with less.

Some people get mad that Twitter only has 280 characters per tweet.

'Seems a little low Trilli, no?'

Well, that's the point.

The cheatcode to creativity is to do more with less.

It's to make magic happen when others panic.

Did you ever have that moment when your back was against the wall?

Imagine a time in school when you were a few points away from an A.

So what did you do?

You decided to get more creative.

You sweet talked the TAs for the few added points.

That didn't work?

Then you went straight to the professor.

You were operating in ways which were out of the ordinary for you.

You were behaving like this because you had a job to do.

And that was to get an A.

Having your back against the wall seems like a bad thing when it wasn't your choice.

But it brings out the best in you.

Now take that into the real world.

'So you're saying to WILLINGLY put my back against the wall?'

Yea. Challenge yourself.

I never thought it would be possible to compress an idea into 280 characters.

And even if it was possible, it would be VERY basic platitudes.

Nothing of substance.

That was false.

280 characters is more than enough.

And if you don't think you can do it, then you are being overly logical.

Overly logical & creativity cannot coexist at the same time homie.

You need to pick one at a time.

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And I recommend you lead with creativity & then you edit with logic.

That's how i live my life & its much fun than the reverse.

Overall, you want to do more with less.

I just bought up the Twitter example in the context of writing.

But try doing it for your own craft.

So if you're a chef, then learn the art of improvising.

Pretty sure you have already done it a few times without awareness.

I know you've forgotten an item or 2 in the grocery store before lol.

But you still managed to find what you DID have in the house & work with that.

Creativity spills over to all other parts of your life.

It's because creativity is a way of thinking, not just an act.

It is pattern recognition at its finest.

And if you want to be a great communicator, then understand that creativity is the gasoline to your car.

Without it, you ain't going nowhere.

So find a way to do more with less.

Pull a rabbit out of the hat & put others in awe.

They will think you are just naturally gifted.

But no.

We know you have been practicing for a long time.

This article is my entry to @isaria week 28 creative coin contest

Blogged with ❤️ by Trilston 💲

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