It's That Good

Messing Around

We all have things we like to do. Some of it we do to relax, others to have fun, and still more for the challenges the activity affords.

In the video I've linked here, I think I managed to accomplish all three of those things—relax, have some fun, and actually create something that took more time and work than it's really actually worth, but that I can derive some personal satisfaction from.


I was attending LDS Business College in Salt Lake City, Utah. I live in Western Oregon. It's a twelve hour drive, one-way. Needless to say, I didn't commute every day. Thus, the sixteen months it took to get an Associates of Applied Science degree in Social Media Marketing was stressful. Not being able to be around my wife for weeks or months on end was not a good thing. I don't recommend it.

And while there was quite a bit of creativity required for school, it came with the added stress of deadlines, grades, and getting outside one's comfort zone, something that for me at the time (I was 49 then), was the last thing I wanted to do. Just going back to college for the first time in 30 years was out of the comfort zone enough.

So, taking some moments away from schoolwork to just mess around was important to me. I'm sure all students, current and former can relate to that. It had to be something that wouldn't take more than a couple of hours to complete, though, because I really couldn't afford to get behind in my homework.


This is a 30-ish second commercial I created with the help of an app called Action Movie FX. The app has been around since 2011, and when I made this back in the summer of 2015, the effects weren't exactly HD. They look best on a small screen, like a smartphone. Action Movie FX comes from Bad Robot, which is J. J. Abrams' production studio.

Yes, that J. J. Abrams—Lost, Star Trek (1 & 2 of the latest iteration), Star Wars (episodes 7 & 9), Mission Impossible (3), and a movie favorite of mine, Super 8.

If you haven't clicked to watch it yet, go ahead. I'll wait.

Okay, That's Long Enough

The fun of doing this for me is that it combines quite a few elements I enjoy.

  • I like video editing quite a bit, even though it's probably the most tedious of all of it, beyond perhaps, trying to keep continuity. This project wasn't so large that continuity was an issue, but even the smallest of projects can be time consuming when it comes to editing and a recovering perfectionist like me.

  • I like attention to detail, but not overly so. The problem with using the app, though, is that in order for the effects to work properly, they need to be framed just right, or they become distracting rather than engaging. And aside from coming off even more amateurish than what will ultimately be accomplished anyway, it will bug the heck out of me if I don't achieve some level of craftsmanship. It just can't feel like work, or I'll stress out over my stress reliever.

As an aside, to demonstrate what I mean—for a yet unpublished and unfinished novel I wrote, I actually took the time to figure out how many acres of beach, homes, forests, mines, rivers, lakes, mountains, etc., a fictitious island I created for the story could have based on set dimensions. I found it actually more enjoyable to figure that out than writing most of the book, even though none of that detail was ever going to make it on a page.

  • The app has different kinds of effects, much of which includes some kind of explosion or some form of destruction. Not so keen on that in real life, but in a fictitious action movie, or in the above commercial, it's fun.

  • I like Star Trek, so the fact that the app also has some Star Trek sequences is cool.

  • I like commercials that keep your attention, but keep you guessing as to what they're about until the very end. Hopefully, I managed to do some of that here, because one of my pet peeves when it comes to commercials is not knowing what it was about. If you can't figure out what's being sold, then the commercial failed miserably.

  • I like sound effects, even more than I like visual effects. Growing up during the golden era of radio would have been a blast for me. So, I like the sounds that go with the effects in this commercial.

  • I like being behind the camera much more than in front of it. I've done some acting (school, church), but it's pretty nerve-racking to be honest. So, I think it's cool that I'm in the commercial, but not seen. You do hear my voice, though, so if you ever wanted to know what Grandpa sounds like, here's your chance.

  • Entertaining myself. I've done this with the couple of self-published Kindle books I've written as well as with virtually anything I do. The project needs to keep my interest, so there's probably going to be some kind of quirkiness involved that only I find cool or humorous. Essentially, the commercial was created to entertain me.

  • There's obviously another element I put into the commercial that I really like, too, but I'm not going to mention it here so as to not give away what the commercial is about.

That's About It

I don't have a whole lot of videos I've created over the years, but maybe every now and then I'll post one and then talk about it. And if I get really motivated, maybe I'll even make new ones.

I was hoping my latest quadcopter that I posted about a couple of days ago would give me a chance to do more video, but my feeling is, it won't be the best solution. Even so, there still may be some form of video posted from fly overs I do, if the subject matter is of interest.

Video courtesy of Glen Anthony Albrethsen


To listen to the audio version of this article click on the play image.

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Haha, that's pretty cool. I have to say, video editing isn't my thing...I use iMovie on my MacBook if and when I have to do some although it's basic stuff...No explosions or car wrecks to be found... 😂


Hey, @galenkp.

I'm not even sure what I used to edit this one now. I've used iMovie a few times, but Quicktime allows for some simple editing, too, and I might have used that. There's a couple others I've used, too, including Apple's Final Cut Studio, but that's a little much for this.

Luckily, the visual and sound effects come straight from the app, so positioning things was the only tricky part when it came to that.

The app is kind of fun to monkey around with but it is a lot of the same thing over and over, so it gets kind of boring after a while. Plus, like most free apps, to get to stuff you want, you have to pay—seems like it was $1.99 or something like that per pack of FX.


I'd like to do some more editing but to be honest I don't tend to take a loot of footage. I have a GoPro and sometimes use that when I'm shooting but typically all I take is still pictures. I'd like a drone though, that would be cool.


I've nearly bought a GoPro a half dozen times over the years. I like the idea of being able to mount them to virtually anything. I haven't because, like you, I don't tend to do a whole lot of shooting of video, which means I would have to have specific projects in mind to use it for, and the ones I have in mind would probably require more than one. At present, I don't have the time, so there's justifying the expense.

I'm hoping to get out and do some more flying of the one I got for Christmas. It's just not going to be like the pro-style ones people have been posting here. The $1,000-plus kind. :) Mine's $39.99 when it's not on sale. :)


There are cheaper action cameras around but I guess one has to determine how much it would be used. I used to use it a lot for off-roading on my vehicles but sort of lost interest preferring to simply enjoy and live in the moment. I can't afford a drone at the moment and so I don't have one...Probably won't ever get one I guess...Again, comes down to need over want.


This was super cool!!! @glenalbrethsen

I am stunned. I don't care what you say, the effects are off the charts tome. I am intrigued by video editing, although, the only thing I do now is take them and hold them on a card. LOL

Not too worried as they are mostly everyday mundane things, but, I think I would like to tool around a little bit without having to go to college.I have been twice already and once for a lecture series. Stick a fork in me, I 'm done. :)

Well done and I really would love to see more!

Have a great day!



Hey, @dswigle.

Well, thank you. Very nice of you to say.

The app essentially takes care of the effects as you're recording whatever the scene is, so depending on what it is, there might be nothing to do but make sure what you're recording works—the scene of the explosions hitting the driveway and even the car crash were basically recording just the driveway or the empty street—the app filled in the explosions and the cars.

For the teleporting that takes place in the beginning, the object needs to be there in the beginning then removed before the effect fades, so that's a bit trickier because there's not a whole lot of time to work with as far as the effect goes, and it essentially overlaps to takes, one with the object and then one without, while maintaining the same angle, distance, height, etc.

Video editing isn't really that hard, depending on what you want to do. It can get complicated if you need to add in things afterwards, like sound or visual effects. A lot of cheaper editors aren't equipped, for instance, to handle green screen, or shrinking or growing things that are normal-sized, all things I've needed to do in some of my more ambitious efforts.

So, anyway, with video editing, setting up as few shots as possible so that it's mostly about cutting for length is probably easiest, and for most "mundane" projects, probably the best.

Going back to college for me wasn't what I wanted to do, but it seemed like the only recourse at the time. The only thing worse than going in the first place was the feeling that I was essentially out of options.


I think that was good sir Glen! Not a boring second to it either. How long did that take to put together?


Hey, @janton.

I can't remember now. It was roughly 3.5 years ago. :) I don't think it took that long, otherwise, I wouldn't have completed it. My guess it was more or less three or so hours to record it, and then edit it. I kept it short and simple, with little dialogue and with all the effects coming from the app.


And these days it wouldn't take so long probably?


I'm not sure exactly what you mean. How long it takes would probably depend largely on the scope of the project, rather than any greater efficiency on the part of the video editors I might use or my own im proved editing/recording abilities over the last three plus years. I don't do it that often. :)


Yes, I was thinking of high tech editing software that made things fast and easy but then I know nothing about it. lol. How's this week's work going?


It's almost over, which is good. And I managed to do three of the places I'm slated to go to tomorrow today, so I'll only have five to do tomorrow. Probably start around 8:30-ish and hope to be done by 2:30-ish, if not sooner. Four of the places I was just at on Monday, so I'm not expected a whole lot to do since most of the work comes after a weekend, but I won't be there again until the following Friday so I need to make sure things are filled and working when I leave.


That sounds great to be able to get off early sir Glen! And if you don't have to do anything on Saturday it will be a nice weekend to rest up and catch up on steemit. Sounds like the first part of the week is the toughest.


Well, Monday and Tuesday of every week are usually the longest days. Every other Wednesday is also included. Thursday just depends on how many ATMs there are to fill and where as to how that day goes, but Friday I try to minimize because it seems to make sense, as you said, to have the long weekend.

When my wife is off, like tomorrow, there's always something she wants to do. :)


Well at least life is not boring sir Glen! How many ATM's do you service and how much money do you have to carry that goes into those? That sounds like a job for Brinks or someone.


I think in a lot of cases, it is a job for Brinks. I know one major restaurant at least has ATMs that got their money through Brinks or the other guys. I was kind of surprised when I found out we actually do that, but they are a vending machine in a sense—more like dispensary—and it makes the company money.

I'm not sure if I should get too specific here about how many ATMs and how much I usually carry. Regardless, anyway, it varies from day to day, and some spots will go through more money than others. I might have zero to fill one day, three the next, it all depends. I think the most I've been assigned in one day is five or six, and they tend to be in places where we have other machines, so I'm also potentially collecting those and filling some of them, too. Except the cannabis shops, where it's always only ATMs.

The amounts make my wife nervous, but if someone were to rob a bank and only get what I carry, it would be pretty pitiful compared to the time, effort, and probable jail time. :) In general, one could potentially have a pretty good time for a couple of weeks to a month or so, depending on how big of a spender one was. :)


Howdy tonight sir Glen! Did you have today totally off work I hope? No vending machines in the cannabis shops. Just because they are not that type of businesses?


Well, we don't have vending machines, per se. Ours are basically for amusement. I'm not entirely sure why we don't have them there, other than space in some cases, and that the clientele is basically in and out.

Since cannabis is not federally legal, cash needs to be used to purchase product, thus the ATMs.

I actually had to go check out a jukebox. Fortunately, it wasn't too far to go and it ended up being a relatively easy fix.


They still have jukeboxes? That's interesting about the reason for cash at the cannabis stores!


Well, yes. The jukeboxes aren't like they used to be, with 45s and then CDs. Just like everything else, it's all digital, and so there's a hard drive where the music is stored, and it's constantly updated over the Internet.


That sounds pretty cool sir Glen. You just have that jukebox in one place? Is it a good money maker?


I have several jukeboxes throughout the different routes. The money they make really varies from location to location. Some do quite well within a two-week period of time, while others barely do anything within in a month.

Bars tend to do better than anywhere else as far as jukeboxes go, and so that's where most of them are.

avatar never thought you'd be going into bars everyday! lol. I was wondering if that would be a type that you'd get if you do your own place someday.


Hey, @janton.

If I had my own game place? I'm not sure how well a juke box would do. Guess it would depend. There was a place we had machines in that was all games, along with serving food and alcohol. So, it essentially catered to all ages. The four games we had there did awesome-some of the best money I've seen in seven months came from those machines. The jukebox though was probably among the worst of the juke boxes.

Bar settings aren't bad because people are looking to relax, I think, shoot some pool if it's there, drink, etc., and music can help people do that, or commiserate, or get pumped, whatever they're looking to do.

It also depends on what's going on. Ambient noise might not make paying for songs that attractive if you can't hear it over the rest.


Howdy sir Glen! Great points. What were those four games that were doing so well?
Hey can I ask you a dumb question? I don't have much of a handle of my wallet and how things work but today I looked and I have a -128 steem and I don't know how that's possible sense I have no steem delegated. Do you have any idea?


Well, they had a sno-cross game where you actually ride a motorcycle and do stunts in on screen in the snow that was paired with their own game so you could compete with someone else—there was a space invaders game but on a huge multi-screen and cannons you could fire—and then two basketball games.

re: dumb question

According to steemworld, you have three outgoing delegations, hananali, steem-ua and winchestergirl42.

If you meant to cancel all of them, you might want to check via the method that you set them up with. Some allow for expiration dates, but others just keep going until you manually quit them.


Very interesting about the games sir Glen! Those sound like fun.
As far as the delegations, wow those were early on in my first year here and I think they had 90 day expirations so I'm surprised to see them. I don't even remember who I did those through.


Steemworld allows you to remove delegations, I think, so you could try there first. You might need to use one of your keys (posting perhaps, not sure which one). If that won't work, then you'll need to hunt down the one you used. Steemconnect is one, but it seems to want you to download an app or an extension to do it.


Thanks sir Glen I'll do that. Today is another short day at work for you?


Yeah, but it ended up being a little longer because the place with the most machines I fill on Fridays had issues with the ATM and three other games. I ended up only fixing one and temporarily fixing another. Hopefully, the boss was able to resolve the ATM and the basketball game. The one I temporarily fixed just has a volume setting problem, which is supposed to be taken care of when a new hard drive comes in for it.


Howdy again sir Glen! Very interesting, it's always something isn't it? But then if it wasn't they wouldn't need you!
