Traffic tells a tale of isolation and response in Ontario


Ontario's highways are some of the worst and most dangerous highways in North America. I used to travel them daily on the way to work, until COVID-19. These pictures are telling about Ontario's response to self isolation.

Just North of the main artery, this section of the 400 North bound is usually grid locked.

This morning our Premiere released a list of essential services that are the only businesses allowed to remain open. There was a list of 74 business types that could stay open.

A full list of identified essential services in Ontario, if you are interested.

One of the most shocking effects of the request for us all to stay home is the traffic decrease across the province. The highways, normally gridlocked at this time of the day are empty in comparison.


The above picture is South of the Toronto International Airport and one of the main sections of the 401. Usually packed.

Normal Rush Hour


Similar Location different angle


If you would like to see for yourself, have a look at the online GTA traffic cameras located at the Toronto Area Live Traffic Site or the Ministry of Traffic sites.

And the Highway South to the U.S. Border going towards Niagara Falls


Empty... It's incredible to see. Highway 401 is estimated to be one of the busiest highways in all of North America. It goes from South Western Ontario, across Ontario to Quebec. It's a main thoroughfare for goods and commuters, a life line to the province.


Parts of the road are inaccessible during the winter(especially close to the straight stretch around London), winter is the 401’s deadliest season. We still pack on to the highway day and night, in snow and ice, and in the sunshine or rain.

That is what it looks like on the roads here, during the pandemic. What does it look like in your city? I'm hoping/imagining it is the same.

Stay safe, stay healthy.



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