Let the Clouds Move Slow



Let the wind blow.
Let the light in.
Let me just breathe for a minute.
I'm okay. I'm well.
Let them eat and serve and create together.
I am proud to have variety and society and culture and curiosity and smirks and nods and unity and sharing and teaching.
Let the wind blow.
Let the clouds move slow.
Let the clouds talk to us slow.
You are okay, humans.
Float, rain, make music.
Know you are more than a moment and a mindset, more than a perspective or goal or need or promise or claim, more than math and water and flame.
A magic.
A mind blow.
A memory of connection in the depths of what you know.
I've been in this before in some way perhaps.
I've flown before perhaps.
I am connected and power.
I am your eye contact and smiles.

We are connected in some crazy way.

Be well.
(words and gif are original)
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