RE: Comic Fans, Need Your Input! My Journey to Opening a Store


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You mention stool for people to look through the boxes, I am not sure how wide your aisle's will be, but the customers will need room to dig and root through the boxes. I have a good reach at over 34 inches, but I also have a very hard time finding shirts with long enough sleeves, so I think maybe doing a full size mock up, (sounds like you have time), would be the best way. Get your wife, and kids, and a couple of friends see how they feel about the stool and the depth of the boxes.

Also I am a used book looker at used book stores, and yeah, sometimes it gets hard to look through boxes of magazines that are to long, and then people trying to squeeze past you while you root for that perfect gem. So not only is depth of box an issue, but width of aisle can be an issue also, and then the size of the customer, it is going to be hard to find a good middle road area, you can't plan based on the largest, or smallest customer. Fortunately attending all those comic-cons you should have a pretty good idea of the size of the average shopper you are to encounter.

Good luck, and hope the plan comes together for you.


Isle space is important. My thought was 4 feet. The only time I see an issue is if someone has a box pulled out and someone wants to stand right behind them looking at the other cabinet (there will be 3 rows, back to back of these cabinets). Being that people will be able to just go around if they wanted to get somewhere I think the 4 feet is more then enough.

Kids can't do long boxes, it's way to long for them. As a general rule my main buyer for back issues is adults at shows, but not sure once I open a shop. Neighborhood kids very well may want to start reading the origin stories of their favorite characters....hmmm...more to think about. Honestly hadn't even considered kids.

Fortunately attending all those comic-cons you should have a pretty good idea of the size of the average shopper you are to encounter.

lol...that could be taken a couple ways. But I have been thinking about it in terms of height for displays and width since that matters for isles. A few of my regulars are very large people so they just need more space and a couple are in wheelchairs so trying to make sure they can still get around the store.

Oh and the stool will be on wheels and purely be for the people who are looking at the lower shelf comics so they don't need to take a knee to dig around. Know there are plenty of people who just can't do that for any length of time (myself included).
