I Love to Live Free in Myself



For some, coffee has become an essential necessity of life, as it has become an indispensable drug in the case of addiction. I don't like to be addicted to anything, not to any habit, not to anyone. If I ever feel it, immediately take what is necessary to get rid of what I have been addicted to, no matter how expensive it may be, no matter how much it costs me. I remember at one point i was under the pressure of a job that increased my addiction to coffee, and as soon as I knew it, I stopped drinking it immediately and I needed it, and at the height of my attachment to it.

I love to live free in myself, drink my coffee whenever i want and however I want and just as much as I do.


Many people believe that coffee is a magic drink that only manipulates mood, and coffee cannot be linked to addiction. But the fact of the matter is that coffee is a type of addiction, because it contains a high percentage of caffeine, which controls the activity and helps to focus, but the question remains, how can you distinguish between a coffee addict and a non-addicted?


Best regards, ✍
M'ssieu Abdo
