China news roundup / Nachrichten 2021-06-02




Hong Kong’s Tiananmen Massacre museum shuts down after gov’t says it has no licence

"the museum was suspected to have operated without a license for places of public entertainment"

--- Ah yes, that commie public entertainment of killing thousands of protesters. Who would seriously commemorate such an event?


China Communist party ‘striving for people’s happiness’, says Xi Jinping, in call for charm offensive

"We should strengthen the propaganda and interpretation of the Communist party of China, and help foreign people realise that the Communist party of China [CCP] really strives for the happiness of the Chinese people"

--- They really do. Would we see numerous videos of shiny, happy people, particularly in Xinjiang & Tibet, if there were any human rights violations? Surely not. Videos of dancing people prove definitely that everything is fine under emperor Xi's heaven.

"You can have ‘good cop, bad cop’ scenarios. You can have the moments of more fiery rhetoric alongside things also presenting a more pleasant and contrived narrative"

--- Perhaps. On the one hand you would have all those TikTok/Youtube/etc. videos of shiny, happy people. On the other hand the 'wolf warrior' diplomats would still spout their venom. We'll see.


Hundreds of fishing fleets that go ‘dark’ suspected of illegal hunting, study finds

"Giant distant-water fishing fleets, primarily from China, are switching off their tracking beacons to evade detection while they engage in a possibly illegal hunt for squid and other lucrative species"

--- Common behaviour by Chinese fishing fleets, it seems. They do that everywhere, not only near Argentina.

"Nearly 66% of the “dark” vessels were Chinese-flagged squid jiggers – vessels with bright lights and hooks designed to catch squid"

--- Actually, not as many as I would have expected. It seems, the Spanish are also quite active in illegal fishing (at least around Argentina).


Budapest roads renamed in protest of Chinese university

"The four new street signs include Free Hong Kong Road and Dalai Lama Street. They are all in an area where the Fudan University plans to open its new campus, a move backed by Prime Minister Viktor Orban's government."

--- Would be really funny if the official address of the Fudan University would be at the Dalai Lama Street. Might give them a bit of trouble with the Chinese post if they send mail to China with 'Dalai Lama' on the envelope.


Analysis: China's banks are bursting with dollars, and that's a worry

"A previous jump, late in 2017, preceded heavy dollar selling which turbocharged a steep yuan rally in early 2018.
Market participants say the size of the even bigger hoard this time raises that risk
Most also reckon the central bank will not tolerate further gains and cite jawboning from officials to cool the rally and the move to tamp down on dollar liquidity, by raising banks' reserves ratio, as evidence of its resolve."

--- So, as usual, no one really knows what will come. If you really worry about this, you obviously have too much time or too much money (or both).


NBA stars urged to end China endorsements over forced labor

"We believe that commercial relationships with companies that source cotton in Xinjiang create reputational risks for NBA players and the NBA itself"

--- But, but, but ... what about all that money? That wonderful Chinese money?


Identity Politics With Chinese Characteristics

"Much of the territory of today’s People’s Republic of China was acquired through conquest over a long period of time by one or another of these empires, from the Han dynasty’s expansion into what is today southern China around 2,000 years ago to the Great Qing dynasty’s conquest of Tibet and Xinjiang little more than 200 years ago."

--- Lies, lies, lies! China has been as great as it is since ancient times. China has never conquered anything! All the areas under Chinese control now have willingly given up their independence to be part of the great & wonderful Chinese civilisation.

"Empires based in today’s China were at the center of these communities, but other societies contributed significantly to them."

--- Lies, lies, lies! The great Chinese culture has never had any foreign contributions. All the cultures around China simply copied great Chinese inventions.

"For Beijing, it seems, sovereignty is not only absolute but also hierarchical: China’s sovereignty is, well, more sovereign than anyone else’s."

--- But of course. China is the heavenly kingdom at the centre of the universe.


Huawei officially launches Android alternative HarmonyOS for smartphones

"Huawei denied speculations that HarmonyOS is a derivative of Android and said no single line of code is identical to that of Android"

--- Honesty with Chinese characteristics, it seems: Huawei’s HarmonyOS: “Fake it till you make it” meets OS development



Authorities on alert as elephants’ 500km trek nears Chinese city



--- China Uncensored: "The Tiananmen Square Massacre Never Happened"


--- DW News: "China uses 200 million cameras to monitor citizens' every move"


--- WION: "Gravitas: Why is China a hotspot for new diseases?"



DJI: US-Verteidigungsministerium hält Drohnen für sicher

"Eine Überprüfung durch PrecisionHawk, einem US-Drohnenunternehmen kam im September 2020 bei der Untersuchung auch von Behörden eingesetzter DJI-Drohnentypen zu dem gleichen Schluss. Die Sicht, dass DJI-Drohnen Daten an China übertragen könnten, hat das offenbar nicht wesentlich beeinflussen können."

--- Weil man chinesischen Firmen nunmal grundsätzlich nicht einfach so trauen sollte. & selbst eine derartige Überprüfung bietet keine 100%ige Sicherheit. Hintertüren findet man u.U. erst, wenn sie tatsächlich genutzt werden.


Huawei stellt Betriebssystem vor

"Die staatliche chinesische Propagandazeitung "Global Times" schrieb, dass mit Huaweis neuem Betriebssystem der "Mythos der technischen Überlegenheit der USA" gebrochen sei."

--- Witz des Tages. Es handelt sich offenbar um nicht viel mehr als eine Android-Fork. Oder, anders ausgedrückt: eine der großartigen chinesischen Innovationen der Moderne.

"Die Sache ist, dass man Android-Apps auf Geräten mit HarmonyOS nicht nutzen kann"

--- Abwarten. Da das grundlegende System gleich ist, könnte es durchaus diverse Apps geben, die (evtl. nach leichten Tweaks) problemlos laufen.


China ist älter!

"Der Aufstieg Chinas bedeutet, in Asien wieder eine dominante Rolle einzunehmen, die Kontrolle über „Greater China“ (Hongkong, Taiwan) wieder herzustellen, die frühere Einflusszone zu Land sowie im Süd- und Ostchinesischen Meer wieder aufzurichten"

--- Da hat mal wieder jemand zuviel chinesische Propaganda gelesen.

