China news roundup / Nachrichten 2021-06-05




Microsoft says error caused 'Tank Man' Bing censorship

"The phrase relates to the iconic image of a lone protester standing before tanks in China's Tiananmen Square during demonstrations in 1989.
On Friday users who searched for the term reported receiving the message: "There are no results for tank man".
[...] Microsoft said the issue was "due to an accidental human error and we are actively working to resolve this.""

--- Well, I am relieved, at least it was no deliberate human error. Totally coincidental that MS is pandering to the CCP. Also totally coincidental that this is not the first time something like this happened.
& it's not only MS:


Pro-democrat exile group claims pressure from Hong Kong police forced WordPress to censor website

"HKLC received an email from WordPress saying that their website had been suspended and cannot be resumed, but did not state a reason for the suspension
[...] WordPress’s US-based parent company Automattic did not respond to HKFP’s repeated requests for comment"

--- Must have been another 'accidental human error'. After all:

"A statement on the company’s website said it is “committed to freedom of speech.”"

--- Maybe they mean freedom of speech with Chinese characteristics...
cf.: China’s Tiananmen anniversary crackdowns reach far beyond the firewall


‘Absolutely intolerable’: China slams US and EU Hong Kong Tiananmen candles

"Any attempt to exploit Hong Kong to carry out infiltration or sabotage activities against the mainland crosses the red line ... is absolutely intolerable"

--- Ah, when a few candles on window sills become a sabotage activity. Emperor Xi's China must be truly stable, if it can only be shaken by the supernatural powers of lit candles.


China Port City Imposes COVID-19 Restrictions

"Of the 24 new cases of COVID-19 reported in China on Saturday, 11 were transmitted in Guangzhou province, where the city is located"

--- Huh? Guangzhou is the city, Guangdong the province. You probably wouldn't make such stupid errors if you stuck to the former common names: Canton-City in Canton.


Early adopters of Chinese vaccines see case surges; China plows ahead anyway

"In Bahrain, for instance, officials are now offering high-risk people who have already received two doses of China’s Sinopharm vaccine a third vaccine dose—but one made by Pfizer-BioNTech
[...] The Seychelles went through a similar struggle.
[...] Dubai, which has also relied on Sinopharm’s vaccine, is now quietly offering residents who have been fully vaccinated with the Sinopharm vaccine the opportunity to get re-vaccinated with the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine"

--- Why, oh, why? Chinese vaccines are perfect, as we all know. They come with emperor Xi's blessing, after all. Must be because these dirty foreigners don't believe enough. They should accept emperor Xi as their only true god. Then everything would be fine.

"Unpublished data out of Serbia suggested that some people given the vaccine may not produce antibodies to fight off the pandemic coronavirus three months after vaccination"

--- Lies, lies, lies! Don't trust some silly scientific studies. Trust China!


Cambridge professor whose role was ‘funded by China’ cautioned against Uyghur debate

"He suggested that questions surrounding the treatment of Uyghurs were “questions that affect all countries that have any kind of minority at all”"

--- Ah, yes, I see all those concentration camps all over the world. Nolan's statements smack of Critical Theory, but there is probably a simpler explanation:

"Jesus College, where Nolan is based, has deep financial ties with China"

--- Money. That wonderful Chinese money.

"Jesus College said it was “strongly committed to the principles of freedom of speech and academic independence.”"

--- ... with Chinese characteristics.


Scoop: Bush family nonprofit's $5 million deal with China influence group

"CUSEF leadership has close ties to Chinese government officials, and the group has a reputation as an arm of Bejing's political influence operation. It provided a significant share of the funds for the Bush group's efforts to improve Sino-American relations"

--- Funny, how leading ex-government politicians in several Western countries find themselves on Chinese pay-rolls.



A Very Calm Guide to the Lab Leak Theory

Deadly knife attack in east China leaves 5 dead, 15 injured

China coal mine accident leaves one dead and seven missing



--- China Uncensored: "China Launches Three Child Policy"


--- Bloomberg: "China Investing Is Like Checking Into Hotel California"


--- PBS Newshour: "Tiananmen Square massacre casts a long shadow over modern Chinese politics"



"Tank Man" bei Bing verschwunden

"Das Verschwinden des Bildes sei auf einen "unbeabsichtigten menschlichen Fehler" zurückzuführen, sagte ein Microsoft-Sprecher"

--- Immerhin kein beabsichtigter, menschlicher Fehler. Wenn MS nicht auch in der Vergangenheit schon mehrmals derartige 'Fehler' gemacht hätte, könnte man der Aussage vielleicht auch glauben.


Bloß keine Hilfe aus China

"China äußerte schon vorab sein Missfallen: „Wir lehnen Japans Einmischung in Chinas innere Angelegenheiten strikt ab“"

--- Natürlich nur, weil die KPCh ausschließlich das Wohlergehen aller Menschen im Sinn hat. Diese Impfstofflieferungen aus Japan sind bestimmt höchst ungesund.


Angst vor chinesischen Chefs: Bundesregierung kann Sorgen der Wirtschaft nicht entkräften

"„Die nichtwirtschaftliche Tätigkeit von Büros ausländischer Wirtschaftsverbände im Inland kann die Volksrepublik China als souveräner Staat in Abwesenheit völkerrechtlicher Bindungen jederzeit nach eigenem Ermessen regulieren“"

--- Solche völkerrechtlichen Bindungen kann man durch Verträge, die mit Sanktionsklauseln verbunden sind, ja dann schaffen.

"Die Regierung werde in Gesprächen mit Peking darauf hinwirken, „die zunehmend schwierigen Arbeitsbedingungen ausländischer Nichtregierungsorganisationen in der Volksrepublik China, worunter auch die Auslandsbüros der deutschen Wirtschaftsverbände fallen, zu verbessern“"

--- Nach dem Motto: 'Gut, daß wir mal drüber geredet haben.'


Darum steht der Blutplasma-Spezialist Biotest vor einem Eignerwechsel

"Schon kurz nach der Übernahme hatten US-Behörden Bedenken angemeldet, dass mit dem Kauf auch Daten amerikanischer Plasmaspender in die Hände von Chinesen geraten könnten. Der Deal wurde nur genehmigt, nachdem Biotest sich vom Amerika-Geschäft getrennt hatte. Auch das britische Unternehmen Bio Products Laboratory (BPL), an dem Creat sich beteiligt hatte, musste darum Blutplasmazentren in Amerika abstoßen"

--- Die deutsche Regierung hat anscheinend keine derartigen Bedenken. Man fragt sich, ob da wirklich nur Idioten für die Chinapolitik zuständig sind. Da wundert es dann auch nicht, wenn ein Hafendeal einfach so durchgewunken wird: Chinesische Reederei verhandelt mit HHLA über Einstieg
Nur eine Minderheitsbeteiligung, aber chinesischen Staatsbetrieben sollte sowas grundsätzlich nicht gestattet werden.



"Vielleicht werde ich wieder festgenommen"

