China news roundup / Nachrichten 2020-01-21


Well, my dementia is even worse than I thought. Yesterday I jumped the gun & put in today's date. Well, actually, when I write this roundup here in Greece it usually already is the 'next' day. So it was not really wrong. To avoid even more confusion, I'll keep it up for the next few days, until there is another 2-day roundup.

English news:

China announces sanctions against 'lying and cheating' outgoing Trump officials

"The 28 ex-officials and immediate family members would be banned from entering mainland China, Hong Kong or Macao"

--- That will show them! They are frequent China flyers, after all, esp. Pompeo.

"This US politician is notorious for lying and cheating"

--- Totally unlike the CCP & emperor Xi, of course.

China reckons US democracy is imploding but could be missing the point

"“By and large, the constitutional powers of Congress, the minority party in Congress, the judiciary, have limited the excesses” of Trump [...] “Time and again they checked him.”"

--- Many lefties in the West also didn't get that. The doomsayers really got on my nerves in recent years.

"Many Chinese think that if the US government is bad then the entire country is finished but actually in places like the US even with a bad government, the country is still functional."

--- Same as above. Only in this case it's not only the lefties, you have similar doomsayers on the right.

A Chinese hacking group is stealing airline passenger details

"In the case of some victims, the hackers stayed hidden inside networks for up to three years before being discovered"

--- Doesn't really provide confidence in IT security of airlines.

"The goal of targeting some victims appears to be to obtain Passenger Name Records (PNR)
[...] it is very common for state-sponsored hacking groups to target airline companies, hotel chains, and telcos to obtain data they could use to track the movements and communications of persons of interest"

--- You can never have enough data, right?

China revives conspiracy theory of US army link to Covid

"Hua accused the US of spreading “conspiracy theories and lies”"

--- & answers with another Chinese conspiracy theory.

"In recent months Chinese officials have ramped up efforts to suggest the virus began outside of China, airing theories without evidence linking it to US military personnel"

--- Well, acc. to Chinese officials, the Wuhan virus started pretty much all over the world. Except for China, of course.

China builds massive Covid-19 quarantine camp for 4,000 people as outbreak continues

"The ambitious task is reminiscent of earlier efforts during the initial stages of the pandemic, during which authorities built several medical facilities from scratch"

--- Meh, the usual propaganda crap. You just need enough people & material, & both are available in abundance in China.

"Beijing authorities have stepped up testing and screening efforts after cases were confirmed in the capital's outermost Daxing district, and announced on Wednesday they would close two nearby metro stations until further notice."

--- Panic mode is back.

Jack Ma makes first appearance since October

"The billionaire met 100 rural teachers in China via a video meeting on Wednesday, according to local government media"

--- Not only local media. Even the Global Times reported (even showed?) the video. So, probably finely orchestrated propaganda effort. Which obviously worked:

"Alibaba shares surged 5% on Hong Kong's stock exchange on the news."

Prada drops Chinese actress over alleged surrogacy row

"Zheng Shuang abandoned two children born to surrogates abroad, after splitting up with her partner.
Condemnation of the actress poured out online after the news broke"

--- Funny, because 'abandoning kids' is pretty common in China. Only usually it's the husband leaving the family. Don't hear much fuss about that.

"He revealed he had been taking care of "two young and innocent lives" - his children. Mr Zhang also added that he was stuck in the US, calling his situation "helpless"."

--- Oh, this poor, helpless millionaire. I'm sure he is absolutely devastated & desperate.

"State broadcaster CCTV put out a strongly worded statement saying that China prohibited "all kinds of surrogacy", saying "surrogacy and abandoning children are against social morals and public order"."

--- Yeah, totally unlike concentration camps, forced sterilisation & abortion.

Fang Fang: Author vilified for Wuhan Diary speaks out a year on

"The attacks she says remind her of the 1966-1976 Cultural Revolution"

--- That's only the beginning, emperor Xi isn't done yet.

--- Other news:

Poland top court overturns extradition of Chinese man

The Hong Kong migrants fleeing to start new lives in the UK

British barrister acting for Hong Kong gov’t to withdraw from case against high profile democrats

Video News:

--- China Uncensored: "Declassified! Trump’s Strategy to Stop China"

--- CNA: "China dismisses Pompeo's Uighur genocide claim as 'outrageous lies'"

--- DW News: "Independent panal [sic!] says China could've avoided the coronavirus pandemic"

Deutsche Nachrichten:

Begeht China einen Genozid?

"Antony Blinken, designierter Außenminister, schloss sich Pompeos Einschätzung umgehend an"

--- War zu erwarten, da Bidens Team schon früher zu der Einschätzung gekommen war.

"In der relevanten UN-Konvention wird Völkermord als eine Handlung definiert, „die in der Absicht begangen wird, eine nationale, ethnische, rassische oder religiöse Gruppe als solche ganz oder teilweise zu zerstören“. Neben Tötungen fallen darunter auch „Maßnahmen, die auf die Geburtenverhinderung innerhalb der Gruppe gerichtet sind“, „gewaltsame Überführung von Kindern der Gruppe in eine andere Gruppe“ sowie „Verursachung von schwerem körperlichem oder seelischem Schaden“."

--- Hört sich ziemlich nach dem an, was gerade in Xinjiang passiert.

China weist Völkermord-Vorwurf zurück

"Einen Völkermord habe es in China nie gegeben und werde es nie geben."

--- Hmm, die Dsungaren könnten da anderer Meinung sein.

Alibaba-Gründer Jack Ma mit Videobotschaft wieder aufgetaucht

"Chinesische Staatsmedien verbreiteten am Mittwoch eine Video-Botschaft des 56-Jährigen, mit der er sich den Berichten zufolge an 100 Lehrer im ländlichen Raum richtete."

--- Sorgfältig orchestrierte Aktion anscheinend, um zu zeigen, daß alles in Ordnung ist. Frage mich, ob & wann noch ein Selbstbezichtigungs- bzw. Entschuldigungsvideo kommt.

Schauspielerin Zheng Shuang muss um Karriere bangen

"wird der Schauspielerin vorgeworfen, mit Hilfe von Leihmüttern in Amerika zwei Kinder bekommen und diese dann im Stich gelassen zu haben"

--- Großer Aufschrei in China, obwohl ihr Verhalten nicht so unüblich ist. Nur sind es in der Regel die Väter, die die Familie verlassen.

"ihr früherer Lebenspartner Zhang Heng im sozialen Netzwerk Weibo geschrieben, er stecke in den Vereinigten Staaten fest und kümmere sich um seine Kinder, „zwei junge, unschuldige Leben“."

--- Wieder ein armer, hilfloser Millionär, der in den USA festsitzt. Sicher total verzweifelt, das arme Opfer.


Ja eine Entschuldigung von Ma wäre schon sehr verdächtig aber wer weiß was da im Hintergrund stattfindet.


Weiß leider keiner. Kann sein, daß er einfach nur einen Maulkorb bekommen hat. Kann aber auch sein, daß er nur als Alibaba-Boss weitermachen darf, wenn er durch eine Struggle-Session geht.
Sicher scheint nur, daß Alibaba zurechtgestutzt werden soll.
