China news roundup / Nachrichten 2020-12-30


English news:

Nuns arrested as Beijing turns up heat on Church in Hong Kong

"Beijing is trying to extend its control over the diocese, in part by influencing the choice of the city’s next bishop
[...] According to Vatican officials, Hong Kong wasn’t part of the deal because of the city’s semi-autonomous status."

--- That's the problem when doing deals with Beijing. The CCP interprets & ignores them as they see fit. All are win-win deals: the CCP wins double.

"We are becoming like any other city in China."

--- Obviously. We'll probably see more arrests of church officials in the future.

"“For any word you say,” Zen told Reuters, the authorities “can say you’re offending the National Security Law.”"

--- Because the final authority for the Catholics is the Vatican. & because that can be construed as collusion with foreign forces, Catholic officials are almost automatically in violation of the national security law.

China jails activists who fled Hong Kong by boat for up to three years

"Ten Hong Kong activists arrested at sea as they tried to flee to Taiwan by speedboat have been jailed by China for between seven months and three years"

--- For going from China via China to China (acc. to the CCP).

"The Chinese lawyers some of them had hired were barred from seeing their clients as authorities stepped in to appoint state-approved counsel"

--- Justice with Chinese characteristics.

China wants Australia relationship back on track 'as early as possible'

"Wang also said that the ball was in Australia's court, despite the Australian government repeatedly complaining that calls to Beijing to mend the relationship had gone unanswered"

--- Back on track with Chinese characteristics: You submit completely or we won't talk to you.

"everything seems to depend on how Beijing chooses to define how Australia treats and perceives China - as if there is a simplistic choice between all threat and all partner"

--- Obviously there is. Acc. to the CCP you are either a subject or an enemy.

Suspected Chinese submarine drone found by Indonesian fishermen in crucial maritime passage to Australia

"In March last year, a similar Sea Wing UUV was found by an Indonesian fisherman near the Riau Islands, while another submarine drone was discovered at the beginning of this year near the Surabaya Naval Base"

--- Well, no espionage, obviously. China just wants to know exactly how its overseas territories look.

China's Sinopharm says its coronavirus vaccine is 79% effective

"Interim analysis of Phase 3 clinical trials
[...] few details were provided"

--- We're Chinese, just trust us!

Video News:

--- CNBC: "Chinese regulators are targeting Alibaba's co-founder, not the wider tech industry"

--- AP: "China curtails hunt for virus origins"

--- China Uncensored: "10 Biggest China Stories of 2020"

Deutsche Nachrichten:

Im Grundsatz bei Investitionen einig

"Die Vereinbarung wird die Chancen von Europas Wirtschaft deutlich verbessern"

--- Wer's glaubt. Das Einzige, was sich verbessern wird, sind Investitionsmöglichkeiten für europäische Unternehmen. Denn die KPCh braucht mehr ausländische Investitionen, um das BIP-Wachstum fortzusetzen.

"China bekommt im Gegenzug mehr Rechtssicherheit für seine Investitionen in der EU"

--- Wo fehlte diese Rechtssicherheit denn bisher?
cf.: Zwischen Euphorie und Zweifel
& ARD-Korrespondent Wurzel hat eine realistische Sicht der Dinge: Das Investitionsabkommen ist ein Fehler

Haftstrafen für Hongkonger Aktivisten

"Ein faires und ordnungsgemäßes Verfahren hätten die Angeklagten in China nicht bekommen, erklärte die EU"

--- Sie wurden schuldig gesprochen. Also war es völlig ordnungsgemäß.

China schiesst mit Kanonen auf alle Spatzen, die etwas nicht Genehmes zwitschern

"mit ihrer Verhaftung und Verurteilung hat Zhang weltweit Aufmerksamkeit erhalten, welche sie auf eigene Faust nie hätte erreichen können"

--- Tja, das hilft ihr leider nicht. & die EU schließt lieber Handelspakte mit der KPCh, als sich da handfest einzumischen. Mehr als ein "Wir finden das aber gar nicht gut." kommt da nicht.

Mit allen Wassern bewaffnet

"Das extreme Gefälle zur Gewinnung von Energie zu nutzen, ist für Chinas Technokraten verlockend, für Ingenieure kompliziert und für Umweltpolitiker ein äußerst kniffliger Fall."

--- Stromerzeugung. Größenwahn. Druckmittel. Win-win-win.

"Zwar hat Peking stets zugesichert, es werde nichts unternehmen, was sich am Unterlauf negativ auswirke"

--- & wir wissen ja, daß Pekinger Zusicherungen & Versprechungen unbedingt zu trauen ist.
