China news roundup / Nachrichten 2020-09-20/21


English news:

Court blocks Trump’s WeChat ban from taking effect today

"The Alliance established "that there are no viable substitute platforms or apps for the Chinese-speaking and Chinese-American community," Beeler added. Their evidence shows that "WeChat is effectively the only means of communication for many in the community, not only because China bans other apps, but also because Chinese speakers with limited English proficiency have no options other than WeChat.""

--- Which shows that the judge has virtually no knowledge of the situation (& that the 'Alliance' is a bunch of liars). WeChat is not the only means of communication. There is always the phone, but, anyway, there are still numerous ways to stay in contact via internet. VoIP, QQ, email, Zoom are just a few examples.

TikTok: Trump says Oracle deal for video app 'has my blessing'

"Mr Trump said the deal would ensure the data of the estimated 100 million Americans who use the app was safe, telling reporters: "The security will be 100%.""

--- Trump is a moron & liar, anyway. So, just like the Chinese regime, you better not trust his words.

"President Trump said the new TikTok company will be "totally controlled by Oracle and Walmart". But in a joint statement on Saturday, Oracle and Walmart said they were together investing to acquire 20% of the newly formed TikTok Global business"

--- ...

"This is not a done deal though, the Chinese government still has to approve it"

--- There is that. & there is Trump. Recent indications are that he doesn't like the deal after all.
cf.: ByteDance says it will own a majority of TikTok. Oracle says ByteDance will own 0%. WTF is this deal?

Canada has abandoned free-trade talks with China, says foreign minister

"The China of 2020 is not the China of 2016"

--- Actually, it is, only more brazenly so. At least, Canada has woken up, it seems. & it's not the only one: Swedish space company halts new business helping China operate satellites

Almost 40 Chinese warplanes breach Taiwan Strait median line; Taiwan President calls it a 'threat of force'

"On Monday, Beijing said its forces are operating legally. "Taiwan is an inalienable part of Chinese territory, and there is no so-called median line,""

--- So, does that mean it wouldn't be a problem if Taiwanese fighter jets cross that non-existing line & eg. fly over Fuzhou?

"The "PLA drills this time are not a warning, but a rehearsal for a Taiwan takeover,""

--- & doubling down on this, the GT threatened with killing the Taiwanese president. But, hey, it's those ugly US-Americans who are the aggressors. China is just the peace-loving victim.
So peace-loving that it needs to 'borrow' from US movies for its PLA propaganda videos: China military PR film mocked over 'Hollywood clips'

Villagers help Indian troops face Chinese forces in Himalayas

"The villagers fear that if they do not help the Indian army secure their positions along the mountain ridges bordering China – and help prepare the troops for the harsh winter ahead – their village might soon be under Chinese control"

--- Must be ugly Western propaganda. The villagers there clearly long for the day that peaceful, benevolent China takes this area which is rightfully Chinese since ancient times.

"It’s very clear that both sides are planning to stay there for winter; they seem to be anticipating that there will be no diplomatic outcome"

--- Disengagement. Yep.

Xinjiang government confirms huge birth rate drop but denies forced sterilization of women

"In reference to the government's claims that compliance with the family planning policies were voluntary, Zenz questioned how likely it was that "17 times more women spontaneously wanted to be sterilized.""

--- Highly likely. Pictures of benevolent, beautiful emperor Xi were distributed to every household in Xinjiang, which led to so many Uighur women deciding not to have children.

Former ABC bureau chief tells story of fleeing China for first time

""Your daughter is 14 years old. She is an adult under Chinese law and as the People's Republic of China is a law-abiding country she will be charged with the visa crime"
[...] "I do have to inform you, Mr Carney, that we have a right to keep your daughter in an undisclosed location and I do have to inform you there would be other adults present""

--- You have such a lovely daughter. Wouldn't it be sad if something happened to her?
A "law-abiding country" with Chinese mafia characteristics.

A Hong Kong teenager's death became a magnet for conspiracies, and exposed deep problems in how the city operates

"the conspiracies surrounding Chan's death have largely obscured important questions of whether various authority figures and institutions with whom she interacted, from doctors to social workers, failed to help her or even recognize that she was in need of help. Her death also points to wider issues about mental health provisions in Hong Kong, particularly for young people."

--- From what I've read, HK is actually to blame for her death, albeit not the cops, but the health care system. That girl probably wouldn't have had to die, if she had been given proper psychiatric care.

--- Other news:

Chinese cameras blacklisted by US being used in UK school toilets

New York City police officer spied on fellow Tibetans for China, prosecutors charge

125 million-year-old dinosaur found buried by a volcanic eruption in China

Video News:

--- China Uncensored: "Is There Hope for Hong Kong? | Nathan Law Interview"

--- WION: "Hong Kong: Conspiracy theories refuse to die down in Chan Yin-Lam death case"

Deutsche Nachrichten:

Trump segnet TikTok-Deal mit Oracle und Walmart ab

"US-Präsident Donald Trump hat am Samstag nach eigenen Angaben einen Handel genehmigt
[...] Doch ist es laut Washington Post lediglich eine Zustimmung zum "Konzept"."

--- Von 'genehmigt' kann also keine Rede sein, da es anscheinend noch kein wirkliches Konzept gibt. Einerseits wird von 0% chinesischer Beteiligung gesprochen, während Bytedance behauptet, alles Wesentliche bleibe in seiner Hand.
Ähnlich voreilig ist die SZ:

Ein Erfolg für Peking

"Der Tiktok-Deal ist ein Erfolg für Peking, auch wenn die Zustimmung aus China noch aussteht."

--- Was, wenn China nicht zustimmt? Immer noch ein Erfolg?

US-Richterin setzt WeChat-Stop mit einstweiliger Verfügung aus

"Die WeChat Gruppe wies darauf hin, dass es keine brauchbaren Ersatzplattformen oder chinesischsprachigen Apps für die chinesischsprachige und chinesisch-amerikanische Gemeinschaft gebe. Für viele Chinesen in den USA sei WeChat das einzige Kommunikationsmittel"

--- Glatte Lüge. Daß die Richterin das einfach so als gegeben hinnimmt, deutet darauf hin, daß sie entweder dämlich ist, oder politisch voreingenommen.

Der Traum von Amerika verblasst

"Jaggers Blick auf Amerika hat sich verändert. „Die Vereinigten Staaten sind nicht so frei, wie ich es mir vorgestellt habe.“ Besonders die Methoden, mit denen die Videoplattform Tiktok zum Verkauf ihres Amerikageschäfts gezwungen worden ist"

--- Sehr logisch. Die USA sind nicht so frei, wie ich dachte, also gehe ich lieber nach China, wo es noch wesentlich unfreier zugeht.

Corona offiziell kein Problem

"Einige "sogenannte" Organisationen wollten die Pekinger Winterspiele politisieren, sagte Regierungssprecher Zhao Lijian in Peking. Das widerspreche dem Geist der Olympischen Idee."

--- Die Olympische Idee mit 36er Charakteristiken.

Amnesty: EU-Überwachungstechnik trägt zu Menschenrechtsverletzungen in China bei

"Demnach verkaufen europäische Unternehmen biometrische Überwachungstechniken etwa zur automatisierten Verhaltens-, Emotions- und Gesichtserkennung etwa nach China, ohne dafür spezielle Ausfuhrbestimmungen beachten zu müssen"

--- Also alles ganz legal. Aber immerhin ist die EU über die Menschenrechtslage in China besorgt.
