China news roundup / Nachrichten 2020-01-04/05


English news:

NYSE does a U-turn on Chinese telecoms delistings

"I suspect that the NYSE never wanted to delist these stocks in the first place. They acted on guidance regarding the executive order"

--- Probably. Perhaps someone also tried to get some more money via insider knowledge.

"The NYSE indicated that it might revisit the decision"

--- Yet more insider money to be earned, I suppose.
Any plans for more or less severe Chinese retaliation are probably obsolete, though: Beijing won’t retaliate strongly against the U.S. for delisting Chinese companies, analysts say

In a Topsy-Turvy Pandemic World, China Offers Its Version of Freedom

"The country reported fewer than 100,000 infections for all of 2020."

--- Even the Chinese CDC already admitted that there were many more.

"they have the freedom to move around and lead a normal day-to-day life"

--- Except for those who are guilty of criticising the CCP, except for those whose social credit score is too low, & of course, only if you have the proper surveillance apps on your smartphone. Ah, freedom with Chinese characteristics...
This NYT article contains just too much bullshit. For a more in-depth teardown, here is a China Uncensored video: China’s Authoritarianism Is Freedom!

China blocks entry to WHO team studying Covid's origins

"I’m very disappointed with this news“"

--- Do I sense a slight criticism by Tedros here? A hint of a realisation that all his CCP bootlicking doesn't actually do him any good?

"“Sars actually led to China [understanding] that they needed to be much more integrated into the [global] system,” Kickbusch said"

--- Yeah, right. Or perhaps they were just looking for advantages of international help, if necessary. But if such international cooperation might lead to publicising Chinese shortcomings, the CCP doesn't really like integration.

The Latest: China makes parts of province high danger zones

"Parts of Shijiazhuang were designated high danger areas, meaning they will undergo stricter testing and isolation measures"

--- Wartime measures, as they say in China.
They are also hard at work to find a way to blame the outbreak on foreigners.

Where is Jack Ma? Tech tycoon silent as China gets tough with his business

"Ma hasn't made a public appearance or social media post since late October
[...] Ma was even absent from the finale of an African talent show he created"

--- When will CCTV show a video of Ma confessing to the unspeakable crime of criticising the CCP & apologising for failing the Chinese people?

Falun Gong activist detained in Poland. China demands extradition, Polish courts are in favor

"Amnesty International is also alerting that Falun Gong members are being tortured and executed.
[...] These arguments, however, did not convince the Polish court, which agreed – now legally – that Zhihui Li, detained in Poland, should be handed over to China."

--- What's going on in Poland? Just an extraordinarily stupid judge?
For what I know, Poland has signed international agreements which forbid extradition to countries where torture (or the death penalty) is possible.
Speaking of the Chinese justice system:
China moves to punish lawyers who helped Hong Kong activists

Pandas' popularity not protecting neighbors

"the Asiatic black bear, the forest musk deer and the Chinese serow (a goat-like animal) seem to have suffered significant habitat loss and/or degradation under panda-centric habitat management"

--- Environmental protection with Chinese characteristics. But, hey, the panda is a national symbol & brings a lot of money.

History is 'China's most important psychological tool'

"A nation has a sort of boundary around it — defining who's inside and who's outside — and that boundary (in China's case) was only defined over the past century and is still being re-defined.
The core "cultural area" that Chinese nationalists look back to as the "original China" — along the valleys of the Yellow and the Yangtse rivers — was only a very small part of today's China."

--- Oh, that hurt the feelings of all Chinese. Next you tell us that the Yellow Emperor was only a myth. Outrageous!

"If you can convince people that things have always been this way, then there's no reason for them to question why they shouldn't continue to be this way"

--- Because a lot of people are stupid. (Sadly, that goes for the whole world, not only China.)

--- Other news:

Here’s what happens if you own a share of a Chinese company that gets delisted

China's latest potential culprit in its search for foreign coronavirus sources? Auto parts packaging

China Is an Economic Bully—and Weaker Than It Looks

UK says its aircraft carrier strike group is ready to deploy. China's already watching

Video News:

--- China Uncensored: "How “Captive Nations” Are Fighting China and the Chinese Communist Party"

--- Sky News (AUS): "Chinese billionaire Jack Ma has 'basically disappeared'"

Deutsche Nachrichten:

Ex-Banker in China zum Tode verurteilt

"Er habe neben seiner Ehe "lange Zeit mit anderen Frauen" zusammengelebt, mit denen er nicht-eheliche Kinder habe."

--- Völlig normal in China. Sobald ein chinesischer Mann es sich erlauben kann, hält er sich eine Zweitfrau (evtl. auch mehrere Xiaojies).
Der Typ muß der Xi-Fraktion schwer im Weg gewesen sein, daß er jetzt zum Tode verurteilt wird. & da er keine 2-Jahresfrist bekommen hat, wird das Urteil wohl auch vollstreckt.

Wo ist Jack Ma?

"Auf Twitter verschickte der Milliardär zuletzt am 10. Oktober eine Kurznachricht. Auch als Juror seiner eigenen Castingshow „Africa’s Business Heroes“ wurde er ersetzt."

--- Tja, kommt davon, wenn man die unfehlbare KPCh kritisiert. Nur eine Frage der Zeit, bis wir ein Video von Ma sehen, in dem er gröbstes Fehlverhalten gesteht, sich entschuldigt & Besserung gelobt. Mal sehen, ob er auch noch angeklagt wird oder mit einem Maulkorb davonkommt.

China versucht, Deutschland mit der Einheitsfront aufzurollen

"Auffallend viele ehemalige SPD-Politiker wie Gerhard Schröder, Rudolf Scharping oder Johannes Pflug haben enge Kontakte zu Rotchina."

--- Gibt links der Mitte so einige, die in der KPCh lupenreine Demokraten sehen.

Schweden kämpft gegen Huawei

"Selbst Drohungen kann man leicht herauslesen – in einer Nachricht heißt es, so wie es derzeit aussehe, sei Schweden ein wirklich schlechtes Land als Heimatstandort von Ericsson."

--- Herauszulesen braucht man da nicht viel. Soweit ich mich entsinne, wurde in einer Nachricht klipp & klar geschrieben, daß man darüber nachdenken muß, Schweden zu verlassen, wenn gegen Huawei entschieden wird.

Pekinger stehen Schlange für den Impfstoff

"Während das Präparat von Sinopharm eine Wirksamkeit von 79 Prozent haben soll, liegen für den Sinovac-Impfstoff bislang keine Daten vor."

--- Zugelassen oder nicht, wirksam oder nicht. Egal. Nebenwirkungen & fehlende Wirksamkeit kann man hinterher immer noch vertuschen.

"Während das Präparat von Sinopharm eine Wirksamkeit von 79 Prozent haben soll, liegen für den Sinovac-Impfstoff bislang keine Daten vor"

--- Wer braucht schon Daten. Kaiser Xi hat die Nutzung erlaubt, also ist alles gut. Denn Kaiser Xi macht keine Fehler.

--- Sonstiges (alles von Heise):

Apple wirft fast 40.000 Spiele aus chinesischem App Store

US-Börse NYSE verbannt drei chinesische Telecom-Firmen

--- (oder auch nicht)

New Yorks Börse: Handelsverbot für chinesische Telecom-Konzerne abgeblasen


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