China news roundup / Nachrichten 2019-12-12


English news:

US reaches 'deal in principle' with China to end trade war

"No details were immediately available."

--- I suspect, Trump simply folded. It's doubtful that China would make any significant changes to its policies. They will pay the usual lip service & go on with what they always did. Trump will claim victory, as usual, but I would be surprised if the US really achieved anything substantial.
Case in point: A Chinese court rules that Japan’s Muji 無印良品, founded in 1980, infringes the trademark of mainland’s Natural Mill 无印良品, founded in 2011.

China to focus on economic ‘contingency plans’ to battle growing pressures in 2020

"[We] must pay attention to key groups and ensure there are no families in which all the members are unemployed"

--- Sounds like they a rather significant problem with unemployment. Not that they would readily admit that. After all: "We will resolutely win the great victory in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects"
In that vein:

China’s Companies Binged on Debt. Now They Can’t Pay the Bill.

"a giant government-run trading firm and a conglomerate backed by China’s most distinguished university — are the latest to join a long list of Chinese businesses that have run short of cash when it was time to pay back their debts"

--- Too bad if you also have debt abroad. Then you cannot hide your problems so easily.

Beyond the Camps: Beijing’s Long-Term Scheme of Coercive Labor, Poverty Alleviation and Social Control in Xinjiang

"the state’s long-term stability maintenance strategy in Xinjiang is predicated upon a perverse and extremely intrusive combination of forced or at least involuntary training and labor, intergenerational separation and social control over family units."

--- A testing ground for the future of China in general?

Chaguan China’s discriminatory hukou system plagues white-collar workers, too

"“Beijing is not a good place to fulfil their dreams,” explains one citizen of the new, innovative China."

--- It's a place to earn money. That's it. Don't really understand the attraction that many Chinese feel for this hellhole.
The only good thing about Beijing is the ready availability of good-quality regional Chinese cuisines.

China to Expand World’s Largest Water Diversion Project

"Shi played down the ecological impact on the Yangtze River of the expansion of the project and said China transfers less than 2% of the river’s flow."

--- Yeah, of course. The PRC regime would never do anything to endanger the environment. Just look at the thriving population of Yangtze River dolphins.

Protest-free Macau to win financial policy rewards from China

"While the new initiatives were not explicitly linked to toeing the official line, Chinese officials have repeatedly praised Macau for setting an example in maintaining national security and adhering to the central government’s requirements."

--- Well, the mafia in Macao is more influential than in HK, where oligarchs dominate. & the mafia is closely interlinked with the CCP. With a major exchange in Macao, mafia & CCP would gain more influence in the financial sector.


"Beijing has reshaped Canada in ways that most Canadians don’t fully appreciate, and we ignore Xi’s growing influence here at our peril."

--- New Zealand, Australia, Canada. Western allies which are seriously undermined by Chinese influence.

Analysing Wang Liqiang’s claims about China’s military networks

"the most valuable part of Wang’s story has eluded attention—his accusation that Xiang Xin, a Hong Kong businessman he claims to have worked for, sits at the centre of a People’s Liberation Army network. Many of Xiang’s reported military links have already been uncovered by Taiwanese media."

--- Evidence seems to mount that he really was a Chinese spy.

Video News:

--- CNBC: "US reaches trade deal in principle with China"

--- CBC News: "Senators call on government to sanction China"

Not in the news (yet):

Another giant sinkhole, this time in Xiamen

Tens of thousands at Edinburgh Place in HK on a Thursday evening

Deutsche Nachrichten:

Erpresste China die Färöer-Regierung?

"Bei dem Gespräch sei es um die freundschaftlichen Beziehungen zwischen den Färöer und China und um künftige Kooperationen gegangen. Sie riet Journalisten außerdem, sich beim Thema Drohungen lieber mit dem Verhalten der US-Regierung gegenüber China zu beschäftigen."

--- Schon in den deutschen Medien angekommen!?
"Mami, ich habe Tommy nicht gestoßen. Hast Du übrigens gesehen, wie schlecht der Timmy den Jimmy behandelt hat?"

Trump bläst den Handelskrieg ab

"Offenbar ist es den Amerikaner gelungen, eine Art Rückversicherung zu vereinbaren."

--- Wer's glaubt. Wird vermutlich die übliche VRC-Heuchelei sein. Aber Hauptsache, der Trumpel kann seinen großen Sieg feiern & hat Ruhe für den Wahlkampf.

China behauptet, Uiguren führen ein „glückliches Leben“

"Wo ist dann mein Vater, meine Mutter und mein Bruder? Wieso kann ich sie nicht anrufen?"

--- Na, ist doch ganz klar: Die sind so glücklich in ihrem neuen Leben, daß sie nonstop arbeiten. Ihre Telefone haben sie natürlich weggeworfen, weil sie Anrufe nur beim Glücklichsein stören würden.
