A child becomes his mother's happiness.


Good afternoon, fellas.

You are all welcome to a new post from this server, which will begin this writing by recounting a brief and summarized history of your childhood.

Shall we get started?

Let's get started


This child you see in this picture is not Lionel Messi, nor many Juan Roman Riquelme. Gentlemen, a boy with an impeccable smile was the spoiled one of his mother and especially of his grandmother adored.

My childhood, had hard problems, which today I still remember them, as if they were yesterday. In the same way, as a child you don't remember anything at all. That is why, our mother reminds us day by day, what we did with the toys, the treatment we gave to our friends, the loving care given by my aunts, if it was naughty, if it was quiet and so on until we see the "Chubby" in the hands of my mother dear of the soul.

Many years passed and Del Jesus grew a barbarity:


That boy loved by his aunts, took a giant step in his life, hand in hand with incredible people came to study 1st Grade at the Primary School Jose Apolinar Cantor, where he managed to get good friendships and indelible. Also, he had the unconditional support of his teacher in each one of his tasks done by "Thony", that's what they called me in the School.

Good friends will be remembered for the experiences lived, for the occurrences in the classroom, for each soccer game we played at recess time, etc..

In relation to my grades, I was a student attentive to each of the teacher's words. That, for me, was very useful for me to advance from Grade to Grade. Then, the rest was totally simple for me.

The story of that story has come to an end.

I bid you farewell in the hope that you have loved my writing.


Esta publicación ha sido seleccionada para el reporte de Curación Diaria.

final de post.png¡¡¡Felicidades!!!
