Lifestyle challenge week #137 / Lifestyle Challenge Woche #137


will continue to post my weekly review here. It is like a journal for me where I can read what I have done at any time.

another week that was crazy. I was actually on vacation, but had to work because of the Corona crisis. Was on the phone all week in the home office.

> I haven't been to the gym this week. Everyone is closed and I want to avoid any risk to my family. <

I trained from home. I need more motivation here because the first few days I found it quite difficult. I have created a training plan where all muscle groups can be trained. I'm excited to see if I can keep my muscle mass.

The main project is now blocked, also due to the new laws and the crisis.

I am now looking for a project that I can start and control from home. It won't be that easy because I haven't got a real idea yet.

Steem is now split into two and I can see that Hive has started strongly, which will bring a lot more dynamism

How was your week?


werde hier weiterhin mein wöchentliches Rückblick posten. Es ist für mich wie ein Journal wo ich jederzeit lesen kann was ich gemacht habe.

Wieder eine Woche die verrückt war. Eigentlich hatte ich Urlaub, aber musste arbeiten wegen der Corona-Krise. War im Homeoffice die ganze Woche aber ständig am telefonieren.

Ich war nicht im Fitnessstudio diese Woche. Es sind alle geschlossen und ich möchte jedes Risiko vermeiden für meine Familie.

Trainiert habe ich von Zuhause. Hier brauche ich mehr Motivation weil die ersten Tage ich es als recht schwierig empfunden habe. Ich habe mir ein Trainingsplan erstellt wo alle Muskelgruppen trainiert werden können. Ich bin gespannt ob ich meine Muskelmasse behalten werde.

Hauptprojekt ist jetzt blockiert, auch durch die neuen Gestzte und der Krise.

Ich suche jetzt ein Projekt was ich von Zuhause starten und steuern kann. Das wird nicht so einfach sein weil ich habe bis jetzt keine richtige Idee.

Steem ist jetzt gesplietet in zwei und ich sehe das Hive stark gestartet hat, was viel mehr Dynamik bringen wird

Wie war eure Woche?



Hey ya Alex.

I wish I weighed 100kg. This current situation is not conducive to effective dieting for me, I fear. I've simplified my diet to limit my store exposure. It's food that I like but has a tendency to settle in right behind my belt buckle.

One good thing is my dog Sam. He really expects a walk (which always includes time off the lead in the desert) every single day and is pretty good at convincing me I should go. Generally 3 to 5 miles for me and probably 2x for him.

Good luck my friend. I also know how hard it is. Friday Sam and I walked in a bit of a different place with a Botanist friend. A very pleasant diversion particularly when he found a plant he didn't recognize. A major discovery :)


Stay safe! That is the most important. Also for Sam!

I mostly weighted 125 kg when I was 18 and 115 kg some 8 years ago. Now I'm kind of stable. I'm housebound as I live in a crowded city. We wished we had a dog, but for that we would need a yard. Maybe we will move in the next years and will give our son the opportunity to have a dog as a friend.

Thank you for dropping by.
