Cuento Corto | La avioneta perdida | [ESP/ENG] | The lost plane


La avioneta perdida


Continúe mi búsqueda, ahora con un poco mas de esperanzas y ánimos para seguir en esta locura. Mientras minaba aprovechaba de limpiar un poco la sangre que tenía el rostro producto de las heridas de aquella araña. Mis zapatos aun estaban manchados del veneno de la flor que me ataco, definitivamente no la había pasado nada bien desde que llegue acá, pero es justo en esos momentos que veo mi pierna y recuerdo a aquel pulpo de cristal y su terrorífico mundo, en el cual estuve perdido tanto tiempo. Sigo perdido, pero al menos ahora lo estoy en un ambiente que es medianamente conocido y en el que se maniobrar más o menos bien para poder sobrevivir.

Más adelante pude encontrar escombros un tanto perturbadores, era un trozo metal bastante quemado, parecía ser parte de alguna maquina, estaba doblado y sus puntas partidas, al parecer hubo mucho fuego por acá. Decidí recogerlo y llevarlo conmigo en el camino, quizá me fuera útil de alguna manera. Unos minutos de caminata después, vi trozos muy similares, todos con las mismas características, con señales de calor intenso y bastante golpeado. No había duda que todo esto hacia parte de un mismo evento

Seguí mirando al suelo, siguiendo detenidamente el rastro de los escombros que encontraba, y a medida que avanzaba, los escombros se volvieron un poco más diversos, ya no eran simples trozos de metal, ahora eran complejas estructuras, con metales, telas, y algunos vidrios de gran tamaño que se habían ensuciado de tierra. Pude deducir que lo que se que haya pasado allí no era reciente, y a juzgar por el crecimiento de plantas en algunos de estos escombros, me atrevería a decir que pasaron unos cuantos meses. Seguí caminando hasta que pude observar lo que estaba esperando observar.

Justo ante mis ojos una gran avioneta, o lo que alguna vez hizo parte de una avioneta. Estaba totalmente destruida, al punto de ser casi irreconocible. Cualquiera pudiera pensar que se trataba de una simple estructura metálica quemada y golpeada, pero sutilmente se podían ver la forma de sus alas. El accidente fue de gran magnitud, me daba la completa seguridad de que en un accidente de tal envergadura es casi imposible que alguien saliera vivo, no había sobreviviente alguno que no escapara de mi lógica. Sin embargo, luego de lo que he vivido en los últimos días, he entendido que muchas veces la lógica no sirve de mucho, si me hubiese puesto a pensar en si lo que estaba viviendo era lógico o no, todavía estaría pensando en cómo pase de estar infiltrado en templo a tener una araña gigante en mi cara. No sirve siempre, la lógica puede cambiar según el contexto en el que estemos, y no sé si eso es especialmente emocionante y lleno de adrenalina, o muy aterrador y lleno de probabilidades de morir.

Decidí dejar el trozo de metal en el suelo, al parecer el misterio se había resuelto. Seguí caminando por unos treinta minutos hasta que vi a lo lejos otra avioneta. Sin embargo, esta avioneta era totalmente diferente, estaba casi intacta, sin rastros de incendios pasados, solo unos pequeños golpes en las alas y en las ruedas, unos cuantos vidrios rotos. Si bien no se veía como una nave que pudiera despegar al instante, sus daños eran bastante leves, lo cual hacia muy posible una reparación. Si de igual forma iba a morir a manos de las plantas o por un nido de arañas, nada perdía con intentar salir volando en una avioneta aunque ésta estuviera todavía defectuosa. Me apresure y entre en ella para ver si encontraba algo interesante.

Al entrar pude darme cuenta rápidamente que varios de los equipajes habían sido llevados a otro lugar. Había muchos documentos, revistas de ecología, y publicaciones acerca de taxonomía vegetal y animal. También contaban con muchos botiquines de primeros auxilio, y grandes reservas de comida enlatada, lamentablemente todo estaba vacío, solo había basura y algunos documentos que al parecer, no era de mucha importancia. En este punto pude comprender qué era de esta avioneta de donde pudieron haber sobrevivido las personas que construyeron la X al lado del rio.

Me llenaba de mucha alegría estar casi seguro de no estar solo en esta selva. Ahora solo tenía que buscar en los al rededores para saber si todavía están cerca y no se han sido devorados por alguna otra extraña criatura. Salí de la aeronave, tomando algunas cosas que me parecían útiles, como un mapa y unos encendedores. Una vez había emprendido mi búsqueda de nuevo, decidí echarle un vistazo al mapa, al parecer todo este tiempo tenía una idea errónea acerca del lugar en donde estaba, no solo se trataba de un bosque, sino que era un bosque de una isla muy alejada de todo, y que se encontraba en las agua del océano atlántico.

La satisfacción de saber que había vuelto a casa era indescriptible. Me topé con una extraña estructura, muy parecida a las madrigueras que construyen los castores, pero estaba hecha con escombros metálicos, muy similares al que tuve en mí en manos unos minutos atrás. Las paredes estaban reforzadas con lodo y piedras, y en la parte superior había una gran cantidad de hojas que protegían la estructura de las lluvias, o eso pensé. No tenía mucho que perder ese momento, me precipite, corrí y toque, grite bastante alto y pedí ayuda, necesitaba que alguien me escuchara y saliera a demostrarme que no estoy solo. De repente siento un gran golpe en mi cabeza, caí al suelo desmayado, con la adrenalina a millón.

Gracias por leer.

English Version:

The lost plane


Continue my search, now with a little more hope and encouragement to continue in this madness. While I mined, I took advantage of cleaning a little the blood that had the face product of the wounds of that spider. My shoes were still stained with the poison of the flower that attacked me, I definitely hadn't had a good time since I arrived here, but it's just in those moments that I see my leg and I remember that crystal octopus and its terrifying world, in which I was lost so much time. I'm still lost, but at least now I'm in an environment that is fairly well known and in which we maneuver more or less well in order to survive.

Later I could find some disturbing debris, it was a piece of metal quite burned, it seemed to be part of some machine, it was bent and its tips split, apparently there was a lot of fire here. I decided to pick it up and take it with me on the way, maybe it would be useful to me in some way. A few minutes of walking later, I saw very similar pieces, all with the same characteristics, with signs of intense heat and quite beaten. There was no doubt that all this was part of the same event.

I continued to look at the ground, carefully following the trace of the debris I found, and as I advanced, the debris became a little more diverse, no longer simple pieces of metal, now they were complex structures, with metals, fabrics, and some large glasses that had become soiled with earth. I could deduce that what I know happened there was not recent, and judging by the growth of plants in some of this debris, I would venture to say that a few months passed. I kept walking until I could see what I was hoping to see.

Right in front of my eyes a big plane, or what was once part of a small plane. It was completely destroyed, to the point of being almost unrecognizable. Anyone would think it was a simple metal structure burned and beaten, but you could subtly see the shape of its wings. The accident was of great magnitude, it gave me the complete security that in an accident of such magnitude it is almost impossible for someone to leave alive, there was no survivor who did not escape from my logic. However, after what I have experienced in the last few days, I have understood that many times logic is of little use, if I had thought about whether what I was experiencing was logical or not, I would still be thinking about how I went from being infiltrated in a temple to having a giant spider on my face. It doesn't always work, logic can change depending on the context we're in, and I don't know if that's especially exciting and full of adrenaline, or very scary and full of probabilities of dying.

I decided to leave the piece of metal on the ground, apparently the mystery had been solved. I kept walking for about thirty minutes until I saw another light aircraft in the distance. However, this plane was totally different, it was almost intact, with no trace of past fires, just a few small blows to the wings and wheels, a few broken glasses. Although it did not look like a ship that could take off instantly, its damage was quite slight, which made a repair very possible. If in the same way it was going to die at the hands of the plants or by a nest of spiders, nothing was lost with trying to fly away in a small plane even if it was still defective. I rushed into it to see if I could find something interesting.

Upon entering, I quickly realized that several of the luggage had been taken elsewhere. There were many documents, ecology journals, and publications about plant and animal taxonomy. They also had many first aid kits, and large reserves of canned food, unfortunately everything was empty, there was only garbage and some documents that apparently were not of much importance. At this point I was able to understand what happened to this small plane from where the people who built the X next to the river might have survived.

It filled me with great joy to be almost certain that I was not alone in this jungle. Now I only had to look around to find out if they are still nearby and have not been devoured by some other strange creature. I left the aircraft, taking some things that seemed useful to me, such as a map and some lighters. Once I had undertaken my search again, I decided to take a look at the map, apparently all this time I had a wrong idea about the place where I was, not only was it a forest, but it was an island forest far away from everything, and that was in the water of the Atlantic Ocean.

The satisfaction of knowing that he had returned home was indescribable. I came across a strange structure, very similar to the burrows built by beavers, but it was made of metal debris, very similar to the one I held in my hands a few minutes ago. The walls were reinforced with mud and stones, and at the top there were a lot of leaves that protected the structure from rain, or so I thought. I didn't have much to lose that moment, I rushed, I ran and touched, I shouted quite loudly and asked for help, I needed someone to listen to me and come out and show me that I am not alone. Suddenly I felt a big blow to my head, I fell to the ground passed out, with blood saturated with adrenaline.

Thank you for reading.

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Buen post. Me gustó leerlo.


Muy buena narrativa, tienes pinta de escritora,felicitaciones por tu esfuerzo


No soy escritor profesional pero me gusta bastante hacerlo, muchas gracias por tu comentario, saludos!


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Howdy aleestra! I finally got over here to your blog, I'm so glad you put things both in English and Spanish! Anyway I'll have to come back, short of time at the moment but what is Steempress?


Hello again! Thanks for stopping by, you can read them whenever you like, I usually publish short stories. Steempress is an excellent service that allows you to link your blog with the Steemit blockchain, is one of the best tools I have found. If you are interested, I attach the link to download the plug-in in Wordpress

Any doubt, you can consult me!


Howdy again aleestra and thanks for the link and the explanation, I thought it was a vote buying service! lol.


I don't usually use bots. But to use Steempress you need a wordpress site. At the moment certain policies are changing, you might be interested in reading about the project.


Howdy today aleestra and thanks for the information!
