Buzzi, reward people for sharing product reviews. Take a peek..!


Buzzi is an easy-to-use platform that seeks to unite creators and consumers in a fun way. Develop or encourage both parts of the product economy:

a) The experience of the real creators of products.

b) Actual consumers of products.

Some of the features that make this application more interesting:

  • The elimination of the giant gap of both characters mentioned above (creator-> consumer). Product consumers have the power to express their experiences and degrees of satisfaction, thus also allowing creators to improve or maintain quality ranges. In addition, it allows product creators to address or grow the commercial territory.


  • Due to the nature of the platform and because it is based on the STEEM network; content uploaded or stored on the platform is fully rewarded. That is, sharing experiences will be equal to economic growth for users. In the future, outside the BETA version, it is expected to be able to generate extra rewards, for those users that channel sales originated by the reviews offered.

  • Ease of development of the product review. Buzzi doesn't demand long and tedious revisions, he just wants you to be honest. And that is why, its interface subtly suggests a few short sentences, open and precise social network type. In addition to adding, specific questions that will determine both the degree of user satisfaction with that product.

  • Wide range of product categories, covering different areas. The development of products in certain areas, will depend on the real experiences of the users who decide to share their experiences when using the products they have chosen autonomously. In my case, I used the application for the first time, uploading content related to the baby category, (Danna, my daughter, just a few days old, has been my star model). It was just a quick review soaked of the truth about the product in question (disposable diapers for newborn baby, with belly button detail. Comfort should be the motto..!).

  • Filters implemented. The sections of the application are subtly separated, thus simplifying the search for content consumers in a simple way. It is from there that sections such as: Top Posts, Top Creators, Recent Posts, in addition to the various categories of existing products arise. In my case, I like the category of babies and technology.

Buzzi is an ideal mobile application for those people who experiment every day with new or perhaps common products. Knowing, experimenting and sharing, are actions fostered by the platform that seeks to become an ally between creators and common consumers far from fictional standards. Real people with real experiences and products.
