Coinmarketcap 18/08/2019


Hola Buenas Noches mis queridos lectores, hemos finalizado una semana mas de vida gracias a Dios, espero todos hallan obtenido un dia rentable y productivo, asi como tambien hallan podido pasar el tiempo necesario con la familia que es lo mas importante que tenemos.

Hello Good Night my dear readers, we have finished one more week of life thanks to God, I hope everyone has obtained a profitable and productive day, as well as they have been able to spend the necessary time with the family which is the most important thing we have.

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Hoy el mercado presento un aumento muy positivo para terminar la semana donde ha logrado obtener un aumento correspondiente al "3.20%"

Today the market presented a very positive increase to end the week where it has managed to get an increase corresponding to the "3.20%"

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El grafico de este dia el mercado ha iniciado las primeras horas del dia con una relativa calma, seguido con un aumento que recibimos todos en la hora del desayuno donde dicho aumento lo ha logrado mantener durante el resto del dia a pesar de la pequeña correccion que se presento iniciando la noche, por supuesto que este aumento de hoy es muy beneficioso para todos principalmente para los que dedican tiempo completo a las criptomonedas "traders", esto fue lo mas bonito del dia pero en otro aspecto la semana no fue la mejor para nosotros debido a que mercado presento una dolorosa caida de "8.45%" haciendo una comparacion con el cierre del domingo pasado, logicamente afecta pero algo sabemos que mercado esta a poco tiempo que inicie un aumento con la noticia de BAKKT BITCOIN que se generara a partir del 23 de Septiembre donde todos esperemos inicie el deseado Bull Market.

The graph of this day the market has started the first hours of the day with a relative calm, followed by an increase that we all received in the time of breakfast where this increase has managed to maintain it for the rest of the day despite the small correction that was presented starting the night, of course this increase today is very beneficial for all mainly for those who devote full time to the cryptomonedas "traders", this was the most beautiful thing of the day but in another aspect the week was not the best for us because the market presented a painful fall of "8.45%" making a comparison with the closing of last Sunday, logically affects but something we know that the market is soon to start an increase with the news of BAKKT BITCOIN that will be generated from September 23 where we all hope to start the desired Bull Market..

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Hoy ha sido un dia positivo 👍 donde las monedas del mercado de criptomonedas han cerrado con balance positivo.
Today has been a positive day 👍 where the coins of the cryptomime market have closed with a positive balance.

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Colors of the Market

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El hombre se descubre cuando se mide contra un obstáculo. Antoine de Saint Exupery.

Man is discovered when measured against an obstacle. Antoine de Saint Exupery.

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Design Made to: sevillaespino


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