Water perturbations


Do you like water?

Be water my friend.

Droplets, light dancing, reflection and refraction can be mesmerising when right conditions are met.

For example tunneling through the wormhole!

Or sending a lot of concentric mechanical waves.

And once you are hooked on it, you want to play even more... and create as much variations as you can. :)

What is life without some colours in it? Make it shine!

Hope you liked the stuff presented, and maybe even try to do it yourself :)

All the best,
© Svemirac.

Co-founder of Crowdmind project.
CEO of @Curie.
Curie witness and crowdwitness operator.
If you happen to have some free witne11ss votes, don't be shy to approve these ones, we are ranked as 63rd and 18th respectively.
