Broken Phone


Time to write out my frustrations...

Firstly, I just realized that I forgot to do Punday Monday on Monday, so I'll do that shortly. WHOOPS.


Ugh. The title says it all. These shorts have pockets, but they are bad pockets. Just deep enough to fool you into believing that your phone is safe in them, but if you step down out of the truck, your phone tumbles perfectly to the pavement so that it cracks the screen on the pavement. And less than a year since you got it, so no discounted phones available. Just... ugh. How do you even get a phone replaced in the apocalypse? I even agreed to the upsell of gorilla glass for it, but they didn't have gorilla glass in the size of phone I had so they had to remove their successful upsell and I didn't get gorilla glass. UGH. And, I know it doesn't matter what I was doing in the moment, but I didn't even care. We just, on a whim, went to get some food. Some food that now will have cost $80 more and several hours of worry and work on getting a phone replaced in the apocalypse. JUST UGH.

But Lochlan is wonderful.

But also he woke up before the sun this morning, so I'm TIRED.


If you are daring, you could order a replacement screen kit from ebay and try to fix it yourself by watching a YouTube video on it. Not always worth it though. Definitely recommend a good xase and screen protector to keep phones from going to the the great charging banking the sky before their time


When I took it to a repair shop they said androids weren't built to have replacement screens. That it was almost always cheaper just to buy a new phone. I'll take a look, though!
