The image is made of own imagination and thoughts (competition6)


Digital art made by @xpilar

Be creative, Make a good story out of my digital picture

You join easily,
you post your story with my picture on your blog.
yes your blog
and you also post the story in the comment box here on my blog
and with a link to your post

Those who choose to write a story and publish it on their own
blog page gets rewarded by me with an upvote for it

Space 1 A.jpg

See the picture better CLIK HERE, view full size

I am grateful for a comment about my Digital art

If you want to write a story,
it mus be related to my picture
Be creative when creating the story


This image is like an extension of your avatar 😃 It looks like the peaks of the mountains. Looking forward to reading what people write about it. @alliedforces curate

Your photo reminded me of my youth. In 1997, we traveled with a tourist detachment to Altai, these are mountains of unforgettable beauty covered with forest. The goal was to climb to the top of the "pioneers" and spend the nights there, and in the morning go down. Late at night I went out of the tent and saw mountains, illuminated by the full moon from beauty, breathtaking. The tops of the mountains were silver from the moonlight, for a moment I thought that I was on another planet, because the bright stars were very close. Your photo brought me youth. Give thanks.


Finally together.

The road to being together has not been easy.

The road has been long, unstable, full of rocks, highs and lows.

But finally we are together, as a loving team.

Being with you was worth it, every tear, every pain, every wait.

Finally together on the cusp of our life.

We have fought so much that we deserve the happiness that smiles today.

I would go back to pilgrimage the road if in the end you are again.

You are my cane, my support, my achievement and my eternal love.


Its the year 2236. Earth ecosystem is in the gutter, only mutanted animals and humans can survive there.
The mutanted human called Exomag Humans can withstand the unstable ecosystem at earth.

As the earth became more and more unstable, people evovle into survival mode, but not as much as the Exomag whom finds joy in the unstable ecosystem.

Written on my short bus ride to work, could be way better and bigger :D


Hello @xpilar,

Here my entry:

The present story in a continuation based on its image of the Competition4. It occurred to me, what would an image of "The Steem Light Spaceship" look like?

Captain Cooper now has two problems to solve.

His image of the Competition6 inspired me to write about one of the moons of the exoplanet that has frozen water in its beaks.

Thank you very much for your magnificent designs.

Hey there @goldmatters! @ocdb is giving New Steem and manual curation a chance, which is why you have received a big vote from us :) I hope the vote helps catching your attention and you get to read this comment.

I am personally not familiar with your blog, well I wasn't until today that I spent a while reading your posts. You have some great giveaways and contests going on, it really seems like you put some time into them and you have some great engagement in them.

The reason I'm writing you is to link you to a post (I hope it's ok I do some self promotion) where I talk about changing the voting mentality and give New Steem a chance by spreading our voting power to other users, perhaps even focusing on minnows if that's what you want. I think that rewarding the winners of your posts with votes is already spreading a bit of your Voting Power, but still I hope that you give the post a read and it appeals to your OG status and maybe you consider giving it a try :)

Here is the post I'm talking about. I hope to get some feedback from you. Have a great day!

Open letter - a Plea to give New Steem a chance


Hi @anomadsoul

Thanks for the good upvote, appreciate it.
I will come to your post and leave a comment later.

It's always nice to see that my posts are appreciated and what I do for others here, but sometimes the air goes out of me when I get a massive downvote against me as it was today


Here is my story - the is amazing

Turning imagination to art

When hope is all you left with.
Just you and only you.
You scream you lungs out but the is no one there to hear you.
What do you do.

The sun set.
The beautiful stars shine bright.
The darkness now feels like home.

You can finally let go your thoughts, un-bottle what you bottled up .
Have a chat with yourself without feeling crazy, as the is no one there to judge you.


Marta's birthday.

There was a beautiful Caribbean country where, due to bad government decisions, its inhabitants were getting poorer every day, there was a small young couple who did not escape from the situation and each day it was harder for them to survive, Daniel and Maria struggled eagerly because their daughter Marta It was his strength to fight.
Marta was 5 years old and as a child she ignored the difficult life, she just wanted to celebrate her birthday.
Marta's birthday came, she woke up and ran to wake up her parents, the girl was so happy, but to her surprise there was only her mother, her father had left very early, the sad and annoyed girl told her mother that He no longer loved his parents, for he had forgotten his birthday.
The day passed and his father did not arrive... When night fell, Maria and the birthday girl were in the courtyard, when Daniel arrived with a birthday cake, decorated with meringue and chocolate sighs, with two birthday candles in the center .

I enter singing happy birthday Marta was so happy, the cake was perfect, I blow the candles and hug her father.
They ate cake, played, danced and sang they three made a very intimate party, full of love and happiness.
The girl fell asleep, and the parents went to lay their girl in bed ... It was at that moment when the girl slept that Maria asked Daniel where he had taken the money for that cake and where the day had passed.
That's when Daniel told his wife that while they slept the worried went out into the street, because he didn't want to see his sad daughter for not being able to celebrate her day.
While walking a neighbor who was fixing his garden I offered to help him, I needed to occupy my mind, I accept happy, while we worked we talked and told his wife that my daughter was having a birthday but my situation was so bad that I could not even sing birthday.
My surprise is that when he finished his wife came out with that beautiful cake and they asked me tomorrow to continue working.
The couple before sleeping grateful to God for having celebrated their child's birthday, their happiness gave them strength to continue fighting, Grateful for their neighbors, for their great heart and for the new opportunity to work, with a job all serious easier of coping.


En un determinado lugar donde una montaña se alza reluciente desde una base de glaciares en el extremo más lejano de una cordillera cuatro intrépidos amigos experimentados intentaron escalarlo.Durante el ascenso su único objetivo por el momento era llegar a la cima, lo cual lograron redoblando los esfuerzos.
Estos hombres tenían la nieve hasta las rodillas en su camino hasta el lugar donde harían el campamento, base que se encuentra a 4800 metros de altura. Desde las cascadas de hielo que rodean las pendientes caían trozos grandes. Los vientos en la cima alcanzan a cierta fuerza y las temperaturas alcanzaban 27 grados centígrados. Trabajaron en equipo, muy bien organizados, y una vez que todo quedó establecido- carpa,equipaje etc.-se dispusieron a descansar. Allí posteriormente encendieron una fogata cocieron alimentos y cenaron, conversaron sobre las experiencias durante la escalada, y posteriormente se dispusieron a dormir hasta el amanecer, momento en el que después del desayuno exploraron el lugar para cumplir con la misión en cuanto a algunos experimentos pendientes.
Los escaladores se quedaron cuatro semanas en sus tiendas de campaña, esperando aminoraran vendavales que posteriormente se presentaron pero sin mayores inconvenientes , y le agradecieron a xpilar porque no haberlos enviado a otra cima mas alta.


The favorite dream

A beautiful distant planet, lost in a vast endless space ...
I sometimes see it in a dream.
Its bizarre peaks, like stalactites growing up, its hills and craters.

Perhaps on this planet the inhabitants remained?
And they observe the same distant stars in the boundless sky that we do?

Sometimes in my dreams this planet looks like a huge, enormous fantastic chocolate cake covered with icing-sugar and fancy sophisticated decorations. When I go deeper and deeper into sleep, I even begin to feel the aroma of this beautiful cake in my dream...)


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Good digital image. from the color and shape it looks good. but I am confused to give a description for this picture. I will provide a description for your other digital images.


Hi @xpilar.

La Primera

―Me fascina este lugar ―dijo Eliana, mientras se retiraba los guantes del traje. Apretó y aflojo varias veces los puños, como tratando de desentumir sus dedos, luego extendió los brazos frente a ella y extendió sus manos al viento, para poder sentirlo ―. Quisiera poder quitarme también la máscara para sentir la brisa en mi rostro.

―No lo creo prudente, aun los niveles de oxígeno son demasiado bajos, pero pronto será posible ― comentó Ilia, sin separar la mirada del anotador que tenía en sus manos ―. Necesito tu confirmación aquí, ya renové las instrucciones para la IA de terraformación.

Eliana se dio vuelta, a donde estaba Ilia y sin prestar mayor atención, movió su mano derecha sobre el anotador para introducir un desconocido comando, que, junto a la confirmación de Ilia, activaría la nueva secuencia de instrucciones que debería seguir la IA.

―Bien, podemos irnos ya, todo está listo aquí ―dijo Ilia inexpresivo.

―Esperemos un rato, el siguiente mundo está a dos días de camino y no quiero encerarme contigo y tus aromas en la nave tan pronto ―dijo Eliana, mostrando una amplia sonrisa a través del visor de su casco ―¿qué tal si caminamos un poco?, quiero ver el terreno. Vamos a bajar por esa ladera ―dijo, señalando en dirección a una pendiente que se había formado en la colina tras el deshielo.

―De acuerdo, pero no podemos tardar más de tres horas, o estaríamos incumpliendo las normas. Además, nos retrasaríamos en el cronograma ―respondió Ilia secamente ―. Todo sea porque no te molesten mis aromas.

―Claro será sólo un momento, abajo se puede ver una laguna me gustaría llegar hasta allá.

Descendieron más rápido de lo que pudieron haber esperado, el suelo, aunque húmedo, estaba lo suficientemente sólido como para avanzar con facilidad. Al cabo de media hora, ya estaba al borde de una pequeña laguna formada por el deshielo. Las aguas tenían un intenso color verde casi fosforescente, estaban cubiertas por alguna clase de capa de materia orgánica.

―Las algas se han reproducido rápidamente, no esperaba ver tantas en tan poco tiempo ―comentó Eliana, al ver la laguna.

―Hace dos meses que se introdujeron, supongo que por la altura deben haber menos aquí, que a nivel del mar, pero ha sido suficiente tiempo para que prosperen lo suficiente como para que hayan poblado esta charca ―respondió Ilia

―Maldición, tu le quitas lo místico a todo.

Estuvieron de pie, caminando de un lado a otro por el sitio, hasta que repentinamente Eliana, que se había alejado de la laguna, llamó a gritos a Ilia por el comunicador.

―¡Ilia, ven rápido, tienes que ver esto! ―gritaba casi sin aliento.

Ilia corrió hasta donde se encontraba, para hallarla arrodillada en el suelo, observando fijamente algo que parecía estar en el espacio en medio de sus rodillas, apoyadas en la tierra blanda.

―¿Qué sucede que encontraste? ―preguntó Ilia, intrigado.

―Mira ―dijo, apuntando con su dedo a un par de pequeñas hojas verdes que se asomaban entre las diminutas rocas y el fango ―. Es la única en todo el lugar, tiene que ser primera planta que crece en el planeta.

―Es un helecho, las esporas fueron dispersadas hace apenas una semana, no me extrañaría que haya más a menor altura ―dijo Ilia, inalterable.

―Maldición Ilia, si no me hubiera acostumbrado a tu insensibilidad y malos olores, te juro que pediría que me cambiaran de compañero ―dijo Eliana, claramente molesta ―. Empieza a caminar hacia la nave, yo te alcanzo ―dijo, señalando hacia la pendiente ―. Tu pequeñita, eres la primera planta en crecer en este planeta, sin importar lo que diga el bruto de mi compañero.

The First

-I'm fascinated by this place,- said Eliana, as she removed her gloves from her suit. She clenched and loosened her fists several times, as if trying to disentangle her fingers, then extended her arms in front of her and extended her hands to the wind, so that she could feel it-. I wish I could also take off my mask to feel the breeze on my face.

-I don't think it's wise, even the oxygen levels are too low, but soon it will be possible -said Ilia, without separating the look of the notebook she had in her hands -. I need your confirmation here, I already renewed the instructions for the terraformation AI.

Eliana turned to where Ilia was and without paying much attention, moved her right hand over the notebook to enter an unknown command, which, along with Ilia's confirmation, would activate the new sequence of instructions that the AI should follow.

-Well, we can go now, everything is ready here- said Ilia inexpressive.

-Let's wait a while, the next world is two days away and I don't want to wax with you and your scents on the ship so soon- said Eliana, smiling broadly through the viewfinder of her hull - how about we walk a bit, I want to see the terrain. Let's go down that slope- she said, pointing in the direction of a slope that had formed on the hill after the thaw.

-Okay, but we can't take more than three hours, or we'd be breaking the rules. Besides, we'd be late in the schedule- Ilia replied dryly -. Everything should be because you don't mind my aromas.

-Of course it will only be a moment, below you can see a gap I would like to get there.

They descended faster than they could have expected, the ground, though wet, was solid enough to advance easily. Within half an hour, I was on the edge of a small lagoon formed by melting ice. The waters had an intense, almost phosphorescent green color, covered by some sort of layer of organic matter.

-The algae have reproduced quickly, I didn't expect to see so many in such a short time- commented Eliana, looking at the lagoon.

-They were introduced two months ago, I suppose because of the height there must be less here than at sea level, but it has been long enough for them to thrive long enough to have populated this pond- replied Ilia.

-Damn it, you take the mystical out of everything.

They stood, walking back and forth through the site, until suddenly Eliana, who had moved away from the lagoon, shouted out to Ilia for the communicator.

-Ilia, come quickly, you have to see this- she shouted almost out of breath.

Ilia ran to where she was, to find her kneeling on the ground, staring at something that seemed to be in the space in the middle of her knees, leaning on the soft ground.

-What happened that you found?- asked Ilia, intrigued.

-Look- she said, pointing her finger at a couple of small green leaves that poked out between the tiny rocks and the mud-. It is the only one in the whole place, it has to be the first plant to grow on the planet.

-It's a fern, the spores were dispersed just a week ago, I wouldn't be surprised if there's more at a lower altitude- said Ilia, unalterable.

-Damn it, Ilia, if I hadn't gotten used to your insensitivity and bad smells, I swear I'd ask to be changed- said Eliana, clearly upset -. Start walking towards the ship, I'll catch up with you- she said, pointing towards the slope -. You little girl, you're the first plant to grow on this planet, no matter what my brute partner says.

Thank you @xpilar, I hope the story was to your liking
