The image is made of own imagination and thoughts (competition 25)


Time for a contest again, where you are the author

Digital art made by @xpilar

Be creative, Make a good story out of my digital picture

You join easily,
you post your story with my picture on your blog.
yes your blog
and you also post the story in the comment box here on my blog
and with a link to your post

Those who choose to write a story and publish it on their own
blog page gets rewarded by me with an upvote for it on your site

eventyrbilde 1 A.jpg

See the picture better CLIK HERE, view full size

Here you see a bit when I create the image in the 3D programbefore I put on effects and colors
![grovsisse 1.png](grovsisse 1.png

grovsisse 2.png

I am grateful for a comment about my Digital art

If you want to write a story,
it mus be related to my picture
Be creative when creating the story


My imagination sees a picture of the Jurassic period, when dinosaurs still reigned on earth. The rainy season has not yet arrived, and fires began from the scorching sun and hot wind. Smoke clubs slowly rise to the rocks, where huge pterosaurs are excited and soar in the sky, not understanding what is happening.


My life changed.
In my world, the days went by so normal, one day was similar to the other

Until you appeared, I felt like birds invaded my being

Your gaze full of fire my insides, I felt more woman

My days and nights stopped being the same

You filled my life with nights of passion, sunrises of desires

Sunsets of pain, days of missing you and days of having you

I didn't know the cold of the presence, nor the heat of the absence

I didn't know the massacre of watching who you love go away

Not even the joy of seeing who you love reach.

My life so peaceful, my stone days are part of the past

Because you appeared, you made my world shiver

My paleolithic life evolved into the holocene of love.


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Hi @xpilar, I noticed that you started to show the way how your images are build up, that looks very interesting and I am really surprised how at the end you manages to make such beautiful Artworks. Seeing this one I also like many of other Steemians thought about prehistoric scene. The figures sailing in the sky reminded me Pterodactyls, and of course seeing the tropical trees with a low clouds, that makes an impression of rain forests, juicy green just at the foot of mountains. Really good work and another adventurous scenery :)


The terror of the estirges.

Many years ago in a huge rainforest, hundreds of animals lived among the thick vegetation, the days were happy, the song of the birds sounded like music without stopping, the river was used by everyone, the fish swam happily, the animals with the sun lived in peace, the life of all animals was respected in the day ...
But when the night came thunderous roars marked the terrible sign that peace was over, all the animals ran to hide as the manors arrived, their silhouettes clothed the jungle sky with terror, the animal curfew began.
Any animal that was found by the estirges sucked his blood until he left them without life.
During the night hours the jungle was a place full of terror.
When the sun rose everything returned to peace, for a few hours the animals could forget the reign of terror from the ancestors.


Hi @xpilar

Los Dragones de Perséfone

Para cuando los Humanos arribaron a Perséfone, quedaron impresionados por algunas de las formas de vida que en aquel mundo se encontraban. Una de las más impresionantes vistas, era la de unas gigantescas criaturas que solían volar alrededor de la sima de algunas montañas, en las que construían sus nidos en las salientes de roca, a partir de las algas rígidas que crecían en las costas cercanas, ellos albergaban decenas de huevos, que serían la próxima generación de aquellos peculiares seres, que fueron llamados dragones, por sus descubridores.

Los Dragones de Perséfone, eran la especie voladora más grande que habitaba el planeta, tenían el aspecto de descomunales serpientes de diez metros de largo, dotadas con un par de alas, similares a las de los murciélagos, con una envergadura de unos veinte metros y dos pares de piernas terminadas en garras, con las que se aferraban a las paredes de las montañas donde hacían sus nidos.

Su cabeza, también similar a la de una gran serpiente, se encontraba coronada con un gran penacho, que podían plegar y extender, según su estado de ánimo, cambiando éste de color, también de acuerdo a su humor.

Para el momento que los humanos llegaron por primera vez a Perséfone, su población en el planeta, era de unos quinientos mil ejemplares. Pero el planeta se encontraba en un periodo de extinción masiva; ocasionado por un inusual vulcanismo, que, al cabo de los siguientes cinco mil años, redujo en un veinte porciento las especies nativas del planeta, entre ellas a los Dragones.

Los restos de algunos de sus últimos ejemplares, fueron preservados y colocados en exposición permanente en el Museo de la Vida de Dione y forman parte de la exposición de especies no terrestres extintas.

The Dragons of Persephone

By the time Humans arrived in Persephone, they were impressed by some of the life forms found in that world. One of the most impressive views was that of giant creatures that used to fly around the chasm of some mountains, in which they built their nests in the rock projections, from the rigid algae that grew in the nearby coasts, they housed dozens of eggs, which would be the next generation of those peculiar beings, who were called dragons by their discoverers.

The Dragons of Persephone, were the biggest flying species that inhabited the planet, they had the aspect of colossal serpents of ten meters long, endowed with a pair of wings, similar to those of the bats, with a wingspan of about twenty meters and two pairs of legs finished in claws, with which they clung to the walls of the mountains where they made their nests.

Their head, also similar to that of a large snake, was crowned with a large plume, which they could fold and extend, according to their state of mind, changing this colour, also according to their mood.

By the time humans first arrived in Persephone, its population on the planet was about five hundred thousand. But the planet was in a period of massive extinction; caused by an unusual vulcanism, which, at the end of the following five thousand years, reduced by twenty percent the native species of the planet, among them the Dragons.

The remains of some of his last specimens were preserved and placed in a permanent exhibition at the Museum of Life in Dione and are part of the exhibition of extinct non-terrestrial species.

Thanks @xpilar, I hope the story was to your liking.
