The image is made of own imagination and thoughts


Digital art made by @xpilar

ounder water 4 A.jpg

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Wondering what your thoughts and description are from my picture

If you want to write a story,
it mus be related to my picture
and maybe you get a good upvote from me


Good day @xpilar, the thousand and one doors, is a magical place where your homes show only the doors because their walls and ceilings are invisible to prevent them from being Vulneradas.
It is a community where peace and harmony reign.


Your Ideal Door.

Life is a blue sea of ​​opportunities

You decide if you drown or fight

You decide if you swim and enjoy the trip or float without hope of light

In this sea of ​​life there are millions of doors, you just have to look for yours

That door that happened to your eternal happiness

So remember nothing, live, enjoy and open doors.

Do not stop fighting because you do not know when it is your ideal door.


Your daily digital art is incredible, simple, modest but interesting, the detail that is submerged in the water makes it more beautiful and strong as metal details.


The Story of the Extinct City

One a upon a time there was this city called gemcity and it was thriving with lots of treasures they call gemini stones and they use it as their currency.

One day a big asteroid containing lots of water and ice had struck their planet and cause a great deal of devastation. The ice in the asteroid had melted and caused the gemcity to go under the water.

The city never recovered and now it is under water yet to be discovered by another civilization @xpilar


It looks like an art inspired by an ancient extraterrestrial cemetery submerged and forgotten in the sea.


En una zona minera(hierro) un grupo de hombres especializados en dicha actividad detonaron explosivos para desprender rocas. Una vez obtenido dicho mineral lo procesaron y pusieron a trabajar su imaginación en cuanto que hacer con el referido metal, ya que su objetivo era crear, y, se les prendió el bombillito, es decir les llegó una genial idea, ¿cual? ; la de erIgir catorce hermosas armaduras de forma casi piramidal, para la posteridad.Felicitaciones xpilar, me induces a poner en movimiento mi imaginación. me encanta. EUREKA, jejeje,


When governed with love.

Daniel and Eva are a young couple who love each other with sweetness and sincerity, their love is the greatest of the entire Villa Real.
Although they are very young and still go to school their innocent love is committed to an adult couple.
Many oppose this relationship but they do not allow anyone to oppose .... Well there are tougher circumstances that manage to oppose.
A terrible invasion of digital warriors arrived at the Villa Real.
They were metal warriors who entered the Villa through the water, sowing terror and despair.
They summoned the men to be part of the resistance, Daniel joined that force, although he was not of the corresponding age, he managed to be part of that army that would defend the town.
Eva felt crazy, she didn't want Daniel to fight, she was terrified of losing him, she is so young and doesn't want to separate.
Daniel assured him that he only did it for her, that he wanted to protect her, that he was a man and that as a man he would protect his queen.
They cried and hugged, I swear to return, she swear to wait for him.
Many were present in this oath of love, the inhabitants applauded and cried few are the loves that big, that strong and eternal.
Love spread to everyone, including digital warriors, who functioned for the hatred and cold of hearts.
The warriors could not continue, they were paralyzed and became a chunk of cold metal, which could not advance further in the sea.


From that day on Daniel and Eva became King and Queen of Villa Real.
They ruled with love, justice and humility, their motto is that a Villa with Love works better.


This digital image of yours looks very good. and very good also to be described.

almost all parts of the world know steemit. because of that steemite has a strong foundation to always remain standing. but because of the long decline in steem prices, causing one of the foundations to be damaged. even though so steemite still has many foundations. and still stands firm.

a damaged foundation must be repaired immediately. because it causes the balance of steemite to be disturbed. and the way to repair the damaged foundation is that people have to do a lot of spud. this is also what you say and @streetstyle

this is just my description of the digital image that you display.

Posted using Partiko Android


dredging the ground on the seabed

The project to install piles to build wind power plants on the high seas has begun. Starting from dredging the ground on the seabed so that it allows the pile can be plugged in. Dredging the 30-meter-deep soil is done to ensure the strength of the piles that will stick in the subgrade. Maybe today the installation of 5m and 6m diameter steel pipe poles has been widely used in wind turbine power plants at sea. but this time piles will be used with larger diameters to guard against the possibility of collapsing by the waves from the Indian ocean waves. This analysis appears to anticipate events before the harbor that has collapsed due to heavy loads and large hurricanes.
In fact, on a pier with a large load such as 5 tons / m3, with a pole distance of about 6 meter x 5 meter, and depth of -14m and deck height + 4m, required a steel pipe diameter of 900mm x 16mm thick, that alone can collapse because of the strength of a very powerful typhoon . So for a depth of 50m with a soft layer of 20m, then roughly the diameter of the pipe will be 10 meters with a thickness of around 180mm. To set it up, a giant Piling Barge is needed very large and with a 150m stake, equipped with an XTR type Hammer, such as the creation of a giant bridge connecting Panaitan Island and Xerxes Island.
This activity uses experts from the land of windmills, the Netherlands, which has been known for advancing underwater construction technology since colonial times.
With the supervision of very strict experts, it is hoped that the construction of wind power plant construction on the high seas will succeed and become an environmentally friendly alternative energy source.
Thank you @xpilar
Warm regard from Indonesia


Hi @xpilar

La Maldición de Quimera

―¿Es cierto que una mujer murió aquí? ―pregunto Patrice en tono aprehensivo. Mientras observaba las lecturas de los sensores ―. Uno de tus compañeros me dijo que su fantasma rondaba por aquí.

―Eso tengo entendido, no sé, que tan cierto sea, pero la leyenda circula entre todos los estudiantes de Biología de la academia de Cerbero, al parecer era una bióloga de la División de Ingeniería Ambiental e investigadora de la academia. ―respondió Silvio, quien piloteaba el pequeño sumergible ―. Al parecer la información fue ocultada.

―Nunca había oído algo de eso en la facultad de ingeniería, por allá las únicas leyendas que circulan son las que explican la desaparición de las chicas de algunas especialidades; en los primeros años de ingeniería aeroespacial sólo hay una niña, por cada diez niños ―dijo en tono burlón, sin apartar la vista de la proyección de las lecturas ―. Tu te crees eso de lo del fantasma.

―Claro que no, esas son pamplinas. Pero para ser sincero, siempre ha existido un algo misterioso y atemorizante sobre este planeta, muchos de los que han trabajado aquí, por mucho tiempo, han sufrido de trastornos del sueño, pesadillas y depresión ―respondió Silvio, en tono sombrío ―. Un antiguo maestro mío, al parecer debió ser internado con síntomas de demencia, tras pasar un año llevando una investigación aquí.

―Y, ¿de qué murió la mujer? ―pregunto Patrice.

―Según cuenta la leyenda, fue hace más de cinco mil años, la tipa enloqueció y se suicido o se mató por accidente, unas versiones dicen que se quitó el casco porque no soportaba más la soledad y otros dicen que fue a causa de algún tipo de delirio, el caso es que murió envenenada por los gases atmosféricos ―respondió Silvio.

―La verdad es que este planeta es raro, es cierto que los cristalodermos son la única forma de vida que existe en todo el lugar ―continuó Patrice.

―Es cierto, no se ha encontrado evidencias de la existencia de otra forma de vida, ni macro, ni microscópica, aquí sólo habitan los cristalodermos ―respondió mientras se acercaba a un grupo grande de unos veinte, sumergidos a varios kilómetros de la costa.

El sumergible rodeó al grupo, que se encontraba organizado en una formación compacta que asemejaba un círculo, luego se detuvo a una decena de metros de ellos. Horas después Patrice y Silvio empezaron a sentir una extraña sensación de desasosiego, la peculiar agrupación de columnas cristalinas les era particularmente perturbadora, era como si los extraños seres pudieran de alguna forma saber lo que pensaban, como si pudiesen ver a través de ellos.

―Creo que deberíamos irnos de aquí ―dijo Silvio, que sólo se dedicaba a ver a las extrañas criaturas.

―Sí, no me siento nada bien, creo que en cualquier momento volveré el estómago ―concordó Patrice ―. Esperemos un par de horas más, creo que, con eso y la data recolectada por los sensores del satélite, será suficiente. Espero que podamos encontrar algo en ellos que sirva.

Durante la noche, en la nave, ninguno de los dos logró dormir, extraños sueños los acosaron, en ellos vieron la imagen de una mujer ataviada con un traje espacial, sin su casco, flotando a las orillas de una playa rodeada de cristalodermos, en su rostro una mueca de angustia y desesperanza, a su alrededor extrañas formas que se retorcían como nubes de gas, estirándose y girando comprimiéndose como si tuvieran vida, parecían flotar en aire en aquella playa donde flotaba sin vida.

Al día siguiente perturbados por aquello, decidieron volver a Cerbero, una noche en Quimera había sido suficiente. Dedicaron la mayor parte de los veinte días que duraría en viaje a analizar los datos recolectados por los sensores, para no encontrar nada que demostrará algún tipo de comunicación entre los cristalodermos.

Todo cambió a poco menos de un día de entrar en órbita alrededor de Cerbero, en una ignorada frecuencia de ondas de radio casi al límite de los 3 hercios, Patrice encontró una señal, un extraño tren de pulsos que parecían propagarse desde el centro mismo de la ubicación del grupo de cristalodermos, de inmediato comunicaron sus hallazgos a la facultad de biología de la Academia de Cerbero, los financistas del proyecto.

Poco después de enviar el paquete de datos, cuando la nave que los transportaba ingresaba en la atmósfera del planeta, una falla en las placas del blindaje de calor, causó un estallido que acabo con la vida del biólogo Silvio Buonaffina y del ingeniero en radio tecnología astronáutica Patrice Fernández. Ambos serían reconocidos post mortem como los descubridores de los mecanismos de comunicación de los critalodermos de Quimera, mecanismos que aun permanecen sin ser explicados.

The Curse of Chimera

-Is it true that a woman died here? -Patrice asked in an apprehensive tone. As I looked at the readings from the sensors -. One of your companions told me that his ghost was around here.

-That I understand, I don't know, how true it is, but the legend circulates among all the Biology students at Cerbero's academy, apparently she was a biologist from the Environmental Engineering Division and a researcher at the academy. - replied Silvio, who was piloting the small submersible. -Apparently the information was hidden.

-I had never heard of it in the engineering faculty, the only legends that circulate there are those that explain the disappearance of girls from some specialties; in the first years of aerospace engineering there is only one girl for every ten children, -he said in a mocking tone, without taking his eyes off the projection of the readings -. You believe that about the ghost.

-Of course not, those are nonsense. But to be honest, there has always been something mysterious and frightening about this planet, many of those who have worked here, for a long time, have suffered from sleep disorders, nightmares and depression, - replied Silvio, in a gloomy tone. -A former teacher of mine, apparently had to be hospitalized with symptoms of dementia, after spending a year carrying out an investigation here.

-And what did the woman die of? -Patrice asks.

-According to legend, it was more than five thousand years ago, the girl went mad and committed suicide or was killed by accident, some versions say that she removed her helmet because she could no longer stand solitude and others say that it was because of some kind of delirium, the case is that she died poisoned by atmospheric gases - replied Silvio.

-The truth is that this planet is rare, it is true that crystalloderms are the only form of life that exists in the whole place, - continued Patrice.

-It is true, no evidence has been found of the existence of any other form of life, neither macro nor microscopic, here only crystallodermes live, -he replied as he approached a large group of about twenty, submerged several kilometers from the coast.

The submersible surrounded the group, which was organized in a compact formation resembling a circle, then stopped about ten meters from them. Hours later Patrice and Silvio began to feel a strange feeling of uneasiness, the peculiar grouping of crystalline columns was particularly disturbing to them, it was as if strange beings could somehow know what they were thinking, as if they could see through them.

-I think we should get out of here, -said Silvio, who only devoted himself to seeing strange creatures.

-Yes, I don't feel well at all, I think I'll return to my stomach at any moment, -corded Patrice -. Let's wait a couple more hours, I think that, with that and the data collected by the satellite sensors, will be enough. I hope we can find something in them that works.

During the night, in the ship, neither of them managed to sleep, strange dreams beset them, in them they saw the image of a woman dressed in a space suit, without her helmet, floating on the shores of a beach surrounded by crystalloderms, in her face a grimace of anguish and despair, around her strange forms that twisted like clouds of gas, stretching and spinning compressing as if they had life, seemed to float in air on that beach where she floated without life.

The next day, disturbed by it, they decided to return to Cerberus, one night in Chimera had been enough. They devoted most of the twenty days of the trip to analyze the data collected by the sensors, so as not to find anything that would demonstrate any type of communication between the crystalloderms.

Everything changed a little less than a day after entering orbit around Cerberus, in an ignored radio wave frequency almost to the limit of 3 Hertz, Patrice found a signal, a strange train of pulses that seemed to propagate from the very center of the location of the group of crystalloderms, immediately communicated their findings to the biology faculty of Cerberus Academy, the financiers of the project.

Shortly after sending the data package, when the ship that transported them entered the planet's atmosphere, a failure in the heat shield plates caused an explosion that ended the life of biologist Silvio Buonaffina and radio astronautical technology engineer Patrice Fernandez. Both would be recognized post mortem as the discoverers of the communication mechanisms of Chimera's crytraloderms, mechanisms that still remain unexplained.

Thank you @xpilar, I hope the story was to your liking
