The image is made of own imagination and thoughts


Digital art made by @xpilar

fjell og natur 4 A.jpg

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Wondering what your thoughts and description are from my picture

If you want to write a story,
it mus be related to my picture
and maybe you get a good upvote from me


Hello @xpilar
Another beautiful digital art.
this time it is landscape view with greenery in you digital art.
The sky with golden clouds looks awesome in this digital art.
Really good work. thanks for share with us.
have a nice day my friend.


Renacer camino otrora en sequia
cultivando encanto nuevo en primavera,
nunca murió, solo descansó en el ocaso.
ardiendo nuevamente anda en su regazo.

The road is reborn in the past in drought
cultivating new charm in spring,
never died, only rested in the sunset.
burning again walks in his lap


Un extenso verdor en la montaña
un espacio celeste matizado,
es la obra de un Creador maravilloso
que nos deja cada vez ensimismados.

Felicitaciones y bendiciones xpilar, espectacular fotografía


In your hands I am happy (poem)

I saw you and my face turned red

I saw you and my heart beat

My body knew that I wanted to be yours

The mount of venus offered you

At that moment you took me to the blue sky

Arrive at the paradise of your hands

and from that moment I have only been happy.


A promise of love (Part II)

Daniel promised his son that he would always confact with the one who loved him, but because of the hazards of life they could no longer live together, his parents had separated, but he would count on both of them forever.

Daniel and his son cried, they embraced, they enjoyed the beautiful landscape, the smell of fresh grass of the forest was fascinating, the song of the birds and the beautiful sky was definitely a work of art.

They decided to follow their path and continue exploring the forest, they reached a peak from where they could observe the limits of the reserve was a place dense with large trees


A landscape that was worthy of sharing with someone loved, and Daniel could share that panorama with the one who loved his son the most in this world.


Congratulations @xpilar!
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  • Comments - Ranked 7 with 57 comments

Hello xpilar, your digital image shows that humans must be like plants in your digital image. even though these plants have not been able to absorb water for a long time, they remain strong and never complain about their condition.

the land is dry, the rain doesn't come down. but they remain patient and believe that the rain will fall. humans who are stronger than plants, should be more patient and not easily discouraged when in trouble. and humans must be optimistic that whatever the problem is, there must be a solution.

Posted using Partiko Android


Hi Snr, @xpilar

Once upon a time: my experienced being a nature admirer and its beauty. I love the wildlife. I grew up to examine the beauty of the world around us, we are able to see parallels within our own lives. I remember seen monkey, and others animal like’s guinea rat, wild rat and squirrel every morning jumped from there to there, moving from one place to the others.
One who in tune with nature is in tune with the practice of living. Nature around us moves in a spiral as do our personal lives as well. From breathtaking views to calming moments, from colourful flowers to squawking birds – there are so many great reasons to get outside and enjoy all that nature has to offer. It is important to spend time in nature because in this way we can become aware of its wisdom. Nature is so awesome, vast diversity in different climates, places and spaces. It can be spectacular and leave me lost for words. The beauty of nature is beyond what mouth can say, it beyond human knowledge.
I usually think that anyone who ignore the beauty of nature and spend all his or her time in an urban jungle, such person stress levels might go up and begin to feel as if he/she are made out of the concrete that we see all around us. Went to oceans with few hours of walking home to admire natures. The fresh air and the calm vibes relax me as soon as I take a breath just some minutes in nature and I am happy I was like what a wonderful of nature that make me happy as if I never breath ever before. I’m fascinated by the inter-relatedness of everything, every species exists for a reason (the big charismatic ones) and without them all, the ecosystem suffers. Nature is endlessly fascinating and beautiful. In Conclusion: Nature is so beautiful in proven to improve one mood, focus, creativity and problem-solving. Interacting with nature rejuvenates the body and spirit.

Thank @xpilar for given us chance to write something up about Nature


Hi @xpilar


Peter continuaba avanzando, era lo único que podía hacer, quedarse en un solo sitio no serviría de nada, en medio de aquella espesa selva sería difícil que los rastreadores dieran con él, pero si permanecía quieto por mucho tiempo, era inevitable que lo ayeasen.

Corrió entre la jungla, apartando la densa maleza con el bastón de choque. En el visor de sus antiparras, se proyectaban una serie de indicaciones de la ruta a seguir, para llegar a destino, sólo unos siete kilómetros lo separaban de la meta. En ese mismo momento, a no menos de diez kilómetros, desde diferentes ubicaciones de la jungla, los rastreadores iniciaban la carrera.

Los cinco rastreadores, a diferencia de Peter, desconocían cual era la meta, su único propósito era atraparlo y evitar que llegase a destino. No contaban con ningún recurso tecnológico que les permitiera ubicar a su presa, se basaban sólo en sus agudos sentidos y destrezas físicas.

Después de unos cuarenta minutos de derribar plantas, abriéndose paso a bastonazos, el indicador de su visor le señalaba que se encontraba a menos de doscientos metros de la llegada, el recorrido le había tomado poco más de una hora y los rastreadores aún no estaban a la vista.

Pasó en medio de un terreno fangoso y sus botas, de suela de tejido de nanotubos de carbono, se empezaron a hundir en el fango, si no recobraba su velocidad sería presa fácil. Activó los repulsores de las botas, para contrarrestar la succión del fango, cuando escucho un chillido a unos diez metros tras él en medio de las copas de los árboles.

Con los repulsores activados empezó nuevamente a correr, con el mayor esfuerzo posible, logró salir del barro, en el momento en que a su derecha una malla de captura pasó volando a pocos centímetros de él, estuvo a punto de ser atrapado, prácticamente sin ver atrás corrió como alma que lleva el diablo, dando bastonazos a diestra y siniestra para apartar lo que se interpusiera en su camino.

Siguió corriendo mientras escuchaba los chillidos de los rastreadores que lo acosaban desde los árboles, gracias a la espesa vegetación logró salvarse de otras tres mallas. La meta estaba a pocos metros adelante, en medio de un claro, sólo los separaban unos veinte metros, que debía correr en terreno despejado, completamente expuesto.

Tomó un largo aliento y emprendió la carrera, trató de describir una curva en su carrera, pensando que así podría esquivar las mallas de los rastreadores, a unos cinco metros una malla cayó sobre su espalda y cabeza, por suerte los contrapesos no se enredaron en sus pies, y logró cruzar la llegada justo antes de caer al piso, por efecto de los repulsores de la malla que lo empujaron al suelo.

Lo había conseguido, había terminado la carrera, los rastreadores no lo habían logrado detener antes de cruzar la meta, se dio vuelta y se sentó aun retenido en la malla, en los árboles, pudo ver a los rastreadores, tres de ellos, se balanceaban en las ramas entre chillidos, nunca los había visto tan molestos.

Se trataba de una especie de simios descendientes de los antiguos orangutanes, que había sido diseñados genéticamente para tener los sentidos de la vista, oído y olfato más agudos de todos los mamíferos, se habían desarrollado con intensión de trabajar con el ejercito en misiones de exploración y búsqueda en ambientes selváticos, esto no se trataba de un ejercicio para Peter, por el contrario, era un entrenamiento para los rastreadores, que por esta ocasión habían fallado su misión.


In the middle of that thick jungle it would be difficult for trackers to find him, but if he remained still for a long time it was inevitable that they would ayeasen him.

He ran through the jungle, pushing away the dense undergrowth with the shock staff. In the visor of his goggles, there were projected a series of indications of the route to follow, to arrive at destiny, only about seven kilometers separated him of the goal. At that same moment, no less than ten kilometers away from different locations in the jungle, the trackers started the race.

The five trackers, unlike Peter, did not know what the goal was, their only purpose was to catch him and prevent him from reaching his destination. They did not have any technological resource that would allow them to locate their prey, they relied only on their acute senses and physical skills.

After about forty minutes of knocking down plants, making way for sticks, the indicator on his visor indicated that he was less than two hundred meters from the arrival, the route had taken just over an hour and the trackers were not yet in sight.

He passed in the middle of a muddy terrain and his boots, made of carbon nanotubes, began to sink into the mud, if he did not recover his speed he would be an easy prey. He activated the repellents on his boots, to counteract the suction of the mud, when he heard a scream about ten meters behind him in the middle of the treetops.

With the repellents activated, he began to run again, with the greatest possible effort, he managed to get out of the mud, at the moment in which to his right a capture net passed flying a few centimeters from him, he was on the point of being caught, practically without seeing back he ran like a soul carried by the devil, giving sticks right and left to remove whatever got in his way.

He continued running while listening to the screams of the trackers that harassed him from the trees, thanks to the thick vegetation he managed to save himself from another three meshes. The goal was a few meters ahead, in the middle of a clearing, only about twenty meters apart, which had to run on clear terrain, completely exposed.

He took a long breath and started the race, tried to describe a curve in his career, thinking that he could avoid the mesh of the trackers, about five meters a mesh fell on his back and head, fortunately the counterweights did not become entangled in his feet, and managed to cross the finish just before falling to the ground, by the effect of the repulsors of the mesh that pushed him to the ground.

He had achieved it, he had finished the race, the trackers had not been able to stop him before crossing the finish line, he turned around and sat down in the mesh, in the trees, he could see the trackers, three of them, swaying in the branches between shrieks, he had never seen them so annoying.

It was a kind of ape descendants of the ancient orangutans, which had been genetically designed to have the sharpest senses of sight, hearing and smell of all mammals, had been developed with the intention of working with the army in missions of exploration and search in jungle environments, this was not an exercise for Peter, on the contrary, it was a training for trackers, who on this occasion had failed their mission.

Thank you @xiplar, I hope the story was to your liking.
