Warmth in a Vacuum, Haiku, Digital Art and Sepia Saturday Photography w/ old-guy-photos


Warmth in a Vacuum

the gallery roof
art and architecture
warmth in a vacuum

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A lot of work went into the digital art and haiku above, and so I was tempted to leave off this post where we are now. I am a single mom who homeschools her son and rereads her work. I always have something else to do. But no. I couldn't do that. Maybe some of you might think I phoned it in and with a rotary landline at that.

It is lesson time, Steemians.

So grab your thinking caps and digital slate boards. Let's look at where this piece began.

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They are currently featuring a small showcase of Emily Carr's work in the Vancouver Art Gallery Rotunda. You can click here to take a look. The paintings are superb but so is the setting. The circular cut in the ceiling and the surrounding light lit up the artistic eureka bulb in my cerebral cortex. Fortunately, unlike Carr, I wouldn't have to paint my idea. I could use modern technology. Still it wouldn't be an easy task.

Let's begin with a close-up on the dome in a far less edited form.

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Now for the process and air-brushing hell.


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It is starting to take form. Alas so is a gigantic blue flare over the space-time of my imagination. Keep working.

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And working. Wiping out a nebula takes a very big airbrush.


I have noticed a trend on the blockchain. There is the belief that a longer post must have taken more effort and thought than a shorter post. I read things like it was just one photo. Let me tell you as a writer it is a lot easier and quicker for me to record some of my thoughts than to first take my photos, then edited them, but unlike this case, not edited too much, but in just the right way. It takes time, tenacity, and attention to detail. Things that are sometimes lacking in more wordier posts.

Here I am getting wordier myself. So bonus, you get both.

What's the point of all this. We all get free downvotes now. Please be very careful how and when you use them. Don't shoot down the stars.

I will leave you with a shot from Hubble.

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Or just ​light from a bulb.

All photos are my own.


Very cool digital treatment. If you hadn't shared the original photo, I'd have thought it could be sci-fi concept art.


Oh you are preaching to the choir here Pryde. Tell me all about it. Trying to do fresh ideas, getting shots or footage, editing, writing, posting voting...its a full time job!!


Very well said, and nice photo-editing slash digital art.
