Peru has plenty of abandoned lots and homes and not just in the Sacred Valley but ...


... in Cusco, Machu Picchu, Lima, and more. I found this old school sexy Chevy parked and left to rot in The Sacred Valley of Peru while hiking the mountains with some Shamans and my love. The body of this car was in decent shape for an abandoned vehicle so I figured I’d snap a pic and I love old school chevys! After taking this picture these two wild dogs(which Peru also has plenty of) approached us. A mother and her young pup both hungry and scared, respectfully asked us for food of which he had none unfortunately. If we had any food or snacks or anything worth consuming I would’ve fed them and all the wild dogs in Peru. I’ve got a soft spot for animals, especially dogs. What can I say...Anyways we ended up getting lost and thankfully the cops which I typically don’t like in the USA were very kind and helpful in Peru. American Law enforcement can learn something from Peruvian officers. Guess I can’t say “Fuck all Police” anymore haha.


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