Robin Williams Born 266 Months After Donald Trump. Robin Williams is the most ...


... fascinating person in the world to me. His life was a never ending riddle of astrotheology, going back to his first series Mork & Mindy in the early 1980's. Magic Town aka Hollywood has made sure that he was always paired with actors, directors and premiere dates that fit the symbolism of the Golden Gate and other magical elements.

The sad clown, who died 77 months and 77 days after the Golden Gate Bridge opening and 11 months and 11 days before his next birthday (see previous post), had a very special birthday: He was born a span of 266 months and 2 days after Donald Trump. That is 2662 both forward and backward. You might wonder why this is relevant - believe me, I do as well. We probably never know for sure but my suspicion is that Robin Williams was a super sacrifice for many different things, including the coming of the first Golden Gate president, Donald Trump (the 45th president, equaling "Golden Gate" in Full Reduction gematria - both forward AND backward).

There seem to be various connections of Donald Trump and Aleister Crowley, "the Beast 666", who invented the occult Thelema MAGICK, with its preference of doing things backwards. That makes the 2662 a fascinating number, as it is the same in both directions.

266 was the degree of the Golden Gate during most of both of their life's. It syncs with the 266th Pope Francis and many other Golden Gate riddles. Check out the timeline of this account to find more info about it.

Even more interestingly, the number 266 means "sin", according to Strong's Concordance of the bible.

There are many more connections to Donald Trump and Robin Williams, which I will unravel in future posts.

The Golden Gate progressed to the 267° in 2010, exactly 44 months before Robin Williams death - the "kill" number. He also died in-between the first and second blood moon of the four blood moon tetrad, that I have been writing about a lot on this channel. But more about all of that later. There is so much more...


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