Different vehicles, different lives.


It’s curious how different lives you can find out there.
We use to go to the same place for our daily coffe in the morning. During some day appeared a guy with this strange vehicle guarded by his dogs. He put some random ( maybe not so random) country flags here and there.
It was made using parts from some sort of carts and it was also plenty of photos sticked over it.
It had some compartments where he stored unexpected stuff.
He came in the bar, ate his burger without speaking a word nor looking to us. Once he finished eating he goes out of the local and pulls his vehicle to an unknown destination. It would repeat the scene during the coming days then he disappeared and we haven’t seen him by now. It’s been a couple of years since his last visit.
I wonder what was the meaning of such vehicle and which was his daily life as well as his destiny but as stated we all have different lives and one must go on his own...with different vehicles 😉


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