Alone - The Arctic - "Up In Flames" - Episode 3 on Netflix


The excitement continues to mount as my wife and I watch more episodes. We feel like we are getting to know the contestants better - their personalities, strengths, and quirks.

A lot has been done to gather food and build shelter, but every day that passes means that winter is coming.

Will the contestants be able to survive Alone?

This post contains spoilers!!! Proceed with caution!!!

The Arctic.png
Image by Noel Bauza from Pixabay

Some Background Information

You can skip this section if you are familiar with the show or have read my prior review.

Alone is currently airing its sixth season. The show's premise is to outlast all of your competitors while living in a challenging, remote location. Some contestants talk about how they want to prove themselves and their survival skills, but I guess that the half-million-dollar prize would be life-changing.

The location for this season is in the Arctic. Each contestant is placed at a remote location about 75 miles south of the Arctic tree line.

Each contestant is responsible for carrying up to 65 lbs of camera equipment at any given time. The contestants are really alone (no camera people). In addition to camera equipment, every contestant is allowed to bring 10 survival items.

An emergency radio is also provided. If there is a medical emergency or a contestant chooses not to be "alone" any longer, the contestant may "tap out" by radioing a team for pickup.

The Alone Disclaimer

This Program Features Trained Survival Experts
Do Not Attempt Yourself
Viewer Discretion Is Advised

Quote of the Episode

There is no time for ease and comfort. It is time to dare and endure.
~ Winston Churchill

Beginning of Episode

8 Contestants - Day 9

Contestants in the Episode

NameAgeHome Town
Jordan35Lynchburg, VA
Woniya42Grass Valley, CA
Nathan39Lopez Island, WA
Barry39Fort Collins, CO
Brady37San Antonio, TX
Ray43Vancouver, WA
Michelle31Mullingar, Canda


  • Woniya "makes out" with birch trees. She licks sap straight off of the tree. She also wants to winterize her shelter so that she can conserve more calories. Shivering is one way the body tries to stay warm, but it burns a lot of calories. Contestants need to be eating and conserving more calories than they spend.
  • Nathan catches a pregnant fish in his gill net. He slurps some of the eggs from a plastic bag he found and shows how to use the eggs as bait on his fishing hook.
  • Barry shows off a Krav Maga move to defend against a chock hold - definitely one of the funniest moments of the episode! He also fashions a lure from an old tin can that he found.
  • Brady finds the skull of a musk ox. Instead of doing chores, he decided to do "something way cooler." He going to decorate his shelter with his new find.


  • Catch and (unintentional) release! It is one thing to catch a fish. It is completely another thing to pull a fish onto land over rocks without the convenience of a modern fishing pole. I wonder how much time contestants spend untangling their line!
  • All the contestants need food. But they have to balance the need for food (calories) with how long their food has been dead (clean calories). One contestant learns the hard way that bacteria can grow quickly.
  • One contestant faces a "bittersweet" moment after killing his only friend. The need for food was stronger than the need for companionship. Although harvesting from the forest has become his norm, this kill was different as one contestant is being worn down by the challenges of Alone.
  • A much-needed meal is cut short when a contestant's shelter catches on fire. Every victory seems to be short-lived in the Arctic.

Final Thoughts

"For the right amount of money, I would die for my family."

These words hit me funny. I have not faced the financial hardships of some of the contestants. But I cannot imagine given up my life so that my family could have more money.

I will give my life to protect them. I will work every day to provide for them. And even though a large amount of value would bless my family, I hope that my presence with them is a larger blessing. If that is not the case, then I have a lot of reflection I need to be doing.

It is hard to say what someone truly means on reality tv when an editor comes in to make a great story. The people we are watching don't have a second chance to clarify and explain. But it is a reminder that others can take our words out of context. We have to choose every word wisely!

By The End of The Episode

8 Contestants - Day 13

I want to hear from you

  1. Would you be willing to exchange your life for half a million dollars? A million?
  2. Is that what your family would want you to do?

Thanks for stopping by!
