Crippling Bitcoin Cash ABC 51% Attack (90%).



A few days ago I mentioned that Bitcoin Cash forked and created Bitcoin Cash ABC. Now, this new chain ABC is under extreme attack from the old guard BCH miners. What they are doing is using their mining farms to mine 90% of the blocks and they are processing zero transactions in those blocks. Because they control such a high percentage of hash power, when the other 10% of miners win the lottery, the attackers roll back the chain with a higher block height fork and deny that block from being produced.

Matter of perspective.

Obviously standing in the shoes of the ABC network this is a ruthlessly unfair attack. However, the attacker claims that this is a defensive measure. Bitcoin ABC is attempting to siphon off the main chain's user base and seed a new community with it. Clearly, BCH doesn't take kindly to that.

The amount of value that ABC stole from [Bitcoin Cash] pales in comparison to our expenditures. We are a group of old-guard miners and whales. We can do this for years. Next time you fork: use your own genesis block, your own PoW [algorithm], and build your own community. [Bitcoin Cash] is protected.

If I'm being honest, this kind of justified old-guard aggression reminds me exactly of the Steem/Hive old-guard who have performed all manner of questionable actions in the name of the "greater good". That being said, I often agree with the old-guard in many of these matters, so again it's all a matter of perspective.


Spawn Camping

My favorite part of this is that big-name players in crypto including Vitalik are calling this "Spawn Camping". Spawn camping is a gamer term that means you kill someone right when they spawn before they can do anything. Pretty apt description for this kind of attack.

On November 28, 2020, the cofounder of Ethereum, Vitalik Buterin tweeted about the mystery mining pool that controls 90% of the ABC chain’s hashpower today. “ [A] mining pool 51% attacks BCHA seemingly with the explicit goal of destroying it. Will this be the first true spawn camp attack on a PoW chain?” Buterin asked his Twitter followers.

Javier González explained that the mining pool’s technique was not an attack. “It is not an attack, it is defensive,” González said. “Bitcoin ABC has fractured the BCH project to capture 8% of the coinbase miners incentive. 90% of the BCH [hashpower] voted against it. And now they are defending their interests. Enforced consensus mechanism,” González insisted.

So basically all the fuss is about devs trying to skim 8% of the inflation for themselves. Sound familiar? Now might be a good time to point this out on Hive:

A proposal for 2000 HBD per day for 631 days ($1.3M total), for a tipping app... It's already got 13M Hive coins worth of support. So the next time you're bickering about author rewards and generic Hive inflation try looking at the proposals instead. After all, they are using the ninjamine to fund these things, not just Hive inflation.

Imagine funding a proposal on Hive, and all the big accounts that voted for it did so because they get backdoor payouts. Yeah, I'm sure that's impossible, right? That's not what's happening here, but it's an obvious attack vector which has been hyperinflated due to pumping the ninjamine into the dev fund when it should have been DESTROYED.


Back to the real issue: Bitcoin Cash. The funny thing about this situation is that no one seems to be stating the obvious. I've already talked about this multiple times, and it's what makes Litecoin a way more legitimate project than BCH or BSV or any other Bitcoin fork.

What happens when Bitcoin Cash gets attacked by Bitcoin miners in exactly the same way that they are attacking the ABC fork? These Bitcoin Cash guys are kinda full of shit calling themselves "The Real Bitcoin" with such a smaller network. They have way less hashpower than the main chain, which makes them permanently vulnerable to attack.

As Bitcoin acquires more and more institutional adoption from vulture capitalists and the cutthroat legacy economy, it makes perfect sense that any other fork that uses hash algorithm SHA-256 becomes more and more vulnerable. Bitcoin isn't going to play nice forever. What happens when the majority of hash power is being pumped out by Corporations, Banks, and Governments? Bye bye Bitcoin Cash, it was nice knowing you.

This is exactly why the Hive fork (and all proof-of-stake forks) are kind of awesome. You can't fork someone's hash power away, but you can fork their stake away, which is exactly what we did to the bad actor that attacked us. Now Hive and Steem are pretty much fully separate entities, while the Bitcoin forks are clearly not separated and are under constant threat of attack.


Wow pointing out a very real and honest fact.

And the correlation is quite a bit interesting. I can definitely agree with the situation being similar to what got us here and as well now kind of running off and doing their own thing instead of investing in people who are really working and helping the ecosystem from the ground up.

Investing in our motivated user base that has shown us loyalty and support would prevent any issues from rising in the future and would make us more interesting and inventive to investors.

We have quite a bit of revolution and counter revolution as well as theft and other things going on.

I just hope that we are able to keep on moving and can bring back the price after this market craziness finally is able to dissipate.

Thank you for your thought provoking post and here is a picture of amazing puppy dog in return.



Technically due to the ASICs, you CAN fork away hashrates by affectively crippling those mining machines. As much as people like to talk shit about Asics and say gpu are fair, asic are one of the best ways POW chains protect themselves....


You actually can't, because the entire point of forking Bitcoin is to take some of that community with you. If you want to do that you can't change the hashing algorithm. The entire point is that you want those ASICs to come over and secure the new fork. This is a seriously double-edged sword.


Yeah but you can fork away bitcoin without having the same hash , as long as you have the "idea" of the community part. But I do agree the Bitcoin forks are only happening b/c the forks want to be the "OG" "vision" which we have yet to see in any other real coin.... Though if BCHA does survive the attacks, they want to add AVAX which make them kinda have POS...
I would also argue that taking away another person "stake" in the new fork also doesn't make people trust the new coin when they excluded a certain group from the distribution. Hive one of greatest sins other than having the taints of ninjamine would be the excluding of stake


There's still the little thing that Steemit, Inc may have had secret accounts with unknown amounts of stake that didn't get cut out. Maybe enough to fuck with the price.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Very well detailed points in this article 👍 Some points are arguable though 👌😉

Best paragraph 🤗 - "What happens when the majority of hash power is being pumped out by Corporations, Banks, and Governments? Bye bye Bitcoin Cash, it was nice knowing you."" 🤣🤣

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I was wondering what was happening with that shit show.

BitCHabc really messed up. They tried to strong arm an unpopular upgrade.
Tried to piggyback off of a namebrand of a namebrand...

and really, they were trying to steal a little off the top.

What is so sad is that they should have been investing in BCH and making the whole thing better.
Which do you want? Your BCH wallet to double, or 8% of nothing?


I am glad that HIVE made it out the gate alive.


Fantastic post! I've considered this attack vector before. It's great to finally see it deployed against Bitcoin ABC. Great point regarding irony as Bitcoin Cash is vulnerable to the same treatment by Bitcoin miners. But Bitcoin miners don't quite have the same incentive to spawn camp BCH.


Yeah now that BCH has been around long enough it's hard to even consider it "spawn camping". In fact, if a sub-section of the Bitcoin network started attacking BCH that might actually generate a lot of sympathy from other parts of the BTC network. Even maximalists aren't threatened by BCH these days.


Wow, another layer of the cryptocurrency blockchain onion is peeled away for me by this post. I never thought about the vulnerability, but when mining you pick your token by algorithm, and mining difficulty.Same mining power and lower difficulty means more profit.

It is a nature extension of that thought that a coin with the same algorhythm could be mined by the same machinery, but if the mining difficulty is a lot less and the competition mining power is a lot smaller, then you cam mine a lot of coins. Plus if you have sufficient mining power then a 51% attack is possible. This is amazing. I have heard of mining pool consortiums conducting 51% attacks by pooling mining power or people renting hashing power to perform 51% attacks on smaller projects. But you just opened Pandora's box by verbalizing what some who mine and understand the process of Bitcoin Cash's vulnerability.

I thought Flash Loans were sophisticated, but I forgot the origins of cryptocurrency mining is complicated also.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Lol, spawn camping. There shall be only 1 bcash!

I just checked out the proposals, first time in awhile. Gkad to see the reasonable ones or innovative ones around. But, some of them, I feel sick.
What are they hodling it for?
Outsiders just look at this and see dollar signs or caution signs.


Spawn cramping? First time I will be hearing about this word though for the first time. But I am even beginning to even wonder why is even the need to even fork in the first place

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Forking is pretty important.
It's absolutely necessary for robust diversity.
Crypto is all about opt-in governance.
It would be tyrannical to force everyone to comply with one government.


Spawn Camping is great until you want to do something else in the game besides waiting for a PC to revive, then killing them again.

So what could BTC Cash miners be doing with their resources instead of this? I don't know the answer or if there is one, but it seems like something usually is sacrificed.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I’ve always said there’s no point in debating on projects and which one is best and does what they will either destroy themselves or allow themsleves to be destroyed and the market never dissapoints

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
