Movie Review #50 - Widows


Widows is a film that at first I thought would be incredible, after all has an excellent group of actors who certainly have enough quality to give a twist of excellence to any film production, however in this film that is not the case, and is that this film takes a plot that could be cataloged as interesting and leads along a boring and tedious path where we see dozens of silly clichés that end up disembarking in a totally bizarre story full of elements that simply do not fit.


The plot of this film focuses on the life that has to face a group of women when their husbands, a group of thieves, are killed while trying to escape after committing a robbery, from the death of their husbands the women will be forced to team up and carry out a robbery previously planned by the husband of one of the women. So basically we have a group of widows who are forced to face the consequences of the acts of their deceased husbands, something that will force them to unite and plan a "robbery", the interesting thing about this group of women is the dynamic they manage to develop, since it is a group of women from different worlds and motivated by different things, each one immerses in this world of crime for economic reasons that constantly strikes them. However, beyond the apparent robbery that these women are planning, we don't see any other motivation, other reasons that allow us to connect with these women and instead the only thing we see is an empty plot with a political-social background that feels extremely forced.


The whole story develops at a super slow pace where we see the different challenges that these inexperienced women must overcome in order to carry out a somewhat absurd robbery because the whole issue of robbery is exposed and stripped of intensity at the end when we discover that everything was a screen created by the apparently dead husband of one of the women, not to mention that these scenes of robbery are too flimsy for the whole context in which they are used.

This is a film full of failures, a film that feels eternal and full of subplots that only serve to lengthen the film because they do not end up contributing anything to the main plot. The robbery as such is badly posed and badly staged, something that diminishes the importance of the plot, in addition to the fact that trying to dress it with a theme of political corruption makes it more unbearable because there is no emotion or drama at the time of committing the crime, everything becomes "justified" under an absurd mantle of social equality.


The development of the plot, besides being badly planned, is also bad executed because throughout the film there is never an entertaining dynamic where we can see something remarkable in a film that should have been more entertaining. Everything is transformed into something cyclical that always ends where it begins, foreseeable deceptions and a robbery that never manages to raise the emotion and tension that such a dramatic moment should have, without forgetting that everything that had been moderately built at the beginning of the plot ends up destroyed with an absurd turn where we see -SPOILER- one of the spouses return from the dead to reveal that everything was an apparent more elaborate plan to get away with it and flee with money and another woman.


Perhaps the only notable aspect of the film is the great relationship and chemistry that the group of women manages to establish, since at first we see how apart from not getting along they don't feel empathy for each other either, but little by little that changes and this group of unknown women becomes interpenetrated and begins to work as a team to get out of the moat in which they have been thrown by the acts of their husbands. It is really emotional to see how this group of women connect and generate a friendship from the suffering that each one feels, suffering that serves as fuel for each one to excel and manage to direct their lives. In short, this is a very mediocre film, a film that has few redeemable aspects and that develops at an excessively slow pace that turns the story into something totally tedious to see.

My Score: 5,9/10
