Privatized Space Exploration


For a while now I've dreaded the day with news that Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos makes a new discovery in space. Some things, or even all things in a perfect world, should not be in the hands of individuals; the Covid-19 vaccines and other medicines are a prime example as things that should be readily available to everyone, instead of being used by private entities to make a lot of profits.


source: YouTube

But of all the things that shouldn't be exploited by private individuals, knowledge should be right at the top. Any true scientist will admit without hesitation that all the knowledge we possess is built upon the past knowledge gathered by millions over countless generations. Knowledge, my friends, is the prime example that that we don't ever do or reach anything on our own. But... A couple of days ago the news was saturated by this headline: "Elon Musk & NASA’s Terrifying NEW Discovery on Neptune Changes Everything!". Now, the actual discovery isn't nearly as terrifying as the headline suggests, but that's not the topic I want to discuss anyway, so for those who don't like to read, I've linked the video with the exact same content for your viewing pleasure at the bottom.

The headline is misleading to say the least, and its implications are far more terrifying than its actual content. First of all, while Elon Musk is mentioned first, he had absolutely nothing to do with the discovery on Neptune. That was all done by real scientists at the publicly funded National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Just like almost all scientific progress, by the way. The bulk of all research into medicine, for example, is done at universities. Heck, even Facebook was developed at Harvard University and started under the name "Facemash" developed by Zuckerberg in his second year of college. The headline on the Neptune discovery is in line with Elon Musk's nasty habit of appropriating everything he comes across; he's a business man, not a scientist or inventor. He didn't make Tesla, he didn't make PayPal, and he didn't make the discovery on Neptune. What he does is what every business or corporation does; he uses his money to scoop up the hard work of others.

Still, the headline is an early indication of where we're headed in this crazy world. People hate the government for obvious reasons, and aren't willing to fund the hated government with their tax dollars. But my biggest gripe with this growing attitude is that the government is not the problem here; it's the corporations and people like Elon Musk. Capitalism is the problem. The fact that private individuals are allowed, no, encouraged even to own the stuff that should be owned by everyone. And that's the same as saying it should be owned by no one. We all need water, so the next world wars will probably be fought over water. That's crazy, just think about it; on a planet with 70 percent of its surface covered by water, that's the thing we'll fight over because drinking water has been bottled and privatized. But that's not even half as crazy, in my opinion, that knowledge can be privatized. Just imagine a world where someone like Elon Musk makes all the discoveries in space and keeps that knowledge for himself to profit from. Do you think that if he, or someone like him, succeeds in colonizing Mars, we'll all be invited? If you do, I ask you to think again.

Elon Musk & NASA's Terrifying NEW Discovery on Neptune Changes Everything!

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"He didn't make Tesla, he didn't make PayPal, and he didn't make the discovery on Neptune. What he does is what every business or corporation does; he uses his money to scoop up the hard work of others."

I have looked pretty hard at Musk because it is very difficult for me to believe he is who he seems to be. I have not found evidence to indicate my suspicions are valid. In other words, he seems to me to be forthright, and to be exactly who he seems to be, or at least I cannot find evidence after digging that he isn't.

What I learned is that he did make PayPal. He describes coding it on a shared computer that he only had access to during off hours. He didn't invent much about electric cars, as far as I know, anything about them. But he works 100 hours a week and is a hands on engineer with a buck stop on his desk, sleeping on the factory floor when he doesn't have time to get home after work. He did make Tesla. No one's hard work hasn't been more than fully matched by him in making it happen.

Then there's SpaceX. He works just as hard there, and risked everything to make that happen, dropping the cost of putting a kilo of cargo into orbit by an order of magnitude in the process. He taught himself to be a rocket scientist in his spare time. The spare time he has after working 100 hour weeks.

His companies are all focused on a single goal, colonizing Mars, and all contribute tech and wherewithal essential to that goal, including his solar power company, his tunnel making company, Neuralink, and Starlink too. He's become possibly the most wealthy man in the world not caring about his personal fortune, but working as hard as a farmer to deliver to humanity the improvement in security being a multi-planet species creates.

I think you're being overly dismissive of Elon Musk. Richard Branson and Jeff Bezos, his most significant competitors in the space business, are both graduates of the WEF's Young Global Leaders programs, minions of Klaus Schwab who is the apparent Dr. Evil hell bent on jamming us all into bugpods and taking over the world. Elon Musk is not.

Your research may have revealed things to you I have not seen and may justify your opinion to your way of thinking. But maybe you just think of him as just another billionaire, and haven't really looked hard at him, as I have made a half hearted attempt to do, and I might be providing new information to you. I dunno, but I thought I'd share what I learned if it might edify you and contrast with information you might have been getting from his competitors.



Thanks again, @valued-customer, for your response :-) However, we'll have to agree to disagree here. I have no doubt he works 100 hours a week, for I've read and heard many complaints from people that work for him that amount to him demanding the same work-ethic from them. But hard work don't make an honest or good person and yes, I believe he's your typical billionaire in that sense. He did not make PayPal, he made that merged with Peter Thiel's Confinity, and after some months Musk was ousted as CEO, taking with him 100 million dollar from his share of the company that would later be known as PayPal. The programmers couldn't use even one line of code written by Musk because it was a mess. With the money from his shares in PayPal he then invested 6.5 million in the fledgling Tesla, which was founded by Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning, so he didn't make that either and the way he got rid of the original founders was not elegant, to say the least. He promised self-driving electrical trucks in 2017 with the words: "if you order now, you can have your own in two years!" We're now 5 year later and there's nothing about these trucks. His Boring Company would create underground highways... I could go on and on, but this man is a breathing living billboard of broken promises. His Solar company is also bought, at a moment that company was on the edge of bankruptcy. He "saved" the company by investing money from Tesla, which earned him lawsuits from angry Tesla shareholders; he's still fighting in the courts, but will probably eventually settle out of court. SpaceX is the only company I know of that's founded by himself. Neuralink? Five of the nine original founders left because of Musk's unrealistic promo-talk. He may not be in the Klaus Schwab sorority, but he wouldn't stand out if he was.


I will agree to disagree, because you have clearly looked into the matter. I will but point out your language indicates deliberate attempts to cast aspersion embedded in all your references.

"...complaints from people that work for him that amount to him demanding the same work-ethic from them."


"...programmers couldn't use even one line of code written by Musk..."

So, code written for another project merged into something different needed reworking, and this is somehow 'a complete mess.' Of course.

"...was founded by Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning, so he didn't make that..."

Horseshit. Regardless of any other plaint, founding something is not building - making - it. Or do you claim Amerigo Vespucci, or Cristobal Colon 'made' America?

"...broken promises."

Lie of the devil. I have seen Musk speak plenty, and never once have I seen him promise anything. You're just making shit up to justify your stance, which is typical of folks unaware of their biases.

I will but recommend noting your bias, and expecting the products of your considerations to be colored accordingly. Frankly, I think you're surprised to see this bias in your speech. If you're not, you're being deliberately deceptive, and I've no use for attempts to deceive me. Since I don't think you're deliberately seeking to deceive, I expect you to seek consilience rather than demonization.

I shall be edified either way.


Dear @zyx066 , Currently, Russia and China are working together to create a base on the moon. I guess you know better than me what their purpose is.😅

In the 1980s, Ronald Reagan finally won the Cold War over the Soviet Union through the Star Wars program.
So, I want the US to develop Mars so that it can outpace Russia and China in space exploration.😄


Why anyone wants a Moon-base is because it's a potential platform for space-flight. It's much easier and cheaper to launch from the Moon because of its lack of gravity. Thanks for stopping by! :-)


Capitalism is the problem. The fact that private individuals are allowed, no, encouraged even to own the stuff that should be owned by everyone.

I started to reply to this here. It was becoming lengthy so I just wrote it as a post.
