Coffee to urtadillas

Hello friends of the community, like all addictions, coffee is more than a part of my life, it is my life itself, I turn to you because I just found out that coffee has become illegal, so at the moment of the news, my soul froze, my body began to tremble, It is not possible, if when I get up, I do not feel the button of the coffee machine, I die, but as I am not the only one, we began to talk among neighbors, someone whispered in my ear, do not cry, do not get like that, I know some clandestine bars for coffee.


It doesn't matter that I'm breaking a law, committing an illegality, I think that's the only thing that would make me violate the law and I go out in search of this bar.

I arrive, and from the door the smell intoxicates, it's like going to glory, we enter a group with sleepy faces and headaches, but since we opened the door the face changes, we look at each other are several tables but we notice that there are more people than those who can occupy the premises.


I feel the greeting of a person by name, and when I look at her, it is an old friend of mine, she makes room and we share the same chair.

it's incredible, i can't distinguish between the ages of the visitors, we are a very age group, young adults in short a great mass and a great mixture just like coffee, the waitresses don't give us enough because we not only consume coffee, but we all have thermoses of different colors and sizes to carry that foreseen liquid, which gives us life back when we try our first sip.


The atmosphere is as cheerful as a discotheque, we forget that it is something illegal, the conversations in low voices go up in tone in a lively way until someone remembers the illegal status and we return to whispering, the view is beautiful all kinds of coffee on the tables, with milk, expess, with decorations with cakes as companions in short the range of colors and smells makes you do not want to leave there, but you remember that it is illegal and like everything illegal it can have big consequences so it is time to leave, you look at the door and everyone who comes out is wearing big sayas, suit jackets bigger than their size, they are wearing huge bags and it is not beach time, I laugh and realize that in the end everyone is carrying that black gold to our homes in a hidden way.

thank you
images of my motorola mobile


The scene shows the power of coffee to uplift everyone's feelings, so much so that they forgot in numerous situations that the encounters were illegal ones.
A personal and straightforward story that is appreciated as well as your own photos.

Thank you for sharing our story with this week's prompt:)

# #STB

The Coolest.gif


thank you it is a pleasure that you liked it, I do not publish more because sometimes I have doubts if the community is going to talk about coffee or promote the places that sell it.


A fun and entertaining story that lives up to this week's ad. Many took advantage of bringing that black gold home, I would have done the same.


thanks for reading the post and that you liked it
