Memoir Monday #45: Memories of a great Mom.


Greetings to all, blessings too, this is my first time in this community and with this initiative, what better than to do it, to introduce and tell you about the author of my days, without her I would not be here today.

Her name is Luisa Evelina, the middle name is not very common and it was like a combination of the name of her grandmother, my great-grandmother, who was called: Nevelin.

Just like her, I am the first daughter, she had me maybe very young, but now we are like sisters, with a lot in common, like her physique, they say, now you will say if it is so.


Mom and me.

We were also colleagues, yes we were both teachers, we are also retired, I had the joy of being the only one of her 5 children to teach me, that has always been a great pride for me. As well as having learned many things from her, more like an inheritance, because not only fortunes are inherited, but also values, skills and abilities.

Besides being my mother, my teacher, she is also my friend, my great support in the hard times I have gone through such as my divorce, I was her support when my father passed away. Although we don't live near each other, but in the same city, we keep in touch every day, by phone calls or messages.


I visit her on vacations, because as I am also a mother, I have to be there for my children's needs, even though they are still in my care. On special dates like her birthday, Mother's Day we spend them together, on vacations she is my companion along with my children, she likes to travel and even wear a bathing suit: a flannel and shorts, I win.

She is very cheerful, she also has her character, because one thing has nothing to do with the other. She is the one who reaches out not only to me, but to all her children, when we are in need.


Her heart holds no hatred or rancor, she is the neighbor you can count on, she was the colleague who even today is aware of who has a birthday to call them and congratulate them.

I am the one who accompanies her to do her shopping, to the doctor's appointments, something that I am happy to do, besides I am the one who has the time to do it, my sister is in another country, my brothers work, so I go to her rescue.


She has many strengths and qualities that she learned over time, because before becoming a teacher, she worked in family homes, where she says it was there where she learned more than anything to cook and she does it very well, like cakes, not much anymore, but we inherited from her the art of baking and cooking.

To talk about our mothers would have to make a book about them and we would fall short, once someone told me: **Try to spend as much time as possible with your mother, I didn't do it with mine and I can't anymore.


So let's not see them as annoying beings, if there are children who see them that way, they want to send them to asylums, and there they forget them. My mother in my house has her room for when she comes and she is treated like a queen, she likes to watch movies, I find one for her, her soap operas, she helps in the kitchen, she likes to be active.

Thank you for your attention, take care of your mommies. We are here for them.

I invite @albaandreina @anymari @nayita238 @petrica33 @purrix


Translated with the Deepl app

Own photos taken from family albums and others taken with Sony camera.

Cover page edited in PowerPoint with Freepik elements:

Firma General..png


You and her are almost a twin 🤩 @zhanavic69. You have a great mother and it's so nice to know that you take care of her by yourself no matter how busy you are.

Thanks for sharing your memories with us


So they say that we look a lot alike, it is a pride for me that I look a lot like her not only physically but also in everything she does and what I have learned from her.
