How can we improve our capacity on team building?


Team building became essential in this business based world. From our school to the workplace team building is more than important. I guess there's no need to explain how important team building can be. You can be an introvert, you can be worthy enough to work alone but if you work on a team, not only it will improve productivity but also it will help you to feel better.



How can anyone improve his team-building capacity?

  • The first thing is communication. You have to talk, connect with others to take them on your team. Not only virtual communication, talk to people.

  • The second thing, we usually ignore is embracing everyone's exception/difference. Everyone will not give you 100%, they will not work at the same hour, in the same way. But everyone has potential. It's essential to ensure everyone's way of productivity.

  • Always think yourself equal to others. You can be the best but this best feeling will make you different and not attached to the team. So, better try to think the same and act the same. Distribute your work and try to improve others too.

  • Don't focus on micro things. People are different and we shouldn't impose someone to change personality to work on the team. If anyone wants to have coffee in the meeting room, allow it.

  • Make it clear. Not only real communication but a clear goal and individual role management is necessary to ensure everyone gets the same treatment.

  • Treat everyone equally. Don't just appreciate and reward the captain. Appreciate everyone and treat them equally in front of everyone. It will increase your respect too.

There are many other ways to improve team-building capacity. You can add different small things as per your team requirement. But I believe, if anyone can ensure all of these he will be able to make a great team.


I made a list very similar in my native language today, o totally agree on what you say about business team and I say the same things about the importance of a good and clear communication
