ESP~ENG; Cuento corto: Visitando a mi abuela😃🤗🥰/ Short story: Visiting my grandmother 😃🤗 🥰.



Hola maravillosa colmena a empezar la semana con la mejor de las actitudes y con mente positiva para que todo nos salga bien, espero esten muy bien y tengan un feliz y bendecido martes, como ya decidí ser más constante en cada poco tiempo libre que tenga en estar por acá con ustedes como siempre contándoles de todo un poco. Hoy quiero contarles que después de unos cuantos meses fui a visitar a mi abuelita..


Hello wonderful hive, let's start the week with the best of attitudes and with a positive mind so that everything goes well for us, I hope you are very well and have a happy and blessed Tuesday, as I have already decided to be more constant in every little free time that I have in being here with you as always telling you a little about everything. Today I want to tell you that after a few months I went to visit my grandmother..


Les Cuento:

El fin de semana este pasado específicamente el sábado después de trabajar porque me tocó trabajar en el negocio del pueblo con mi esposo decidimos ir al campo ya que la abuela de mi esposo esta muy malita de salud y yo aparte de que fui a ver a su abuela como las dos viven en el mismo campo aproveche de visitar a la mía que bastante tiempo no la veía y donde se encontraba mi mamá ya que para cuidar a mi abuela se turnan entre hermanas cada cierto tiempo.

I tell you:

This past weekend, specifically on Saturday after work because I had to work in the town business with my husband, we decided to go to the countryside since my husband's grandmother is in very poor health and I, apart from the fact that I went to see her Grandma, since they both live in the same field, I took advantage of visiting mine, who hadn't seen her for a long time, and where my mother was, since to take care of my grandmother they take turns between sisters from time to time.


Fui en compañía de mi hermana, mis dos hijos y mis sobrinos, no nos esperaban, mi abuela se puso muy feliz de vernos ya que hacía mucha días sin vernos.

Llegue a comer porque no me dio tiempo comer en casa, una arepita un poquito quemada😅.

I went in the company of my sister, my two children and my nephews, they did not expect us, my grandmother was very happy to see us since she had not seen us for many days.

I got to eat because I didn't have time to eat at home, a bit burned arepita😅.


Luego conversamos de todo un poco les conté sobre mi casa y lo mucho que hay que hacerle, mi abuela no sabia que ya tenia casa y le dije que cuando este lista quiero que vaya a visitarme tambien con el favor de Dios. (nota: esta foto nos la tomo mi hijo sin avisarnos asi que por eso mi postura🤭, no estoy gorda, estoy llena de amor😅).

Then we talked about everything a bit, I told them about my house and how much I have to do to it, my grandmother didn't know that I already had a house and I told her that when it's ready I want her to visit me too, with God's favor. (note: this photo was taken by my son without letting us know so that's why my posture🤭, I'm not fat, I'm full of love😅).


Estaba feliz de ver a mi abuela tan bien, nos tomamos varias fotitos para recordar, nos reímos y disfrutamos de acompañarnos.

I was happy to see my grandmother so well, we took several photos to remember, we laughed and enjoyed being with each other.



Esta es y sera la mejor foto para mi en ella hay 127 años juntos ( 93 mi abuela y 34 yo) Dios nos de vida y salud para seguir disfrutandonos abuela de mi corazón ❤️.

This is and will be the best photo for me in it there are 127 years together (93 my grandmother and 34 me) God give us life and health to continue enjoying ourselves grandmother of my heart ❤️.


Tome fotos de varios objetos que están en la casa, por que en estos día he estado pensando que las casas de nuestros abuelos son únicas con detalles especiales, estas son algunas de las cosas que hay en la casa de mi abuela, adornos de ceramicas, un hombresito montado en un burro hecho con vejucos secos tejido, loros de ceramicas colgantes y la rokola (maquina que tenia mi abuelo en un bar hace años donde se le metia una moneda para escuchar música).

Take photos of various objects that are in the house, because these days I have been thinking that our grandparents' houses are unique with special details, these are some of the things that are in my grandmother's house, ceramic ornaments, a little man riding a donkey made with dried vejucos fabric, hanging ceramic parrots and the rokola (a machine that my grandfather had in a bar years ago where a coin was inserted to listen to music).





Ya como a las 5 de la tarde hay que empezar a bañarse porque hace mucha brisa fría, el agua es muy fría 🥶y hay que calentar el agua para bañarse, yo me encargue de bañar a los niños y se pusieron a jugar mientras se hacia la cena.

Around 5 in the afternoon you have to start bathing because it's very cold, the water is very cold and you have to heat the water to bathe, I took care of bathing the children and they began to play while it was being done. dinner.


A los niños les hicimos Empanadas de queso y para nosotras unas Deliciosas arepas de trigo que hace mi madre muy esponjosas.

We made cheese Empanadas for the children and for us some Delicious wheat arepas that my mother makes very fluffy.



Como ya saben mi abuelo falleció hace 8 meses y esta es su mesa en la casa, mi abuela la adorna todos los días con flores de su jardín de distintos colores y especies.

As you already know my grandfather passed away 8 months ago and this is his table at home, my grandmother decorates it every day with flowers from her garden of different colors and species.


Mi abuelo en casa tenía una bodeguita la única de esa zona, bodega que ahora atiende mi tía pero sus objetos personales más importantes siguen ahí, como estos sombreros los cuales usaba en vida🥲, que mejor manera de honrarlo y recordarlo.

My grandfather at home had a little bodeguita, the only one in that area, a bodega that my aunt now attends to but his most important personal items are still there, like these hats that he wore in life , what better way to honor and remember him.


Esta fue mi desayuno en la mañana del domingo, no importa la comida si no donde te la comes😋.

This was my breakfast on Sunday morning, the food doesn't matter if not where you eat it😋.


Detrás de camaras😄

Behind the scenes 😄



Nos vemos en mi próxima publicación😘.

See you in my next post😘.

Dios les bendiga🙏

God bless you 🙏

Todas las fotos son tomadas de mi teléfono celular Samsung A22.

La imagen principal editada en Canva.


What a beautiful photo of you and your grandmother arm in arm. Life goes by so quickly and it is so important to make time for the people who are important to us. I am very sorry to hear about your husbands mom not being well and I hope that she gets well soon, but good that it inspired you to visit your own grandmother.

I love her home too! It is beautiful and full of character!
