Nature just works

I don't consider myself to be much of a religious person, however, what I do believe in is nature and the presence of God.


Image from Pexels

As an introvert, the outdoors always tend to catch me unaware. I go out once or twice a week and everything is just so new. I experience the world from the comfort of my home but those few hours I spend in the outdoors always bring me back to a new reality.

When I went through my first heartbreak, I needed that sanity that comes from a walk in nature but I lived in a city with no parks or natural scenes. To get that feeling, I went over to a bar that had a terrace facing a vegetation-covered property and I just stared.

Looking at nature in its pure form comes with a certain kind of healing power that I can not explain. No matter how much turmoil we go through in our daily lives, the sun always rises from the east and sets in the west.

When I was in High school, we would wake up some mornings with no power and the only way we could tell the time was through the sounds we heard. Depending on where you are, you'd hear the cock crow by 5 am or a few minutes after and birds singing from 6 am.

It was a pain at that point but now when I think back at those points, it was quite magical.

What I gain from spending time in nature

Nature has a mind of its own. An order that just flows. Things just happen when they're supposed to and for a semi-perfectionist like me, that's quite peaceful.

When I take a walk in nature or just sit and watch, I feel a sense of order around me. A force I can't control or fully understand just making things happen when they're supposed to.

I become my best self whenever I take these nature walks. I always use that time to think and come to a resolution about certain issues. The day I went to that bar after my breakup, I just felt okay when I went back home. I found peace just by watching the birds hover around trees and just living their lives.

My favourite natural places

At the moment, the best place I've been able to find a semblance of some natural order is at a government-owned park. It's an open field with deers, a golf course, a lake and some park benches.

It's the only available place where you can get to experience nature in a buzzing city like mine however, it is often unnecessarily crowded, taking away the natural feeling of just being there.

I hope we get more parks like these shortly. However, until then, that remains my only source of natural sanity.


Hello companion I understand you and I identify perfectly with your reflection on nature and the effects it causes, I'm glad you found this park where you can relax and get rid of tensions 😉.


Couldn't agree more. Nature is constant in it's inconstancy, reassuring, soothing, REAL. To attend to it is to slow down all the other drama and a reminder YOU are nature too. And if nature is inherently good, and we are nature, then we too are good... Which is a beautiful lesson in self compassion that would probably have a good knock on effect if we all were raised to respect and enjoy nature rather than splinter ourselves from it's majestic tree

Lovely post
