Mentally ready for the week

I took a long-needed break this weekend after getting both physically and mentally drained last week. I spent time with my best friend who just underwent a recent heartbreak and healed together.

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2 months ago, I made the conclusion that at least one weekend every month, I would find the time to look pretty, leave my house and have a good time. Thankfully, I’ve been able to keep it up and in turn, improve not only my mental health but also my working rate.

I realised that having just one weekend to look forward to every month was more than enough motivation to get a lot of work done. It’s incredible how much ease this reward system does to a person’s brain.

So, this past weekend, my bestie and I had a lunch date, did a market run, went to the movies and finally attended a concert. Although it was all financially draining, I loved every moment of it. I now feel more at ease than I did last week and energised enough to get back to work.

I’m still doing some finishing work on one project that’s paying me almost nothing, however, I’ll be starting my new job tomorrow, hopefully. Probably would have started today if I didn’t have a minor issue with my work laptop.

All things considered, I’ll be having an awesome week ahead with a lot of tasks that I can’t wait to finally complete and finally earn some real money.

As always, wish me well.
