I stopped being so hard on myself

I came across this post by @macchiata this morning and it got me thinking about something I learned recently during a few of my moments of weakness. It was more like a revelation of my body’s inabilities and a choice to not force things beyond their capabilities.


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Generally, I’m quite comfortable with my body. I don’t have a flat stomach and I don’t think I ever will but I have a healthy body. I play badminton, do a few workouts every other day, eat fruits and proteins, and avoid carbs and sugars as much as I can. I’m not searching for too much, like I said, just good health.

During a conversation at the gym today, an instructor casually talked about how I wasn’t being consistent enough. I didn’t say much about that because I know it’s true. I miss a few days mostly due to health troubles or random travels but that’s no excuse, really.

There was another lady there who said she comes to the gym every day but there were certain days that her body just wouldn’t let her do so much. I explained to her that it was okay due to the nature of the female body and she seemed to understand.

I stopped being so hard on myself. On some days, I go to the gym pumped and I work out for hours, taking a few breaks, but on other days, I simply can’t. Playing badminton forces me to always be active even when my body doesn’t want me to so I’ve found it to be a much better form of exercise for me. However, when my body tells me no, I don’t fight it sometimes.

I have heart palpitations normally and severe chest pains on other days. My weakness caused me to faint at the gym once and there’s a possibility that severe strain on certain parts of my body caused my haemorrhoids last year. So when my body sends a message, I listen.

I’m learning about my body every day and I’m always adjusting and acting accordingly. I know I’ll probably never get back to being as slim as I was 2 years ago but at least I won’t become an old unhealthy person.
