LOH Contest #135: hacks that make my life easier [ESP-ENG]

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Hola Ladies, espero se encuentren muy bien, no quería dejar pasar esta semana sin compartir mi entrada #135 con ustedes. Estuve pensando algunos hacks o trucos que hayan facilitado mi vida, tengo varios pero les comentaré uno que me ha sacado de apuros en momentos estresantes y otro súper útil si como yo, son un poco olvidadizas.

Hello Ladies, I hope you are feeling well, I didn't want to let this week pass without sharing my #135 post with you. I was thinking about some hacks or tricks that have made my life easier, I have several but I will tell you about one that has gotten me out of trouble in stressful moments and another super useful if like me, you are a little forgetful.


Presentación Propuesta Proyecto Marca Original Pastel.jpg

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Quiero que me cuentes un "hack" (un truco o atajo que te facilite la vida) que te haya cambiado la vida por completo. Que sea inspirador para mí y para otros lectores. Puede ser cualquier truco o cambio que hayas hecho. Debe ser algo que HICIERAS TÚ MISMO. Cuéntame cómo funcionó y qué necesitaste. ¿Te costó tiempo, dinero, etc.? ¿Y cuánto duró?

¿A cuántas no les ha pasado que por accidente se les cierra la puerta justo en el momento más inoportuno? La primera vez que me pasó recuerdo quedé horas esperando a alguien que abriera la puerta de mi cuarto, mi paciencia estuvo al borde del colapso. La segunda vez, investigué la manera de abrir la puerta yo sola, en youtube encontré algunos videos, probé varias técnicas pero no me funcionaron. Hasta que vi el truco de la botella de plástico, honestamente no le tenía mucha fé, pero para mi sorpresa hasta el día de hoy me ha funcionado.

Solo necesitan una botella de plástico, preferiblemente de refresco o gaseosa, que tenga la parte del centro lisa, como en la fotografía, van a recortar hasta que les quede sólo la parte lisa de la botella, eso es todo lo que van a necesitar.

Una vez tengan esa tira lisa, van a pasarla por la orilla de la puerta, como se ve en la imagen y van a bajar en movimientos de vaivén hacia el pomo, con mucha paciencia, dependiendo de la puerta también pueden hacerlo de abajo hacia arriba, hagan eso por unos minutos y listo, puerta abierta.

Muchas veces nos toca a nosotras buscar la manera de solucionar en esos momentos que nos encontramos solas. La idea es tener a la mano ese tipo de trucos para poder resolver.

I want you to tell me about a "hack" (a trick or shortcut that makes your life easier) that has completely changed your life. Make it inspirational to me and other readers. It can be any trick or change you've made. It must be something you DID YOURSELF. Tell me how it worked and what it took - did it cost you time, money, etc. and how long did it last?

How many of you have had a door accidentally close at the most inopportune moment? The first time it happened to me, I remember waiting for hours for someone to open the door to my room, my patience was on the verge of collapse. The second time, I researched the way to open the door by myself, on youtube I found some videos, I tried several techniques but they didn't work. Until I saw the plastic bottle trick, honestly I didn't have much faith in it, but to my surprise to this day it has worked for me.

All you need is a plastic bottle, preferably a soft drink or soda bottle, with a smooth center, as in the picture, you are going to cut until you have only the smooth part of the bottle, that's all you will need.

Once you have that smooth strip, you are going to pass it through the edge of the door, as shown in the picture and go down in back and forth movements towards the knob, with a lot of patience, depending on the door you can also do it from the bottom up, do that for a few minutes and that's it, door open.

Many times it is up to us to find a way to solve those moments when we are alone. The idea is to have this kind of tricks at hand to be able to solve.



Otro hack que me ha hecho la vida más fácil ha sido tener en la nevera una lista de cosas que hacer en el día. Pendientes por hacer, la comida que hace falta comprar, reuniones o compromisos de la semana, entre otros. Para mi comodidad escribo todo en post it y los coloco en un imán en la puerta de la nevera, de esta manera los leo todos los días y llevo un control de todo, al ser un poco olvidadiza esto me facilita mi vida.

Another hack that has made my life easier has been to keep a list of things to do for the day on the fridge. To-do's, food to buy, meetings or commitments for the week, among others. For my convenience I write everything in post it and place them on a magnet on the refrigerator door, this way I read them every day and keep track of everything, being a little forgetful this makes my life easier.


Muchas gracias por leerme ladies, espero que como a mi les sean útiles estos hacks. Espero con ansias la próxima entrada de la semana, que tengan un gran día, saludos.

Thank you very much for reading me ladies, I hope you find these hacks as useful as I do. I look forward to the next post of the week, have a great day, greetings.

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Buenos trucos e interesantes. Gracias por compartir con nosotros😊 Bendiciones 🙌 ✨️


Hola! Muchas gracias por tu comentario, que tengas feliz noche 😊


De nada hija igual para ti😊 Bendiciones 🙌 🙏


Oouu interesting. Well, I've never had the door situation, hope I never. The fridge hack though is one that'll serve me so well if I were forgetful, because I go to the fridge every other hour 🤦🏾‍♀️ I love to eat. 😩 What I forget though is usually unimportant or insignificant events that may be important to others or may come in handy, can't possibly tell stories on my fridge, haha. A diary would be more appropriate but naaaa, I'll pass. Cool hacks BTW.



It's hard to keep a diary routine, I admire those who do. 🙌 Thank you very much for your comment, have a great day.


Oh my goodness. I have not tried that door hack before! I was locked out of our house a month or so ago and I had to call a locksmith to help me. Huhu. All the other tricks online didn't work for me too. Maybe I will try that plastic trick in the future if ever it happens to me again. I hope it never happens again but if it does now I know what to try next!


It never hurts to have a few tricks up your sleeve, just in case you need them at some point. Thank you very much for reading my post, I hope you have a happy day.😊


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What a great hack, the plastic make you break in your own home or not or you put it in between the door and lock is that. It ? untitled.gif
TY For entering this weeks LOH contest and my LOH week question. Its appreciated and I visited and upvoted your blog just now.

I loved the read.
Dont forget tomorrow is the new weekly contest and we would love you to enter it aswell. I want to wish you a happy Pentecost weekend and see you later on hive ,
Greetz from the netherlands
Britt for LOH

Wow, querida señora de Hive, es un blog intenso, cercano y personal, y me encantó.
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TY Por participar en el concurso LOH de esta semana y mi pregunta de la semana LOH. Es apreciado y visité y voté a favor de su blog hace un momento.

Me encantó la lectura.
No olvides que mañana es el nuevo concurso semanal y nos encantaría que participaras también. Quiero desearles un feliz fin de semana de Pentecostés y hasta luego en colmena,
Greetz de los países bajos
Britt para LOH


You have already used the number of tips you had for the day. Please try again tomorrow or buy more LOH tokens to send more tips.


Si, un truco sencillo pero súper útil en momentos oportunos. Muchas gracias por comentar, estaré ansiosa de participar en el siguiente concurso LOH de la semana.

Que tengas un gran día Britt.😊
