RE: The Future Of Everything: Communities


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The idea that people must be forced to bow down in submission to "community leaders" is not new. This idea has been around since antiquity.

In ancient days, tribal leaders used food and shelter to force compliance to the tribe.

Killing dissenters was the ultimate down vote.

Feudalism was a continuation of tribalism. There were a few powerful lords at the top of the stack while the bulk of humanity toiled away as serfs and slaves. Culture itself was rather stagnant under the boot heels of the community leaders/

It wasn't until people started finding ways to break free of the oppressive vice of their tribal overlords that societies really started to advance.

For that matter, most great advances seem to involve people finding ways to break free from oppressive tribes to find new directions.

It seems to me that the great advance of bitcoin was that it provided a means for people around the world to break free from the control inherent in the local fiat currencies.

BTW, you do know that the fiat currencies that define the world economies were each designed with little financial tricks to favor the community leaders at the expense of the community members.

People love power. The best way to gain power is to organize people into communities where an elite few can then lord over the people.

While bitcoin was liberating, I understand that the next

Xi Jinping is using big tech to create a social currency.

Gosh, wouldn't it be spiffy to live in a world where your vaccination card determined where you can go? Your social currency score on your party membership card determined your station in life and your temple recommend card (or what ever friggin' card) the community leaders decided to use determined what you could do?

Gosh, won't it be nice when the community organizers could use the social scores to impose their sense of equity on the people?

I doubt that there is anything we can do about the tribalism that is bound to envelop the crypto-currency world; however, I would rather promote those aspects of crypto that liberate people to those that force people in subservience to self-declared tribal leaders.


I think you overlook the fact that tribal leaders can end up ruling themselves are oppressive. When the infrastructure is built out, people will be free to spin up whatever they want. If people do not like the "laws" of tribe A, they can either go to B or create C themselves.

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When the infrastructure is built out, people will be free to spin up whatever they want.

It appears that you are falling for one of the many versions of the freedom.

Hegel taught that freedom was slavery and slavery freedom. So, to gain freedom we need to seek slavery.

The paradox ends with the people enslaved.

Once the "Community is EVERYTHING" then the individual does not have freedom to escape the community.

For example, a person who lacks the social credits to travel is simply stuck.

When the community is everything, a person who questions the community will be downvoted into oblivion. A person downvoted into oblivion by a community that is everything is obliviated.

When community is everything, a person who lacks the resources to speaks isn't just silenced in one area, the person is silenced everywhere.

I live in a community where people will not talk to me or do business with me because I do not belong to their church. If you ever lived in a community where you were a total pariah for questioning the leaders of the community, then you would realized that your dream of a community that is everything is a dystopia.

Once the community is everything, then individuals within the community will diminish.

In Cuba, the community became everything after Castro became president for life. The people diminished.

A utopia based on paradoxes is really a dsytopia.

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