
Big Bang #1

The first tile in the Infinite doodle is a representation of the Big Bang generated by the DALL-E 2 AI. The infinite doodle is a prompt based drawing game to be placed in an unbound grid. Each edition of the NFT represents a different medium. Edition 1 is the AI version. Edition 2 is a SVG version, edition 3 a drawing. Edition 4 is colored painting. Edition 5 stays in the collection. The editions will appear as comments on the post:
Collection: doodle
Creator: @idoodle
Total Edition(s): 5
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yintercept idoodle 2 Limited Production Rights
yintercept idoodle 3 Limited Production Rights
yintercept idoodle 4 Limited Production Rights
Per Page:
@synergized bought edition #1 from @idoodle for 1000.000 PAL
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@idoodle transferred edition #4 to @yintercept
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@idoodle transferred edition #3 to @yintercept
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@idoodle transferred edition #2 to @yintercept
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@idoodle listed edition #1 for sale for 100.000 PAL
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@idoodle tokenized 5 editions
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