Miracle | 5 minutes freewrite with prompt 'Gear'


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He was ready to leave
So was his family
They were all in the car
He turned on the ignition
Applied gear from park to drive
But he saw a friend
And decided to step out to greet
In excitement he had forgotten to off the car
In a bewilderment the car kept rolling
In fear they screamed and cried
But he could only hear the giggling of his friend
Your car...............
Was the next thing he heard followed with screams
He ran
He tried
He screamed
But it didn't help
The car rolled into a wall
With stones shattering all over
And pieces of screen falling like rain
Yet no life was lost
It was a miracle
A miracle I cried about
This time not tears in hurting

This my entry to @mariannewest 5 minutes freewrite
