Let's Make a Collage Challenge 171: The magic box of animals

Saludos, Feliz inicio de semana queridos amigos LMACiacs, muy feliz de participar nuevamente en la presente ronda del concurso, para esta semana pensé en recrear una vez mas una escena mágica cual maletín de Newt Scamander de animales fantásticos, el baúl de esta escena posee una magia que conduce a un espacio increíblemente mas grande de lo aparente y al abrirse comienzan a salir de su interior una gran cantidad de fauna, entre los que destacan una familia de osos que hicieron de este nuevo lugar su hogar y descansan mientras sus pequeños juegan, también algunos arboles de frondosa copa salen al exterior desde el cajón abandonado.

Les mostrare algunas capturas del proceso de este collage, como siempre los invito a participar de este concurso semanal promovido por @shaka, visitando el siguiente enlace
✨✨Let's Make a Collage Challenge 171✨✨

Greetings, Happy start of the week dear friends LMACiacs, very happy to participate again in this round of the contest, for this week I thought to recreate once again a magical scene like Newt Scamander's trunk of fantastic animals, the trunk of this scene has a magic that leads to a space incredibly bigger than apparent and when it opens it starts to come out of its interior a large amount of fauna, among which stand out a family of bears that made this new place their home and rest while their little ones play, also some trees with leafy crowns come out from the abandoned trunk.

I will show you some captures of the process of this collage, as always I invite you to participate in this weekly contest promoted by @shaka, by visiting the following link
✨✨Let's Make a Collage Challenge 171✨✨


El primero paso fue colocar el origen de toda la magia el cajón en medio de la escena, seguidamente algunos animales asomando su cabeza o caminando alrededor del borde con algo de miedo aun del mundo exterior.

The first step was to place the source of all the magic the crate in the middle of the scene, then some animals poking their heads out or walking around the edge with some fear even of the outside world.


Un poco mas lejos del cajón una familia de osos compuesto por los padres y dos pequeños oseznos, ya se han apoderado de los alrededores y solo retozan y juegan a sus anchas en la nueva tierra descubierta.

A little further away from the box a family of bears, consisting of the parents and two small cubs, have already taken over the surroundings and are just frolicking and playing in the newly discovered land.


El cajón no solo contiene un sin numero de criaturas sino que es portadora de vida al abrir su tapa, comienza a crecer frondosa y verde vegetación de todas las superficies disponibles aportando una nueva vida, y colmando al ambiente de aire fresco, para hacer el musgo replique la copa del árbol y aplique filtros de multiplicar para adaptarlos a las superficies, y dibuje con verde algunos helechos colgando de cada uno.

The drawer not only contains an endless number of creatures but it is a carrier of life when opening its lid, begins to grow lush and green vegetation of all available surfaces bringing new life, and filling the environment with fresh air, to make the moss replicate the top of the tree and apply multiply filters to adapt them to the surfaces, and draw with green some ferns hanging from each one.


Por ultimo quise que fuese un escenario un poco mas oscuro así que usando pincel y filtros de multiplicar, pinte una viñeta alrededor de color azul oscuro, dejando mas iluminado solo el centro de la imagen, e ilumine los faros a cada lado y dibuje muchas mariposas luminosas en todo el espacio.

Finally I wanted to make the scenery a little darker so using brush and multiply filters, I painted a vignette around it in dark blue, leaving only the center of the image brighter, and I lit the headlights on each side and drew lots of luminous butterflies all over the space.


Esta ha sido mi participación de esta semana espero que haya sido de su agrado, como siempre agradecida inmensamente con los contribuyentes de la galería #LIL, Espero que tenga un bonito día y una gran semana!

This has been my participation this week I hope it has been to your liking, as always immensely grateful to the contributors of the #LIL gallery, I hope you have a nice day and a great week!

Contributed to the
#LIL by @agmoore.

Contributed to the
#LIL by @agmoore.

Contributed to the
#LIL by @quantumg.

Contributed to the
#LIL by @digitalis.

Contributed to the
#LIL by @agmoore.

Contributed to the
#LIL by @edgarafernandezp.

Contributed to the
#LIL by @quantumg.


Imagen de Rain Carnation en Pixabay


Imagen de David Mark en Pixabay


Imagen de daniel alonso en Pixabay


I love the little bear hanging from the crane. And the goats sitting high on the platform. The animals are an inspired touch. The template scene was brutally industrial and you brought the magic of animals to it. I'm not a Harry Potter fan (don't watch the movies or read the books), but I love the Fantastic Beasts. Sweet, cute, and uplifting.

Thank you for using LIL images, @yetsimar. Good luck in the contest this week!


Thank you very much @agmoore for your comment, I always try to create magical scenes and at first I had only thought to place the family of bears, but I loved the animal photos of LIL and I decided to take advantage of them to nourish my collage!

I loved your comment thank you so much!


Hi @yetsimar.

My amazed eyes discovered a lot of fantastic details. There is so much to discover in this dreamy magical scene. I love that very much.
Oh, I really would have loved to be there, cuddling with the animals and enjoying this enchanting atmosphere.

Brilliant art, @yetsimar.

Thank for using my #LIL stuff. :-)




Thank you, thank you so much to you for your fabulous gelaria contributions that give us the opportunity every week to create amazing scenarios! Love your comment!
