The First Day of Halloween.


Christmas may think highly of itself with it's Twelve Days of Christmas. Truth be told, I really enjoy celebrating Christmas, too. Halloween, however, if not a year long event, is at least a full month long! Today, October 1, we celebrate the First Day of Halloween!

For each successive Day of Halloween - all 31 of them! - I vow to share a Halloween themed post. Call it a Halloween Advent Calendar, if you will. New and awesome content, coming your way!

Today I celebrate with a new, awesome, Dollar Store special obtained just for today, this First Day of Halloween. I love the Dollar Store, despite the items in it no longer priced at only $1 each (yes, inflation has reached the Dollar Store; I suspect children from one hundred years ago had the same horror upon finding penny candy was no longer a penny). I really enjoy the cheap props for reasons such as this.

Pumpkin Flames.jpeg

I found this pumpkin today and knew it had to be mine. Yes, it really does sparkle! It's glittery. The background is a computer monitor with a flaming desktop. To achieve the bright colours I turned off all the lights in the room and set the camera to the following settings:

  • 100 ISO
  • f/25 aperture
  • 25 second exposure

The end result is not only sparkly, but the pumpkin itself looks like it is levitating.

Tune in tomorrow for day 2!

(c) All images and photographs, unless otherwise specified, are created and owned by me.
(c) Victor Wiebe

About Me

Sometimes photographer. Wannabe author. Game designer. Nerd. 
General all around problem-solver and creative type.

Creator of What I Learned Today Hive community:

Blind Skeleton

Blind Skeleton Banner.png

Online Radio:
Friday Night Concert: 6:00pm EST

Frogs of War Games

Frogs of War Banner.png


Tidwick Banner.png

The Feet Community

Feet Banner.png

What I Learned Today

What I Learned Today Banner.png

Blind Skeleton.jpeg


Isn't it too early to celebrate Halloween? Hmm, perhaps, that's not the way things work in my country. But here in the Philippines, we celebrated Christmas way too early than the rest of the world. As long as the ber months started, it means an official countdown to Christmas.

I like the pumpkin there. It's not creepy, but it's cute. I like the glitters around the surface and your shots heightened its aesthetic. The flame at the monitor fired it up even more. !PIZZA


Thanks for the comment! One of the things I like most about Halloween is that it can be made for anyone; it can be cute, not creepy, like you mention, or it can be outright frightening.

My family tells me that it's too early, too. I love Halloween, though, and they acquiesce come October 1 and that's when I start in earnest. My favourite month.


This is an .... interesting post Victor, not sure if I can follow up with a similar post, but if I see something that inspires, I'll try to remember.
@wwwiebe , are those real communities? "Tidwick in B&W, The Feet community and What I Learned today?" 🤣



October, November, and December are my favourite months of the year. This is when I really come alive emotionally. It's time for some orange lights to decorate the house. The skeletons are already up. They're always up.

Tidwick is my cartoon family, which I am drastically behind on. A weeklong business trip and then two 70+ hour work weeks put a crimp that. I post those cartoons in the Comic community (when I can write them) and to their online home at

Blind Skeleton is my brand. It's me.

The Feet Community and What I Learned Today are my two communities here, which I am also way behind on. Way, way, way behind on. And then some. See that speck of dust in the distance? That's not even me.

Frogs of War Games is the game company I'm creating. It'll happen. It will.

Thanks for stopping by!
