Some Black and Whites

These were taken over the course of the last several months. I had a roll of black and white 35mm film in an Argus C3 brick camera. I honestly forget the details of the film and what ISO it was, so I'm unable to share that.

The first of these pictures are from Cherry Springs state park in Pennsylvania. I had gone there over the summer and enjoyed a really nice few days away from everything. Everything. The nearest town was a good 20 minutes away.


And this was the town that was 20 minutes away.



The Argus Brick, as I like to call it, is a fixed focal length camera. There isn't really anything fancy about it other than it's a solid piece of work with features which prevent double exposure. It is quickly becoming my favourite film camera; I actually have two of them now, and have film in them both, one of which is nearly complete.

I do not remember where this was taken, which disturbs me, because one would think one would remember where one saw a giant ass chicken. I want to say it was at Brandywine Creek State Park, because the following two pictures were definitely taken there.




And now there's the Wilmington riverfront. Funny. It looks better in black and white than it does in colour.




And finally there's this dude, who just doesn't look like he was very happy to be doing whatever it was that he was doing. I can just imagine what he's thinking: Dress like this, they said. It'll be great. Everyone is going to dress for the occasion. Assholes.


(c) All images and photographs, unless otherwise specified, are created and owned by me.
(c) Victor Wiebe

About Me

Amateur photographer. Wannabe author. Game designer. Nerd. 
General all around problem-solver and creative type.

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