Halloween has come and gone

Halloween came quickly for me this year. 2020 was a dumpster fire. That fire is not yet completely put out for me in 2021; it's still a smoldering mess, but at least it is no longer a blazing inferno.

I will admit, I have a little bothered by how October completely got away from me. It is arguably my favourite month and I don't feel that I had a good opportunity to enjoy it, at least not as much as I'd like to. However, Halloween was inevitable, and I made the best of it.


Most of my decorations did not come out this year. There was not one tombstone that adorned by front yard. Not one! I feel so shamed. On the plus side, this fellow stayed out all year long. I left him to hang and sway in a tree, and he faithfully stayed there all year. In the early summer I planted some wild flowers; in September I thought I had cleared them all out, but this one straggler stayed behind and grew. There's a macabre beauty to this lonely fellow lit by bright white lights and enjoying the company of a solitary grown flower, don't you think?


I wonder what these two were chatting about?


The best thing about Halloween is that it is what you make it, and what you want it to be. If you want it to be scary, it will be scary. If you want it to be a family holiday, it's a family holiday. If you want it to be full of princesses, so be it. My, personally, I like it full of the undead. Bringing them out of the closet makes me happy and, apparently, it makes them happy, too.



Yes, this fellow is growing out of a pot of carrots.


I was so far behind this year in my preparations that I didn't even get out to buy candy until the day before Halloween, and there was precious little choices to be had. Candy canes were already out! So I bought some and mixed them in with whatever else I found. The candy canes were actually a really big hit with the kids. At least those who ventured close to grab some. I didn't think that this set up was all that much, but it was definitely enough to scare some kids enough that they wouldn't come close; their parents had to fetch candy for them.


This was, really, put together at the last minute. Not even a carved pumpkin to be had. But my haunted radio was a big hit! I need to finish that up for Christmas, now.

@c0ff33a manages #sublimesunday every week; I'm not sure what's more sublime on a Sunday than a Halloween. It's a very nice way to spend a Sunday, for sure.

(c) All images and photographs, unless otherwise specified, are created and owned by me.
(c) Victor Wiebe

About Me

Amateur photographer. Wannabe author. Game designer. Nerd. 
General all around problem-solver and creative type.

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considering you say most of your decorations didnt come out and you did it last minute I think it looks pretty amazing, this year we missed it completly, mind you back in NZ when I was growingup Halloween was not a big thing and perhaps thats why


Thanks so much! It's true, most of the decorations remained in the attic this year. I usually like to go all out with Halloween, but I did what I could this year. I'm glad you liked it!


I saw many houses with some cool decorations here, I meant to drive around and get shots of some, as I mostly saw them early morning when its still pretty dark but never got around to it, Ohh well maybe next year
