Specificity Matters


How is it that people have a vision and yet inhibit their vision unknowingly in one way or the other. You want to accumulate wealth and you're an extravagant spender? You want to be an academia and you spend your days partying? You want to have pets but you can't resist the urge to eat animals?

To achieve a particular vision you have to Concentrate positively on it and avoid going sideways. I bring two instances.


I know a lady who wanted to graduate with a first class from the University and she worked actively towards it. Her schedule was totally filled with consistent reading. Rumours have it that she spent 23hours each day reading and only 1hour for her personal business. She definitely had her reasons for spending so much time reading and ultimately she achieved her goal.

In the same university, another student wanted to graduate with a first class too but didn't work towards it. You would always find her in nightclubs, parties, hangouts and all. Going to these places is not a bad thing but her educational schedule was compromised as she was consistently going for such outings. In the end, she also got the result which she didn't want, a third class.

The second instance is the person who dreams of having many pets in his house but never hesitates to tell you how the "cat pepper soup" or "dog pepper soup" tasted. I wonder what makes him feel that he won't end up eating all his pets?


Animals are known to have strong instincts and would probably tell if their owner eats animals or not. I say this out of experience.

I advise people to pick a side. Do you want to keep eating pets or not? Do you want to graduate with a first class or not? Be very specific with your visions and don't compromise. Specificity is the key point. You can't be confused about your own vision. It's either this or that darling.

With love, wongi ✨
