My worst experiences with mechanics for my vehicles. |ENG||ESP|


English Version

Hello dear community of Hive Motors this is my first post in this community, because I was unaware of its existence until a few days ago, since I had a long time out of the blog and was not attentive to their news, however @gabrieladifazio told me about it, as I have repeatedly shown the failures that have presented my bike or my truck and she told me to join.
I also heard about the contest from her and I want to participate.

So here we go, of all the mechanical experiences that I have lived I have two unforgettable ones, that the truth was a headache for several days, and is that something so simple became a very serious problem.


The first experience was with my motorcycle.

My motorcycle is my main means of transportation, because of the low consumption of gasoline per month, and because it is much easier to reach places that are difficult to access for transportation and private vehicles. I use it daily to commute to work and to the university, besides that I have traveled to the countryside several times on it, as well as some visits to rivers.
But it all starts with an ordinary day while I go to the agricultural area where we have our crops, something that does not take me more than 20 minutes to arrive, everything was apparently in order and nothing out of the ordinary.

Exactly one hour after arriving I notice that the rear rubber is completely out of air immediately I figured that a nail or piece of metal was inside. As I could not do anything yet, I waited until 3pm, and then went to a small workshop where I could solve this problem.
When I arrived at the shop the person in charge was sitting on a chair looking at his phone, I very kindly went to him and told him my problem, I told him that I needed to change "the casing" in another country it is known as "Motorcycle tire inner tubes".

He just looked at me, kept looking at his phone and said I'm coming.

He got up from his seat 5 minutes later, got his tools and started to work, while I looked at what he was doing because I usually do it to know what the process is like or what could have caused the rubber to lose its air. The person looked at me and said "you are going to let me work", I just stepped back a little. When I had everything ready, I checked to see that the problem was not a nail, but a piece of screen staple, these staples are used to bake two pieces of greenhouse screen.

I didn't have a spare motorcycle gut, so I told him to put a patch on the one I had, the person did it and everything was fine, the cost of the repair was 3$. I went back to my place of work and 30 minutes later I ran out of air again in the same rubber.

I arrived again at the store and the person told me "you again", I told him that as soon as I arrived this happened, and that I checked the inside of the rubber to see if it had any piece of metal, when he checked he had left half of the staple inside the rubber and this made 2 different holes. Again he wanted to charge me for it and I told him that I would only pay him for a patch, since he was the one who did not remove the whole metal.




Again the person completed the job and I went to pick up my things before going home, it was about 5 pm, when I arrived and got off I heard the air escaping again. My cousin decided to accompany me, when we arrived we checked and the patch was badly placed and when I charged "40lb" the patch came off and the air started to escape. All this was obviously the fault of the manager, and at that moment they were closing and the owner was there, I told him everything that had happened, that person apologized and offered me to solve my problem.
My cousin advised me to change the "two tire casings", the front and the rear, and I explained why, the rear because it already had many patches, and the front because he told me it was better to have everything new, so that the same thing would not happen to me but in the front rubber.

Finally everything was solved and I could go home.

Here comes the big problem, the next day when I was at home, the front rubber had no air. With the help of my dad and using his tools I took the complete rubber out and took it to another place, there I could see that the front tire casing was completely expired and had broken at the seams, besides that the metal edge of the rubber was broken, apparently it was in the previous workshop, as the edge was broken the rubber was sticking out and began to come out. I was stranded for 1 full day until I had to go buy a new rubber and a pair of new tire casings.

I never set foot in that shop again and everyone who asked me about it told them not to go, since I told them about the bad treatment I had to go through, and the complete expense I had to make because of them.


The second case was in our vehicle and on the way to the countryside to visit my family a small detail happened to us, after several weeks of rain we decided to go. But we did not count on the climate change, that day it rained in such a way that the road was completely damaged, although the truck is 4x4 there were many difficult steps, which for a novice driver like me was not an easy thing. My dad was driving even though he has a lot of experience on the road, we broke the stabilizer bar of the truck.



When we arrived in the city we decided to take the truck to a garage to see how we could solve the problem. At first we knew we had to buy a new anti-roll bar, but the problem was that this part is not commercially available since it is not very common for them to break, and it was difficult to get a new one.
My dad wanted to weld it to use the vehicle here in the city while we found the spare part, but the owner of the shop very kindly told us that this type of welding on these bars would not last long, because with the movement to the sides, the weld would break again, as the bar loses its original properties when welded.

We insisted so much that the owner of the workshop sent the piece to a lathe shop to be welded only on top, since they did not have the machinery to fill the piece, he told my dad that he was not responsible for the future breakage. In the meantime he was going to locate the spare part as soon as possible.

Sure enough, the bar broke again 1 week later, the welding cost $30, so apparently we had lost that money.
It took another week to locate a new stabilizer bar, and it was thanks to the owner of the shop who sent us the number of a vehicle cemetery and told us that we could find the part there.

When we contacted them they already knew about our case and indeed we found what we needed, a bar from an identical truck, used but in perfect condition. The cost was $120, and we knew that the labor to mount it was a little more.
However, the owner of the shop told us "I told you that this welding was not going to last, you lost $30, but something took pity on him and he said he would not charge you for the labor.

Something incredible for us, because he put one of his workers in this task and at no cost, he himself was given the task of supervising the work.




I think this was my only positive experience of all the ones I have had, but it was worth remembering, there are still good and honest people.

A week later we returned to the shop and gave tomatoes and paprika from our crops to the owner, for the good gesture he had with us.

A plus that I could give, is that another bad experience I had, was with the brakes of the truck is a super long story, but I have no pictures to back it up and that's why I did not tell it.

All photographs belong to me and were taken by me.


Version en español.

Hola querida comunidad de Hive Motors este es mi primer post en esta comunidad, pues desconocida de su existencia hasta hace algunos días, ya que tenia mucho tiempo fuera del blog y no estuve atento a sus novedades, sin embargo @gabrieladifazio me comento sobre ella, ya que en reiteradas ocasiones le he mostrado las fallas que han presentado mi moto o mi camioneta y ella me dijo que me uniera.
De igual manera supe del concurso por ella y quiero participar.

Así que aquí vamos, de todas las experiencias mecánicas que he vivido tengo dos inolvidables, que la verdad fue un dolor de cabeza por varios días, y es que algo tan sencillo se convirtió en un problema muy grave.


La primera experiencia fue con mi motocicleta.

Y es que mi motocicleta es mi principal medio de transporte, por el consumo tan bajo de gasolina que tiene al mes, y por que es mucho mas sencillo llegar a sitios de difícil acceso para transporte y vehículos particulares. Suelo usarla diariamente para trasladarme al trabajo y a la universidad, además de eso he viajado al campo en varias ocasiones en ella, al igual que algunas visitas a ríos.
Pero todo comienza con un día común mientras voy a la zona agrícola donde tenemos nuestros cultivos, algo que no me toma mas de 20 min en llegar, todo estaba aparentemente en orden y nada fuera de lo común.

Exactamente una hora después de llegar me doy cuenta que el caucho trasero esta completamente sin aire inmediatamente me imagine que un clavo o trozo de metal estaba dentro. Como no podía hacer nada aún, espere hasta las 3pm, para luego ir a un pequeño taller donde me podrían solucionar este problema.
Al llegar al taller la persona encargada estaba sentada en una silla viendo su teléfono, yo me dirijo muy amablemente hacia el y le comento y mi problema, le dije que necesitaba cambiar "la tripa" en otro país la conocen como "Tubos interiores de neumáticos de motocicleta".

El encargo simplemente me miro, siguió viendo su teléfono y me dijo ya voy.

Se levanto de su asiento 5 min después, busco sus herramientas y comenzó a trabajar, mientras yo miraba que estaba haciendo por que usualmente lo hago para saber como es el proceso o que pudo causar que el caucho perdiera su aire. La persona me miro y me dijo "me vas a dejar trabajar", yo simplemente retrocedí un poco. Cuando tenia todo listo, revise que el problema no era un clavo, si no un trozo de grapa para mallas, estas grapas se usan para cocer dos trozos de malla para invernadero.

Yo no tenia una tripa de moto de repuesto, así que le dije que le colocara un parche a la que tenia, la persona lo hizo y todo bien, el costo de la reparación fue de 3$. Volví nuevamente a mi lugar de trabajo y 30 min después me volví a quedar sin aire en el mismo caucho.

Llegue nuevamente al local y la persona me dice "otra vez tu", le comente que apenas llegue sucedió esto, y que revise el interior del caucho para ver si tenia algún trozo de metal, cuando el revisa había dejado la mitad de la grapa dentro del caucho y esto hizo 2 agujero distintos. Nuevamente me quería cobrar por ello y yo le dije que solo le pagaría un parche, pues fue él que no retiro el metal completo.




Nuevamente la persona completo el trabajo y me fui a recoger mis cosas antes de irme a casa, eran aproximadamente las 5 pm, al llegar y bajarme escucho como el aire se escapa nuevamente. Mi primo decidió acompañarme, cuando llegamos revisamos y el parche estaba mal colocado y al momento que le cargo "40lb" el parche se desprendió y comenzó a salir el aire. Todo esto obviamente fue culpa del encargado, y en ese momento estaban cerrando y estaba el dueño le comente todo lo que había pasado, esa persona me pidió disculpas y me ofreció resolver mi problema.
Mi primo me aconsejo cambiar las "dos tripas de neumático", la delante y la trasera, y les explico por que, la trasera por que ya tenia muchos parches, y la delantera por que el me dijo que era mejor tener todo nuevo, para que no me ocurriera lo mismo pero en el caucho delantero.

Por fin todo estaba resuelto y me pude ir a mi casa.

Aquí viene el gran problema, al día siguiente estando en mi casa, el caucho delantero no tenia aire. Con ayuda de mi papa y utilizando sus herramientas saque el caucho completo y lo lleve a otro sitio, allí pude ver que la tripa de neumático delantera estaba completamente vencida y se había roto en las costuras, además de eso el borde de metal del caucho estaba roto, aparentemente fue en el taller anterior, al estar el borde roto el caucho sobresalía y comenzaba a salirse. Me quede varado por 1 día completo hasta que tuve que ir a comprar un caucho nuevo y un par de tripas de neumático nuevas.

Jamás volví a pisar ese taller y todo aquel que me preguntaba les decía que no fueran, ya que les conté el mal trato que pase, y el gasto completo que tuve que hacer por culpa de ellos.


El segundo caso fue en nuestro vehículo y es que de camino al campo a visitar a mi familia nos ocurrió un pequeño detalle, luego de varias semanas de lluvia decidimos ir. Pero no contamos con el cambio climático, ese día llovió de tal manera que el camino se daño completamente, aunque la camioneta es 4x4 habían muchos pasos difíciles, que para un chofer novato como yo no eran cosa fácil. Mi papa estaba manejando aunque el tiene mucha experiencia en el camino partimos la barra estabilizadora de la camioneta.



Al llegar a la ciudad decidimos llevar la camioneta a un taller para ver como podiamos resolver el problema. En un principio sabíamos que debíamos comprar una barra estabilizadora nueva, pero el detalle es que ese repuesto no es comercial ya que no es muy común que se partan, y nos fue difícil conseguir una nueva.
Mi papá quería soldarla para usar el vehículo aquí en la ciudad mientras encontrábamos el repuesto, pero el dueño del taller muy amablemente nos indico que este tipo de soldaduras en estas barras no iba a durar mucho, pues con el movimiento hacia los lados, la soldadura iba a romperse nuevamente, ya que la barra pierde propiedades originales al soldarla.

Fue tanta la insistencia, que el dueño del taller envió la pieza a una tornería para que la soldaran solo por encima, ya que no tenían la maquinaria para rellenar la pieza, le dijo a mi papá que no se hacia responsable por la ruptura a futuro. Mientras tanto el iba a ubicar el repuesto lo mas pronto posible.

Efectivamente la barra nuevamente se partió 1 semana después, el valor de la soldadura fue de 30$, así que aparentemente habíamos perdido ese dinero.
Tardamos una semana mas para poder ubicar una nueva barra estabilizadora, y fue gracias al dueño del taller que nos envió el numero de un cementerio de vehículos y nos comento que allí podiamos encontrar el repuesto.

Al comunicarnos ya sabían sobre nuestro caso y efectivamente encontramos lo que necesitábamos, una barra de una camioneta idéntica, usada pero en un perfecto estado. El costo fue de 120$, y sabíamos que la mano de obra para montarla era un poco mas.
Sin embargo el dueño del taller nos dijo "les dije que esa soldadura no les iba a durar, perdieron 30$, pero algo se apiado de el y nos dijo no les cobrare la mano de obra.

Algo increíble para nosotros, pues coloco a uno de sus trabajadores en esta tarea y sin costo alguno, el mismo se dio la tarea de supervisar el trabajo.




Creo que esta ha sido mi única experiencia positiva de todas la que he tenido, pero fue digna de recordar, aun hay gente buena y honrada.

Una semana después volvimos al taller y le regalamos tomate y pimentón de nuestros cultivos al dueño, por el buen gesto que tuvo con nosotros.

Un plus que podría dar, es que otra experiencia mala que tuve, fue con los frenos de la camioneta es una historia super larga, pero no tengo fotografías para respaldarla y por eso no la conté.

Todas las fotografías son de mi pertenencia y fueron tomadas por mi.


since it is not very common for them to break, and it was difficult to get a new one.
It's really not common for them to break, in my years I've never seen one break , but it does happen unfortunately.

The welding would never have lasted, the moment you welded it you should have known. $30 down the drain. But I do understand the need was there!

On a different note? how hard did you hit that stabilizer bar for it to snap? must have been one hell of a knock?


Well, I had hoped that this weld would last a week or more to move around the city, but the sudden movements of the truck prevent it.

I think it was not so much the blow, what happened is that the day I took the picture it had rained a lot and the road was literally 4x4, and we were carrying a load of about 400kg between food and other things.
For me that the weight influenced a lot, I have the video where we were passing in a part and the truck skidded and got buried in the mud, then with the help of the 4x4 traction got out of there.
We tried a second time, but applying a little more speed and that's where it hit, the blow was very strong, you can see the marks of the rocks in the protector that we have underneath.
The road is horrible when it rains, they are ravines full of water, many protruding rocks and we must climb mountains, really steep roads, it's great to do a route like this but without weight.


Well this is more a recollection of bad tales than a good one and a bad one haha, because the good one still had a bad side, you lost $30 for a welding you didn't needed in the end, but you still got a good deal out of the kindness of the people that helped you anyway as they felt it was wrong, it is an interesting story, because it allows us to see what kind of people are in your town and how kind their souls are to another human being :)
