AI Is Great But How Safe Are Certain Capabilities?



From time to time I use when I feel like I have not written enough and I want to reach a certain count.

I did forget that PeakD does the same thing. I also just realized they both give an estimated reading time as well. 🤦‍♀️🤣🤣

Recently I had chatgpt help me write a story for a prompt I got in my email. I wanted to see how many words it was so I plugged it in to word counter and it told me there were some grammatical errors along with plagiarism.

I went in search of what it considered plagiarism because I do not have a subscription to a service and discovered through a few YouTube videos that grammarly will flag anything that is at least a three word match to any published work.

However I was playing around with the counter and purposely copied from two different sources online and neither were detected as being plagiarized. It makes me wonder if it only considers published works in book format.

I tried using the above in chatgpt to see what output I got and what follows is the result.


From time to time I use when I feel like I have not written enough and I want to reach a certain count.

There are a few different ways you can use to help you reach a specific word count:

Use the "target" feature to set a specific word count goal. will then show you how many words you have written and how many more you need to reach your goal.

Use the "word frequency" feature to see which words you are using the most. You might be able to use some of these words more frequently to help you reach your desired word count.

Use the "reading time" feature to see how long it will take someone to read your text. If it is shorter than you would like, you can try adding more content to reach your desired word count.

Use the "summary" feature to condense your text down to a shorter word count. This can be helpful if you have written too much and need to cut back.

Overall, can be a useful tool for helping you reach a specific word count, whether you need to write more or less.

I wonder how exactly these checkers work. Are they bots and they recognize when they see oddities in what is supposed to be natural language processing? In essence it would recognize a computer generated response? Yes that is a question. I frequently ask myself questions as I sometimes get a thought that actually makes sense but I'm talking about technology here. Something that not every human brain can wrap around.


Are you coping someone else's stuff is that why you got this message?
